Rapid fermentation testing of anaerobic bacteria. - PDF Download Free (2024)

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 1976, p. 313-317 Copyright © 1976 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 3, No. 3 Printed in U.S.A.

Rapid Fermentation Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria PAUL C. SCHRECKENBERGERI* AND DONNA J. BLAZEVIC Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Received for publication 29 July 1975

Rapid tests for glucose, maltose, lactose, sucrose, and starch fermentation performed on 112 strains of anaerobic bacteria. The tests were incubated under aerobic conditions, and results were read within 4 h. An overall correlation of 89% was achieved between the rapid tests and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute method. were

In a previous paper (7), we described a series of rapid biochemical tests for use with anaerobic bacteria. These tests were incubated in an aerobic environment, and the results could be read within 4 h. The tests utilized a large inoculum and relied upon preformed bacterial enzymes that reacted with a small amount of substrate to produce the desired end product. The present paper expands this concept to include the rapid detection of carbohydrate fermentation by anaerobic bacteria.

Conventional tests. Prereduced peptone-yeastcarbohydrate broths for glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, and starch were used as the conventional tests for determining carbohydrate fermentation. The tests were performed by the procedures outlined in the VPI manual (3). Each broth was inoculated with 4 drops of an actively growing culture from either peptone-yeast-glucose or chopped meat-glucose broth. Peptone-yeast broth without carbohydrate was included with each set of peptone-yeastcarbohydrate broths that was inoculated. Acid production from carbohydrate fermentation was determined by measuring the pH of the broth cultures after 7 days of incubation at 35 C. The criteria used MATERIALS AND METHODS between weak and strong acid Test organisms. All anaerobic bacteria used in for differentiating was that established in the VPI manual; the study were recent laboratory isolates saved in production namely, pH 5.5 to 6.0 equals weak acid production, chopped meat broth at room temperature in the and pH below 5.5 equals strong acid production. dark. All organisms had been previously identified However, if the peptone-yeast broth without carboby the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI) methodhad a final pH below 6.0, then 0.2 was ology (3). There were 112 organisms used in the hydrate from the final reading to determine the study, consisting of: 1 Arachnia, 10 Bacteroides fra- subtracted for a weak acid reaction, and 0.4 was subcutoff gilis, 10 Bacteroides species, 10 Bifidobacterium, 10 tracted to determine the cutoff for strong acid proClostridium perfringens, 10 Clostridium species, 10 duction. Eubacterium, 6 Fusobacterium, 5 Lactobacillus, 10 Preparation of rapid tests. Rapid fermentation Peptococcus, 10 Peptostreptococcus, 10 Propionibacte- tests for glucose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, and rium, and 10 Veillonella. were prepared by adding 1.0 g of the approstarch Growth media. All prereduced media were purcarbohydrate to a buffer-salt solution consistchased from Scott Laboratories (Fiskeville, R.I.) and priate of dipotassium phosphate (0.04 g), potassium contained hemin and vitamin K. The media were ing dihydrogen phosphate (0.01 g), potassium chloride inoculated using the VPI Anaerobic Culture System (0.8 g), bromthymol blue (0.2 ml of 1% aqueous (Bellco). Prior to testing, each strain was subculand distilled water (100 ml). A fermentatured to a fresh blood agar plate prepared with solution), base medium was also prepared and consisted of Trypticase soy agar, 5% sheep blood, and 1% hemin- tion buffer-salt without the addition of any carvitamin K solution (Scott Laboratories). The plates bohydrate. solution All the fermentation media were adwere incubated anaerobically in a vented GasPak justed to a pH dispensed in 0.5-ml aliquots, and jar evacuated and filled three times with 90% C02 frozen at -20 C7.2,until used. and 10% H2. If the culture was pure, a single wellof the rapid tests. All Inoculation and incubation isolated colony was picked and transferred to preretests were performed by using a sterile loop (3 duced peptone-yeast-glucose broth or chopped meat- rapid in diameter) and scraping up a loopful of growth glucose broth. All further subculturing was carried mm the surface of the agar medium and inoculating out from this broth. In the case of the rapid tests, a from into the substrate that had been preheated directly fresh blood agar plate supplemented with hemin and to 35 to 37 All tests were incubated aerobically at vitamin K was inoculated and incubated anaerobi- 35 to 37 C C. and read after 4 h of incubation. cally for 24 to 48 h and was the source of inoculum Interpretation of rapid tests. Carbohydrate ferfor all the rapid tests. mentation was demonstrated by a change in the I Present address: Curriculum in Medical Laboratory color of the indicator from blue (at the starting pH of Sciences, University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, 7.2) to green (that was interpreted as weakly acid) to Ill. 60612. yellow (that was considered acid, indicating fermen313



tation). A blue color at the end of 4 h was interpreted as negative. Questionable reactions were compared with the fermentation base medium, which was inoculated with the same organism but contained no carbohydrate. Fresh bromthymol blue solution (0.5 ml, adjusted with 0.1 N NaOH to give a deep-blue color) was added to some tubes at the end of incubation to aid in the interpretation of questionable reactions. All media and reagents were checked with positive and negative controls to ensure their accuracy.

discrepancies between the conventional and rapid methods. Four of the discrepancies were due to one strain of Clostridium septicum that strongly fermented glucose, maltose, and lactose and weakly fermented sucrose but failed to produce any acid in the rapid test system. Of the eight discrepancies produced by strains of Peptostreptococcus, three were attributed to one strain that produced weak acid from maltose in the conventional test but was negative in the rapid test. This strain also was negative for acid production from sucrose and starch in the conventional test but was weakly positive in the rapid test. Two strains of Eubacterium resulted in seven discrepancies. Both strains produced acid from glucose and maltose with the rapid test but were negative with the conventional test. One strain produced acid from sucrose, and the other strain produced weak acid, but both failed to ferment sucrose in the conventional test. One strain produced acid from starch in the rapid test but was negative in the conventional method. In summary, of the 112 organisms tested for carbohydrate fermentation, 9 organisms, including 5 Bifidobacterium, 1 Clostridium, 1 Peptostreptococcus, and 2 Eubacterium, accounted for 31 (50%) ofthe total number of discrepancies noted. Reproducibility of the fermentation reactions was at times a problem. One strain of Clostridium species produced acid from starch in the conventional test but was negative for starch fermentation when the test was repeated. Another strain of Clostridium that first produced acid from lactose in the conventional test was negative when repeated. Three strains of Propionibacterium were negative for glucose fermentation with the conventional tests. When the tests were repeated, one of the negative strains became positive, another produced weak acid, and the third strain still remained negative. Two other strains of Propionibacte-



Table 1 shows the correlation between the rapid and conventional tests for carbohydrate fermentation. A total of 560 rapid tests were run on 112 organisms utilizing five different substrates. A total of 498, or 89%, of the tests were in complete agreement with the conventional tests. Thirty-eight of the rapid tests (7%) appeared to be either less sensitive or falsely negative when compared to the conventional tests, whereas the remaining 24 tests (4%) appeared to be more sensitive or falsely positive by comparison. Lactose gave the highest correlation (94%) of the substrates tested, with sucrose (90%), starch (88%), and maltose (87%) showing decreasing agreement. Seventy-eight of the 112 organisms tested (70%) showed complete agreement between the rapid and conventional tests. Table 2 lists those organisms which accounted for the 62 discrepancies. The bifidobacteria were responsible for the highest number of discrepancies between the conventional and rapid methods, accounting for nearly 27% of the disagreements noted. In each case the discrepancy was due to a weakly acidic rapid test, whereas strong acid was produced in the conventional method. In fact, 17 of the 22 tests that resulted in this type of discrepancy were due to five strains of Bifidobacterium. There were seven strains of Clostridium species that were responsible for 12

TABLE 1. Results of conventional and rapid fermentation testsa performed on 112 strains of anaerobic bacteria No. of testsb Test or substrate

Lactose Sucrose Starch Glucose Maltose

a a

w w


w a





46 48 29 62 44

1 1 1 10 4

58 52 69 25 49

5 5 3 4 5

1 1 0 1 1




a w



0 2 5 1 4

1 0 0 5 2

0 1 2 4 3

0 2 4 0 0

No.agreement of tests in % Testsment in agree105 101 98 97 97

94 90 88 87 87

Total 228 17 253 22 4 12 8 10 6 498 89 a Rapid tests were incubated aerobically. ba, Strong acid; w, weak acid, -, negative reaction. Top row of symbols is for the rapid tests; bottom row of symbols is for the conventional tests.


VOL. 3, 1976


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Rapid fermentation testing of anaerobic bacteria. - PDF Download Free (2024)


How to test for anaerobic bacteria? ›

The identification of anaerobic bacteria involves the determination of cellular morphology, colonial characteristics on blood agar, and biochemical characteristics. In addition, the clostridia are tested for toxin production and, where necessary, the toxin is identified by toxin neutralization tests.

What is a positive result for the fermentation test? ›

The inoculated tube is incubated at 35-37 C for 24 hours and the results are determined. A positive test consists of a color change from red to yellow, indicating a pH change to acidic.

What is the fermentation process of anaerobic bacteria? ›

Anaerobic bacteria ferment carbohydrates and amino acids to obtain energy for growth. Due to the absence of oxygen and other inorganic electron acceptors, the substrate of a fermentation has to serve as electron donor as well as acceptor, which results in low free energies as compared to that of aerobic oxidations.

What is the susceptibility test for anaerobic bacteria? ›

ANAEROBIC SUSCEPTIBILITY TESTING. Susceptibility testing is performed to obtain information on the predicted response of the bacteria to antibiotics in the form of an MIC, which is defined as the lowest concentration of the antibiotic that inhibits growth of organisms.

What are the methods of anaerobic testing? ›

  • Vertical jump test.
  • Margaria-Kalamen power test.
  • Modified Margaria-Kalamen power test (also known as the football staircase test)
  • Three Modified Box Long Jump (MBLJ) test.
  • Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT)
  • Critical power test.

What are the three types of anaerobic bacteria? ›

The 3 anaerobes commonly isolated are Fusobacterium, Prevotella, and Bacteroides. The same organisms are also seen in epidural infections.

What are the two types of anaerobic fermentation? ›

There are two types of fermentation, alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation. Our cells can only perform lactic acid fermentation; however, we make use of both types of fermentation using other organisms.

What is the equation for anaerobic fermentation? ›

Some examples of anaerobic respiration include alcohol fermentation, lactic acid fermentation and in decomposition of organic matter. The equation is: glucose + enzymes = carbon dioxide + ethanol / lactic acid. Though it does not produce as much energy as aerobic respiration, it gets the job done.

What is the anaerobic stage of fermentation? ›

During anaerobic fermentation, yeast cells undergo a series of complex biochemical reactions. As the yeast consumes the sugars present in the wort, it produces alcohol, carbon dioxide, and various flavor compounds. These flavor compounds contribute to the distinct taste and aroma of the final product.

What are anaerobic bacteria resistant to? ›

Anaerobic bacteria currently demonstrate increased resistance to antimicrobial agents, primarily by the production of beta-lactamase. A number of species of Bacteroides, most notably those in the Bacteroides fragilis group, produce these enzymes.

How do you count anaerobic bacteria? ›

Incubate the anaerobe jar at 35-37°C for 48-72 hrs. (2-3 days). Count the number of colonies on those plates showing 25-250 colonies (Note 5). Average the count of the duplicate plates, multiply by the dilution factor and record as the number of anaerobic bacteria per gram.

How are anaerobic bacteria identified? ›

For this reason, anaerobes are often categorized by the body site(s) where they occur, the infections they are associated with, although they are most frequently classified by their microscopic morphology (rods or cocci) and their Gram-staining (for a summary of the most important genera of anaerobic bacteria, see ...

How do you know if you have anaerobic infection? ›

Clues to diagnosis include a foul-smelling discharge, gas, necrotic tissue, abscess formation, the unique morphology of certain anaerobes on Gram's Stain, and failure to obtain growth on aerobic culture despite the presence of organisms on Gram-stained direct smear.

How do you determine if a bacteria is aerobic or anaerobic? ›

One can determine if a bacteria is aerobic or anaerobic by culturing the bacteria in an environment that either lacks or has oxygen. Aerobic bacteria will grow in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria will grow in an environment that lacks oxygen. What are examples of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria?

What is the anaerobic bacteria indicator? ›

ANAEROBIC INDICATORS: consists of a cotton strip impregnated with a redox indicator solution enclosed in a laminated foil envelope. This formulation and a pure cotton strip gives a reproducible redox colour change in a shorter time than similar products that are available.


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