New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (2024)

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (1)

New Hampshire Fact Book

Compiled by:

Economic and Community Development Division Public Service of New Hampshire (PSNH) “Helping Businesses Prosper”

Last Update: June 2009

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (2)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................4 Demographics...................................................................................................................5

Population......................................................................................................................5 Age Distribution .............................................................................................................6 Gender Composition......................................................................................................6 Race/Ethnic Origin.........................................................................................................7 Households....................................................................................................................7 Migration........................................................................................................................7 Educational Attainment..................................................................................................8 Income...........................................................................................................................8

Labor Market .....................................................................................................................9 Labor Force Characteristics ..........................................................................................9 Labor Participation Rate ................................................................................................9 Employment by Industry ................................................................................................9 Employment by Occupation.........................................................................................10 Commute Times ..........................................................................................................10 Wages by Industry.......................................................................................................11 Largest Employers.......................................................................................................12

Education ........................................................................................................................16 Four-Year Institutions ..................................................................................................16 Two-Year Institutions...................................................................................................19 Non-Degree Granting Institutions ................................................................................20

Infrastructure ...................................................................................................................33 Air Transportation ........................................................................................................35

N.H. Registered Public Use Airports (Alphabetical).................................................35 Manchester-Boston Regional Airport .......................................................................36 Portsmouth International Airport at Pease ...............................................................39 Lebanon Airport .......................................................................................................40

Shipping – Ocean Transportation................................................................................41 Rail Transportation ......................................................................................................43 Bus Transportation ......................................................................................................44

Public Transportation ...............................................................................................44 Private Transportation..............................................................................................45

Highway Transportation...............................................................................................46 Major Routes and Interstate Highways ....................................................................48

Voice and Data ............................................................................................................49 Electricity .....................................................................................................................58 Gas..............................................................................................................................59 Water ...........................................................................................................................60 Sewer ..........................................................................................................................63

Taxes and Business Climate...........................................................................................64 Taxes...........................................................................................................................64

New Hampshire Business Taxes .............................................................................65 Business and Financial Incentives ..............................................................................66

Financial Incentives .................................................................................................66 State Funding Sources ............................................................................................68 Local Funding Sources ............................................................................................68 Certified Development Corporation Funding............................................................69

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (3)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Business Incentives .................................................................................................70 Labor Laws..................................................................................................................71 International Commerce ..............................................................................................72

Export Statistics .......................................................................................................72 Export Sales.............................................................................................................73 New Hampshire Industries.......................................................................................73 The State’s Global Markets......................................................................................73 Exporting Assistance to New Hampshire Companies..............................................73 New Hampshire Top 25 Exports by Country, 2004-2007 ........................................75

Quality of Life ..................................................................................................................76 Social Surveys.............................................................................................................76 Housing Costs .............................................................................................................77

Median Gross Rental Cost by Type .........................................................................77 Median Purchase Price by House Type...................................................................77

Climate ........................................................................................................................78 Culture and Recreation................................................................................................79

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (4)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Introduction The New Hampshire Fact Book is a compilation of public available data sources about the state of New Hampshire by Public Service of New Hampshire’s (PSNH) Economic and Community Development Division. It was developed as a tool for economic development professionals to use when deciding where to locate a new or expanding facility. All information is believed to be accurate and from reliable sources. PSNH is not responsible for inaccurate data represented in this publication.

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (5)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764




Census Census Present

Year Projection 1990 2000 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Population 1,109,252 1,235,786 1,315,828 1,365,178 1,419,880 1,470,012 1,520,059 1,564,925

New Hampshire Population










1990 2000 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030Year




Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 estimate New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning, 2010 – 2030 projections

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (6)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Age Distribution

Census Census Present

Year Projection 1990 2000 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

0-17 279,123 308,901 298,598 300,653 293,618 293,392 300,230 307,832% of Total 25.2% 25.0% 22.7% 22.0% 20.7% 20.0% 19.8% 19.7%

18-34 322,050 262,610 270,971 274,890 291,869 295,337 289,684 285,531% of Total 29.0% 21.3% 20.6% 20.1% 20.6% 20.1% 19.1% 18.2%

35-54 295,036 406,250 421,395 392,055 350,742 324,805 329,193 350,246% of Total 26.6% 32.9% 32.0% 28.7% 24.7% 22.1% 21.7% 22.4%

55-74 159,896 188,632 244,815 320,481 399,979 452,952 459,063 435,487% of Total 14.4% 15.3% 18.6% 23.5% 28.2% 30.8% 30.2% 27.8%75-Older 53,147 69,393 80,049 77,099 83,672 103,526 141,889 185,829

% of Total 4.8% 5.6% 6.1% 5.7% 5.7% 5.9% 7.6% 9.9%Median

Age 32.7 37.1 39.8

Population Age Distribution














Age Group



ion 1990


Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 estimate New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning, 2010 – 2030 projections

Gender Composition 1990 2000 2007

Male 543,512 608,140 647,176Female 565,740 627,646 668,652

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 estimate

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Race/Ethnic Origin Race/Ethnic Origin 1990 2000 2007

White 1,087,433 1,186,851 1,244,516 Black 7,198 9,035 13,340 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleutian 2,134 2,964 3,644 Asian or Pacific Islander 9,343 16,302 25,204 Other Race 3,144 7,420 9,805 Hispanic Origin 11,333 20,489 31,410

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 estimate

Households 1990 2000 2007

Number of Households 411,387 474,606 501,505 Median Household Income 36,329 49,467 62,369 Household Income Distribution

Under - $35,000 196,119 157,970 128,437 $35,001 - $50,000 89,834 81,875 67,395 $50,001 - $75,000 81,270 109,447 102,524 $75,001 - Above 44,164 125,458 203,149

Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 estimate

Migration Year 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 Net Migration 10,681 7,851 5,852 3,187 2,646 2,236 -298

Source: New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning, State Data Center

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Educational Attainment Workforce Education Attainment (25-64 Years of Age) 1990 2000

Under - 12 Years 17.9% 12.6% 12 - 15 Years 57.8% 28.6% 12 Years Only 31.7% 30.1% Some College 18.0% 20.0% Associate Degrees 8.1% 8.7% Subtotal (Less than Bachelor's degree) 75.6% 71.3%

College Graduates 16 Years - More 8.0% 10.0% 16 Years Only 16.4% 18.7% Total (Bachelor's degree or more) 24.4% 28.7%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 1990 and 2000 Census e - estimate

Income Income 1990 2000 2008

Personal Income (millions) $22,817 $41,429 $56,356 Per Capita Personal Income $20,512 $33,401 $42,830

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Labor Market

Labor Force Characteristics

Labor Force 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (Apr)

Civilian Labor Force 715,556 723,402 732,838 738,212 738,858 742,388Employed 687,856 697,121 707,129 712,231 710,623 699,075Unemployed 27,700 26,282 25,709 25,981 28,235 43,313Unemployment Rate (%) 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.8 5.8

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Labor Participation Rate Gender Percentage (%) Male 76.3 Female 65.6 Total 70.8

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment, 2008

Employment by Industry

Total Number Employed, NSA (000s)

% of Total Employed Persons

Industry 1990 2000 2008 2016 1990 2000 2008 2016 Natural Resources & Mining 0.9 1.0 1.1 2.6 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3%Construction 22.2 24.9 25.7 33.5 4.4% 4.0% 4.0% 4.5%Manufacturing 98.5 102.5 75.7 74.4 19.4% 16.5% 11.7% 10.0%Trade, Transportation & Utilities 109.9 137.1 140.1 158.3 21.6% 22.0% 21.7% 21.3%

Wholesale Trade 20.0 25.7 28.0 31.9 3.9% 4.1% 4.3% 4.3%Retail Trade 76.9 94.6 97.1 105.4 15.1% 15.2% 15.0% 14.2%

Information 10.5 13.9 12.5 13.8 2.1% 2.2% 1.9% 1.9%Financial Activities (FIRE) 32.9 34.1 38.0 47.7 6.5% 5.5% 5.9% 6.4%Professional & Business Services 36.6 58.6 66.7 77.4 7.2% 9.4% 10.3% 10.4%Educational & Health Services 61.5 83.9 105.4 131.8 12.1% 13.5% 16.3% 17.7%Leisure & Hospitality 45.0 58.2 63.7 75.7 8.9% 9.4% 9.9% 10.2%Other Services 17.6 23.9 22.1 25.2 3.5% 3.8% 3.4% 3.4%Government 72.6 83.5 95.0 102.6 14.3% 13.4% 14.7% 13.8%Total 508.0 622.0 645.8 742.9

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NH Employment Security, New England Economic Partnership (NEEP)

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (10)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Employment by Occupation Occupation 2007 2008 %-Chg All Occupations 627,570 632,590 0.8%Management Occupations 32,890 34,270 4.2%Business and Financial Operations Occupations

27,490 28,090 2.2%

Computer and Mathematical Occupations 16,620 17,070 2.7%Architecture and Engineering Occupations 12,420 12,380 -0.3%Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations

4,140 4,280 3.3%

Community and Social Services Occupations 7,560 7,300 -3.4%Legal Occupations 3,280 3,190 -2.7%Education, Training, and Library Occupations 45,530 46,330 1.8%Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations

5,700 5,750 0.9%

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations

31,900 33,170 4.0%

Healthcare Support Occupations 14,860 15,990 7.6%Protective Service Occupations 10,580 10,710 1.2%Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations

52,930 53,700 1.5%

Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations

19,740 19,910 0.9%

Personal Care and Service Occupations 13,850 14,500 4.7%Sales and Related Occupations 80,560 80,100 -0.6%Office and Administrative Support Occupations 108,740 110,700 1.8%

Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations 840 710 -15.5%Construction and Extraction Occupations 25,950 24,450 -5.8%Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations

26,390 25,740 -2.5%

Production Occupations 49,780 49,390 -0.8%Transportation and Material Moving Occupations

35,820 34,860 -2.7%

Source: NH Employment Security, ‘08&’07 New Hampshire Occupational Employment & Wages

Commute Times

Commute Times Number of Commuters Percent (%)

Less than 15 Minutes 202,268 29.9% 15 - 29 Minutes 214,508 31.6% Over 30 Minutes 226,747 33.5% Worked at Home 33,904 5.0%

Source: US Census Bureau, 2007

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Wages by Industry



Average Annual


Average Weekly Wage

Total, Private plus Government 45,426 630,608 $821.57Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing 251 2,048 $508.51Mining 67 654 $955.86Utilities 98 2,485 $1,533.24Construction 4,366 27,846 $891.17Manufacturing 2,162 75,948 $1,032.52Wholesale Trade 4,962 28,217 $1,332.77Retail Trade 6,110 96,974 $500.21Transportation and Warehousing 883 12,477 $670.47Information 695 12,587 $1,330.14Finance and Insurance 2,083 28,205 $1,258.15Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 1,421 7,839 $1,071.53Professional and Technical Services 5,105 30,721 $1,328.73Management of Companies and Enterprises 363 8,161 $1,358.36Administrative and Waste Services 2,977 28,402 $717.56Educational Services 633 16,975 $889.51Health Care and Social Assistance 3,507 81,735 $858.24Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 716 13,376 $376.25Accommodation and Food Services 3,323 58,226 $319.47Other Services (Except Public Admin) 3,527 20,261 $580.94Government 1,951 77,087 $788.81

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics: 2008

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (12)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Largest Employers

Top 30 Manufacturing Companies Based on Number of Employees, 2008

Rank Company

NH HQ or Major Location Employees Parent Company Products

1 BAE Systems Nashua, NH

4,700 BAE Systems London, United Kingdom

Major producer of aircraft and self protection systems and tactical, surveillance and intelligence systems for all branches of the armed forces

2 Osram Sylvania Inc. Hillsboro, NH

1,350 Osram GmbH Munchen, Germany

Manufacturer of halogen, HIO, neon, and incandescent light sources for the auto, aviation, and electrical industries

3 Freudenberg-NOK Bristol, NH

1,149 Freudenberg & Co. Weinheim, Germany

Manufactures seals and custom-molded products

4 General Electric Meter Business Somersworth, NH

1,035 General Electric Co. Electricity meters, metering systems, instrument transformers

5 N.H. Ball Bearings Inc.- Hi-Tech Division Peterborough, NH

1,028 Minebea Co. Ltd. Tokyo, Japan

Manufacturer of bearings and bearing products

6 Goss International Americas Inc. Dover, NH

1,000 Goss International Inc. Mfr. of web offset printing presses and finishing systems for the magazine, catalog, commercial, advertising insert, directory and newspaper markets

7 Thermo Fisher Scientific Portsmouth, NH

925 Thermo Fisher Scientific Provider of supplies, instruments, and consumables for scientific research and clinicians.

8 Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. Newport, NH

950 Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. Designs and manufactures firearms and investment castings in ferrous alloys and titanium

9 Timken Aerospace Lebanon, NH

765 The Timken Company Manufacturers super precision bearings.

10 Hitchiner Manufacturing Co. Inc. Milford, NH

763 Manufacturers ferrous castings including custom machining.

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (13)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Rank Company NH HQ or Major Location

Employees Parent Company Products

11 Hypertherm Inc. Hanover, NH

750 Manufacturer of plasma arc cutting equipment

12 The Timberland Co. Stratham, NH

750 The Timberland Company Designs, engineers, markets, distributes and sells premium-quality footwear, apparel, and accessories for men, women and children

13 FCI USA Inc. Manchester, NH

659 AREVA Group Paris, France

Manufacturer and sells electrical connectors and system designed tooling

14 Lonza Biologics Inc. Portsmouth, NH

650 Lonza Group Ltd. Basel, Switzerland

Manufacturer of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins from mammalian cell cultures

15 Smiths Medical Keene, NH

630 Smiths Group plc London, UK

Manufacturer of disposable medical devices and hospital supplies

16 Harvey Industries Londonderry, NH

565 Harvey Industries Inc. Manufacturer and distributor of exterior building products

17 Timken Super Precision Kenne, NH

506 The Timken Company Manufactures super precision bearings.

18 MARKEM Corporation Keene, NH

500 Dover Corporation Manufacturer of marking/printing machines, printing inks, type and plates

19 Velcro USA Manchester, NH

500 Velcro Industries NV Curacao Netherlands Antilles

Manufacturer of hook and loop fasteners and related products for industry and consumer

20 Sanmina-SCI Corporation Manchester, NH

430 Sanmina-SCI Corporation Electronics manufacturing services and printed circuit board fabrication.

21 Hutchinson Sealing Systems Inc. Newfields, NH

427 Hutchinson Design and manufacturer of rubber and plastic sealing systems for auto, OEM, and other products.

22 Stonyfield Farm Inc. Londonderry, NH

420 Stonyfield Farm Inc. Celebrating 25th year- World’s leading organic yogurt maker and produces organic yogurt smoothies, cultured soy, ice cream and organic milk

23 Anheuser-Busch Inc. Merrimack, NH

410 Anheuser-Busch Inc. Brewery

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Rank Company NH HQ or Major Location

Employees Parent Company Products

24 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of N.E. Inc. Bedford, NH

408 Kirin Holdings Co. Toyko, Japan

Soft drink manufacturing and distribution

25 Benchmark Electronics Hudson, NH

400 Benchmark Electronics Inc. Manufacturer of high quality circuit assemblies and fully integrated products

26 Pike Industries Inc. Belmont, NH

400 CRH plc Dublin, Ireland

Provider of asphalt and stone products

27 Lindt & Sprungil Stratham, NH

382 Lindt & Sprungli AG Kilchberg, Switzerland

Premium chocolate manufacturing, retail, wholesale

28 Autodesk Inc. Manchester, NH

365 Autodesk Inc. Leading supplier of architecture, engineering, and construction application software for professionals and consumers worldwide

29 New England Wire Technologies Corp. Lisbon, NH

360 The M Corporation Manufacturer of electrical/electronic wire and cable

30 Axsys Technologies IR Systems Nashua, NH

357 Axsys Technologies IR Systems

Manufacturer of thermal imaging cameras and equipment

Source: New Hampshire Business Review / Book of Lists 2009

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Top 15 NH-based Public Companies Based on Sales

Rank Company

NH HQ or Major Location Sales Employees

Type of Company Web Address

1 PC Connection Inc. Merrimack, NH

$1.785 billion 1,037

Provider of information technology products and services

2 The Timberland Company Stratham, NH

$1.435 billion 750

Designs, engineers, markets, distributes & sells premium-quality footwear, apparel, and accessories

3 Standex International Corp. Salem, NH

$697 million 50

Diversified mfg.

4 Brookstone Inc. Nashua, NH

$563 million 256

Mail order marketer

5 Skillsoft PLC Nashua, NH

$281 million 253

Provides internet-based training courses and software

6 Nashua Corporation Nashua, NH

$273 million 110

Provider of office products

7 Unitil Corporation Hampton, NH

$263 million 291

Registered public utility holding company with subsidiaries providing electric services in NH

8 Presstek Inc. Hudson, NH

$255 million 206

Manufacturer of environmentally responsible high tech digital imaging solutions

9 Bottomline Technologies Inc. Portsmouth, NH

$131 million 226

Financial resource management; develops software for electronic payments, billing, etc.

10 Bentley Pharmaceuticals Inc. N. Hampton, NH

$125 million 25

A specialty pharmaceutical company focused on generic pharmaceutical products & advanced drug delivery technologies

11 Micronetics Hudson, NH

$33 million 60

Manufacturer of high performance wireless components

12 Stocker Yale Salem, NH

$30 million 20

Developer/manufacturer of high-quality specialty optical fiber, optical networking components and specialized illumination systems

13 Pennichuck Corporation Nashua, NH

$30 million 98

Water utility

14 iCAD Inc. Nashua, NH

$27 million 52

Provider of CAD solutions for early identification of cancer

15 Environmental Power Corp. Portsmouth, NH

$1.175 million 11

Clean energy production facilities

Source: New Hampshire Business Review / Book of Lists 2009

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764



Four-Year Institutions Institution Control Total

Enrollment Full

Time Part Time

Undergraduate Full-Time

Graduate Full-Time

University of New Hampshire 105 Main Street, Thompson Hall Durham, NH 03824

Public 14,902 12,695 2,207 11,368 1,327

Plymouth State University 17 High Street Plymouth, NH 03264-1595

Public 6,499 4,223 2,276 4,082 141

Southern New Hampshire University 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH 03106-1045

Independent 6,417 4,141 2,276 3,044 1,097

Dartmouth College 6004 Parkhurst Hall 204 Hanover, NH 03755-3529

Independent 5,858 5,722 103 4,085 1,637

Keene State College 229 Main Street Keene, NH 03435-1506

Public 5,036 4,516 510 4,478 38

Hesser College 3 Sundial Avenue Manchester, NH 03103

Independent 3,269 2,044 1,225 2,044 n/a

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (17)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Control Total Enrollment

Full Time

Part Time

Undergraduate Full-Time

Graduate Full-Time

Franklin Pierce University 40 University Drive Rindge, NH 03461-0600

Independent 2,603 2,077 526 1,897 180

River College 420 Main Street Nashua, NH 03060-5086

Independent 2,175 641 1,134 922 119

Saint Anselm College 100 St. Anselm Drive, Ste. 1729 Manchester, NH 03102-1310

Independent 1,965 1,914 51 1,914 n/a

Granite State College 8 Old Suncook Road Concord, NH 03301

Public 1,505 480 1,025 458 22

New England College 26 Bridge Street Henniker, NH 03242

Independent 1,460 1,060 400 1,011 49

University of New Hampshire-Manchester 400 Commercial Street Manchester, NH 03101-1113

Public 1,085 547 538 542 5

Daniel Webster College 20 University Drive Nashua, NH 03063-1300

Independent 967 909 58 815 94

Colby-Sawyer College 541Main Street New London, NH 03257-4648

Independent 950 930 20 930 n/a

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Control Total Enrollment

Full Time

Part Time

Undergraduate Full-Time

Graduate Full-Time

Antioch/New England Graduate School 40 Avon Street Keene, NH 03431

Independent 862 661 201 n/a 661

Franklin Pierce Law Center 2 White Street Concord, NH 03301

Independent 456 455 1 n/a 455

New Hampshire Institute of Art 148 Concord Street Manchester, NH 03104-4858

Independent 310 268 42 268 n/a

Chester College of New England 40 Chester Street Chester, NH 03036-4331

Independent 227 201 26 201 n/a

Thomas More College of Liberal Arts 6 Manchester Street Merrimack, NH 03054

Independent 98 98 n/a 98 n/a

Magdalen College 511 Kearsarge Mtn. Road Warner, NH 03278-9206

Independent 68 68 0 68 n/a

Source: N.H. Postsecondary Education Commission (Ranked by total enrollment – Spring 2009)

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Two-Year Institutions Institution Control Enrollment N.H. Technical Institute 31 College Drive Concord, NH 03301-7400

Public 3,522

Manchester Community College 1066 Front Street Manchester, NH 03102

Public 2,133

Great Bay Community College 277R Portsmouth Avenue Stratham, NH 03885

Public 2,053

Nashua Community College 505 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03061-2052

Public 1,819

Lakes Region Community College 379 Belmont Rd Laconia, NH 03246

Public 1,098

White Mountains Community College 2020 Riverside Dr Berlin,NH 03570

Public 1,006

River Valley Community College One College Dr Claremont, NH 03743

Public 948

McIntosh College 23 Cataract Ave Dover, NH 03820

Independent 844

Lebanon College 15 Hanover Street Lebanon, NH 03766

Independent 261

St. Joseph School of Nursing 5 Woodward Dr Nashua, NH

Private 106

Source: N.H. Postsecondary Education Commission (Ranked by total enrollment – Spring 2009)

New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (20)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Non-Degree Granting Institutions Institution Date

Founded Area of Vocational Certification All Dogs Academy All Dogs Gym & Inn 505 Sheffield, NH 03101

2003 Independent For Profit

Professional Dog Training Dog Grooming

American Red Cross 2 Maitland St Concord, NH 03301

1992 Independent Not for Profit

LNA Phlebotomy

American Red Cross – NH West 83 Court Street Keene, NH 03431

2003 Independent Not for Profit

LNA MNA Phlebotomy Certified Clinical Medical Assistant

American Red Cross 28 Concord Street Nashua, NH 03064

1917 Independent Not for Profit

LNA Train the Trainer

American Red Cross 4 Arboretum Drive Newington, NH 03801

2005 Independent Not for Profit

LNA CPR for Professionals

Animal Behavior College Inc. 9249 Reseda Blvd #106 Northridge, CA 91324

2001 Independent

For Profit

Dog Obedience Veterinary Assisting

Assistive Technology Institute, ATI 35 Industrial Way, Suite 150 Rochester, NH 03867

2006 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training Technology to assist individuals who are blind/low vision and learning disabled.

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Associated Training Services of New Hampshire 5 Industrial Dr Brentwood, NH 03833

2004 Independent

For Profit

Heavy Equipment

At-Home Professions 2001 Lowe St Fort Collins, CO 80525

1981 Independent

For Profit

Medical Transcription Program is correspondence

Baran Institute of Technology 97 Newberry Rd East Windsor, CT 06088

1992 Independent

For Profit

Automotive technology Electrical HVAC/R Motorcycle Welding

Becker Professional Review One Tower Lane, Suite 1000 Oakbrook, IL 60181

1957 Independent

For Profit

CPA & CFA State Exam preparation

Blended Solutions Technical Institute 1000 Elm St, 1st Floor Manchester, NH 03101

1992 Independent

For Profit

Computer Graphics Accounting Medical Office Certified Billing Coding

Boatwise LLC Marine Training 72 Woodman Rd South Hampton, NH 03827

1990 Independent

For Profit

Marine Training

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Boston Bartender School of America 142 Main St Nashua, NH 03060

1987 Independent

For Profit


CAD Technical 333 Winding Hill Rd Northwood, NH 03261

2003 Independent

For Profit

Computer (AutoCAD)

CALCampus PO Box 132 99 W. Main Street Rindge, NH 03461

1986 Independent

For Profit

Business Management Computer General Ed. Paralegal TESOL Programs Continuing Ed. Programs

CareMed Educational Services LLC 24 Southmayd St, PO Box 455 Campton, NH 03264

2005 Independent

For Profit

LNA LPN Train the Trainer

Chez Boucher Cooking School 32 Depot St, Unit 1 Hampton, NH 03842

2003 Independent

For Profit


Cinderella Career & Modeling 50 Queen City Ave #A2 Manchester, NH 03103

1964 Independent

For Profit

Modeling School

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Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Clinical Career Training, LLC PO Box 19 Bristol, NH 03222

2002 Independent

For Profit


CompuMaster 6900 Squibb Rd Mission, KS 66202

1989 Independent

For Profit

Educational Seminars

Computer-Aided Products 794 E. Industrial Park Drive Manchester, NH 03109

2004 Independent

For Profit


Concord Hospital 250 Pleasant Street Concord, NH 03301

1970 Independent Not For Profit

Surgical Technology Program

Cross Country Education, LLC 9020 Overlook Blvd, Suite 140 Brentwood, TN 37027

1995 Independent Not For Profit


Cross Culture Communication Institute at CCCS, Inc. 43 Technology Way, Suite 2E3 Nashua, NH 03060

2007 Independent

For Profit


DellInstitue, All Solutions Provider 260 Grove Rd Rye, NH 03870

2008 Independent

For Profit


New Hampshire Economic Fact Book - [PDF Document] (24)

Economic and Community Development Division, Public Service of New Hampshire 800-490-7764


Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Dovestar Holistic Technology School 50 Whitehall Rd Hooksett, NH 03106-2104

1973 Independent

For Profit

Massage Therapy

EPTAC 8025 South Willow Street Unit 207 Manchester, NH 03103

1987 Independent

For Profit

Hi-Tech Training

First Choice Training Institute 19 Keewaydin Dr. Salem, NH 03079

1997 Independent

For Profit

LPN Health Occupations

Global School of Investigation 21 Cheshire St Nashua, NH 03063

2006 Independent

For Profit

Investigation Program is correspondence and distance learning

Granite State Dog Training Center #90 Route 101A Amherst, NH 03101

1997 Independent

For Profit

Professional Dog Training Grooming

Granite State Trade School PO Box 374 Auburn, NH 03032

2007 Independent

For Profit

Plumbing and Gas Apprenticeship Training OSHA 10 & 30 hour Construction Safety Training

H & R Block Eastern Tax Service 865 Second St. Manchester, NH 03102

2007 Independent

For Profit

Tax Classes

Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. 1 Village Square, Suite 8 Chelmsford, MA 01824

1995 Independent

For Profit


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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Harmony Health Care Institute 10 AL Paul Lane, Suite 204 Merrimack, NH 03054

2006 Independent

For Profit


Hazmateam, Inc 12 Kimball Hill Road Hudson, NH 03051-3915

1992 Independent

For Profit

Hazardous Materials Handling

Health Career Training Associates Leighton Business Center 60 Rogers St Manchester, NH 03103

1997 Independent

For Profit

LNA LPN Phlebotomy

Hearts and Mind LLC One Oleson Road Derry, NH 03038

2004 Independent

For Profit


Homestead Woodworking School 52 Balo Hill Rd Newmarket, NH 03857

1996 Independent

For Profit

Wood working

Hyslop & Associates 2 Airport Road #4 Gilford, NH 03249

1998 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

Impetus Systems and Careers 814 Elm St, Suite #511 Manchester, NH 03101

2003 Independent

For Profit

Medical Office Careers Phlebotomy

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Jan Waldo’s Grooming Boutique and Bed Bath Inn 243 Hackett Hill Road Hooksett, NH 03106

1970 Independent

For Profit

Dog Grooming

Key Partners Inc. 216 Lafayette Rd North Hampton, NH 03862

1984 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

Lenzi Office Solutions 78 River Rd Hudson, NH 03051

2008 Independent

For Profit

Medical Coding

LNA Health Careers LLC 22 Concord St, 3rd Floor Manchester, NH 03101

2003 Independent

For Profit


Lorman Business Center 2510 Alpine Rd Eau Claire, WI 54703

1987 Independent

For Profit

Educational Seminars

Manchester Community Resource Center Inc. 177 Lake Ave Manchester, NH 03103

1998 Independent Not for Profit

Computer Pharmacy Technician Business Occupations Health Care Occupations

Master Bartender School 84 Main St. Newmarket, NH 03857

1980 Independent

For Profit

Professional Bartending School

Max Impact Institute 221 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03104

2000 Independent Not for Profit

Medical Office Careers Computer Business Occupations

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Med Pro Educational Services LLC PO Box 118 Goffstown, NH 03045

2001 Independent

For Profit


NASCAR Technical Institute 220 Byers Creek Rd Mooresville,NC 28117

2002 Independent Not For Profit

Automotive Technician

National Business Institute 1218 McCann Drive Altoona, WI 54720

1983 Independent

For Profit

Education/Professional Seminars

National Guild of Hypnotists 3 Lesa Drive, PO Box 308 Merrimack, NH 03054

1951 Independent Not for Profit


New England Academy of Therapeutic Science 189 Goldmine Rd Dublin, NH 03444

1992 Independent

For Profit

Massage Therapy

New England EMS Institute 1 Elliot Way Manchester, NH 03103

1985 Independent

For Profit


New England Fuel Institute Education Foundation Inc 20 Summer St Watertown, MA 02472

1971 Independent Not For Profit

Heating and Air Conditioning Systems

New England Inspection Institute 45 Lafayette Rd, # 383 North Hampton, NH 03862

2008 Independent

For Profit

Home Inspections

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

New England School of Dental Assisting, Inc. 248 Pleasant St, Suite #202 Concord, NH 03301

2007 Independent

For Profit

Dental Assisting Core Training

New Hampshire Health Care Association 125 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301

2007 Independent Not for Profit


New Horizons Computer Learning Center 460 Amherst St Nashua, NH 03063

1989 Independent

For Profit

Computer Learning

New Hampshire Institute for Therapeutic Arts 153 Lowell Rd Hudson, NH 03051

1983 Independent

For Profit

Massage Therapy

North Eastern Institute of Whole Health, Inc. 22 Bridge St. Manchester, NH 03101

1993 Independent

For Profit

Massage Therapy

ONLC Training Center 1D Commons Drive, Suite 23 Londonderry, NH 03053

2007 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

PESI, LLC 3839 White Ave Eau Clarie, WI 54703

1979 Independent

For Profit

Educational Seminars

Protocol Network Technologies 36 Bunker Lane Madbury, NH 03823

1977 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Radiation Safety and Control Services Inc. 91 Portsmouth Avenue Stratham, NH 03885

1989 Independent

For Profit

Radiation Safety

Seacoast Career Schools 670 North Commercial St. Manchester, NH 03101

2003 Independent

For Profit

Medical Office Careers Massage Therapy

Seacoast Center for Education 146 High Street Stratham, NH 03885

2003 Independent

For Profit

Montessori Elementary School Preparation

SkillPath Seminars 6900 Squibb Rd Mission, KS 66202

1989 Independent Not For Profit


St. Joseph School of Nursing 5 Woodward Ave Nashua, NH 03060

1964 Independent Not for Profit

Health Occupations

Stellacon Corporation 18 Polliwog Lane Farmington, NH 03835

1999 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

Tech Market 546 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03060

1999 Independent

For Profit

Tech Training

TENET 25 Blucher St. Manchester, NH 03102

1994 Independent

For Profit

Electrical Training Program is 100% Correspondence

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Thomas Institute of Hypnosis 70 Blodgett Street Manchester, NH 03104

1989 Independent

For Profit


Uhas Computer Training LLC 1407 Center Road Lyndeborough, NH 03082

2006 Independent

For Profit

Computer Training

Universal Media Institute Center for Professional Studies 76 Northeastern Blvd. Suite 29A Nashua, NH 03062

2004 Independent

For Profit

Business Technology Research Tracks Programs are 100% Distance Learning

Universal Technical Institute of Illinois 601 Regency Drive Glendale Heights, IL 60139

1988 Independent

For Profit

Technical Trades

Universal Technical Institute Motorcycle, Marine, & Automotive Divisions 9751 Delegates Dr Orlando, FL 32837

1986 Independent

For Profit

Technical Trades Automotive Division

Universal Technical Institute of Massachusetts One Upland Rd, Bldg 200 Norwood, MA 02062

2005 Independent

For Profit

Technical Trades

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Universal Technical Institute of Pennsylvania 750 Pennsylvania Dr Exton, PA 19341

1988 Independent

For Profit

Technical Trades

Universal Technical Institute of Texas 721 Lockhaven Drive Houston, TX 77073

1983 Independent

For Profit

Technical Trades

Visible Edge Computing Inc. 38 Technology Way Nashua, NH 03051

2008 Independent

For Profit


Vital Kneads Institute for Massage Therapy 9 Mill St., #3, P.O. Box 284 Belmont, NH 03220

2003 Independent

For Profit

Massage Therapy

Washington Online Learning Institute 39 Central Square PMB 163 Keene, NH 03431

1999 Independent

For Profit

Paralegal, Criminal Justice, Legal Nurse Consulting, Medical Office Admin., Medical Billing & Coding Programs are 100% Distance Learning

Workforce Training Resources, LLC 848 Elm St Manchester, NH 03101

2007 Independent

For Profit

Culinary Arts Dental Assisting Construction Auto

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Institution Date Founded Area of Vocational Certification

Yankee School of Auctioneering 131 Colonial Village Somersworth, NH 03878

1987 Independent

For Profit


Source: N.H. Postsecondary Education Commission

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Infrastructure Transportation New Hampshire is the gateway to northern New England with transportation connections that provide easy access to the rest of New England, the United States and the world. Air New Hampshire is ready to meet the needs of domestic and international passenger and cargo air service. The state is well served by 24 public airports. Passenger airline service is available at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and Lebanon Municipal Airport. Manchester-Boston, the largest regional airport in New England, serviced over 3.7 million passengers in 2008. Passenger airlines serving Manchester include Air Canada, Delta, Continental, Southwest, United, and US Airways. Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is the third largest cargo airport in New England – behind Logan and Bradley. Air cargo carriers in Manchester include United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express (FedEx), Telford Aviation, Mountain Air Cargo and Wiggins Airways. Manchester is only 54 miles from Boston’s Logan International Airport where travelers can connect to major international flights out. Lebanon Municipal Airport is located along the Connecticut River valley on the border between Vermont and New Hampshire. Cape Air offers daily flights to Boston’s Logan International Airport. Highway New Hampshire is known for its well-maintained and extensive highway systems, with over 15,163 miles of classified public roads. The major Interstate highways that connect New Hampshire directly with Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont are routes 93, 95 and 89. Roads are surveyed every year to monitor their condition and are resurfaces strategically to address the road’s short- and long- term conditions. The majority of new construction projects in the state are allocated to areas that can improve the quality of the air, reduce congested roadways, provide alternative modes of travel and maintain timely reconstruction and maintenance.

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Rail Similar to the interstate highway system, New Hampshire’s rail system connects directly with Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont. The five major freight rail operators in the state are Claremont Concord Railroad, Green Mountain Railroad, Guilford Transportation, St. Lawrence and Atlantic, and New England Central. St. Lawrence covers the northern part of the state and the rest of the operators cover from the west, east and southern areas. Passenger service in New Hampshire consists of the Amtrak Vermonter that stops in Claremont and other points in the Connecticut Valley and the Amtrak Downeaster serving Boston to Portland, Maine, with New Hampshire stops in Exeter, Durham and Dover. There is also a state effort on going to extend commuter service from Lowell to Boston, by extending the line to Nashua and other southern New Hampshire communities. Ocean Shipping New Hampshire has 18 miles of coastline that includes the Port of New Hampshire in Portsmouth, a deep water port for commercial traffic. The New Hampshire Port Authority is a full-service facility specializing in break bulk and dry bulk cargoes as well as heavy lifts, project cargoes and cruise ships. It is an active Foreign Trade Zone on seven acres of paved land. There is on-site rail, two berthing piers and a 56,000 square foot warehouse facility – all within 50 miles of Boston and Portland, Maine.

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Air Transportation Listed below are all the public use airports in New Hampshire. The following pages highlight details on three of the larger airports that service jet aircraft: Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, Portsmouth International at Pease and Lebanon Municipal Airport.

N.H. Registered Public Use Airports (Alphabetical) City Name Runway Length (feet) Berlin Berlin Regional Airport 5,200 Claremont Claremont Municipal Airport 3,100 Colebrook Gifford Field 2,440 (unpaved) Concord Concord Airport 6,005 & 3,200 Haverhill Dean Memorial Airport 2,500 Keene Dillant-Hopkins Airport 6,200 & 4,001 Errol Errol Airport 3,680 (unpaved) Franconia Franconia Airport 2,305 (unpaved) Gorham Gorham Airport 2,800 (unpaved) Hampton Hampton Airfield 2,100 (unpaved) Hillsboro Hawthorne-Feather Airpark 3,260 Jaffrey Jaffrey Airport-Silver Ranch 2,982 Laconia Laconia Airport 5,286 Lebanon Lebanon Municipal Airport 5,496 & 5,200 Manchester Manchester-Boston Regional Airport 9,250 & 7,150 Moultonborough Moultonborough Airport 3,475 Whitefield Mount Washington Regional Airport 4,001 Nashua Boire Field 5,501 Bristol Newfound Valley Airport 1,900 Newport Parlin Field Airport 3,450 & 1,950 (unpaved) Portsmouth Portsmouth International Airport at Pease 11,321 Plymouth Plymouth Airport 2,380 Rochester Skyhaven Airport 4,001 Twin Mountain Twin Mountain Airport 2,640 Source: NH Dept of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics For more information visit the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics website,

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Manchester-Boston Regional Airport Strategically situated in the heart of New England, Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is located less than 50 miles north of Boston, Massachusetts and less than an hour's drive from the region's most popular ski areas, scenic seacoast beaches and peaceful lakefront resorts. During the past decade, the airport has dramatically improved airport facilities and infrastructure, and increased both passenger and cargo airline services. Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is now widely considered the premier airport in northern New England and a convenient alternative airport serving the greater Boston area. Easy access, competitive airfares, ample affordable parking and a growing schedule of non-stop and direct jet service make Manchester the airport of choice in New England.

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is served by: Air Canada, Continental/Continental Express, Delta/Delta Connection, Southwest Airlines, United/United Express, US/US Airways Express.

Cargo Airlines:

A good indication of the strength of a region's economy is the amount of air cargo that passes through its airport. Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is New England's third largest cargo airport, processing more air cargo each year than all other regional airports in New England combined.

Over the past decade, UPS and FedEx have all dramatically increased their presence at Manchester Airport, building new facilities and increasing the size and frequency of their aircraft equipment. Quantem Aviation Services, the cargo-handling agent for Manchester's scheduled commercial airlines, has experienced steady growth as well.

Looking to the future, the airport is planning for several cargo-related improvements -- construction of new cargo facilities and expansion of cargo aprons -- during the next decade.

General Aviation:

Manchester-Boston Regional Airport is proud to have one of the finest general aviation facilities in the country. Wiggins Airways, the airport's fixed-base operator (FBO), operates an impressive 96,000 square foot general aviation complex, consisting of 73,000 square feet of hangar and operations area and a three-story, 23,000 square foot terminal. This state-of-the-art complex boasts of an executive passenger lounge and conference rooms, pilot and crew lounge, flight planning area and customer service facilities.

As the airport's FBO, Wiggins Airways provides aircraft fueling, deicing, maintenance and avionics services for commercial airlines as well as corporate and other private general aviation aircraft.

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Runways: Runway 17/35 -- 9,250 feet

Runway 06/24 -- 7,150 feet

24 hour FAA Air Traffic Control Tower

CAT-I ILS on Runway 17/35

Airlines: Air Canada Continental/ Continental Express Delta Air Lines/Delta Connection/ United Airlines/United Express US Airways/US Airways Express Southwest Airlines Non-Stop Service: US Airways/ US Airways Express: 5 flights a day to New York - LaGuardia 3 jets a day to Washington National

1 jet a day to Charlotte 7 jets a day to Philadelphia

Southwest Airlines: 10 jets a day to Baltimore-Washington 6 jets a day to Philadelphia 4 jets a day to Chicago (Midway) 4 jets a day to Orlando

2 jets a day to Tampa 1 jet a day to Las Vegas 1 jet a day to Fort Lauderdale 1 jet a day to Phoenix

United Airlines: 2 jets a day to Chicago (O'Hare) 3 jets a day to Washington (Dulles) Air Canada: 3 flights a day to Toronto Continental Express: 4 jets a day to Newark4 jets a day to Cleveland Delta/Delta Connection: 1 jet a day to Atlanta2 jets a day to Detroit

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Continental Airlines / Continental Express/ Continental Connection: 4 jets a day to Newark 4 jets a day to Cleveland Delta Connection COMAIR: 1 jets a day to Atlanta 2 jets a day to Detroit Air Canada: 3 flights a day to Toronto For more information, visit the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport’s website,

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Portsmouth International Airport at Pease Portsmouth International Airport is conveniently located off Interstate 95, just 50 miles from the major cities of Boston, Portland, and Manchester. Portsmouth International Airport Terminal Building has a full Federal Inspection Services facility with on-site U.S. Customs & Border Protection staff and an airfield with an 11,321-foot runway, making it ready to handle any aircraft in the world, regardless of size, that is departing or arriving from any location. Located within the Pease International Tradeport, Portsmouth International Airport offers a Foreign Trade Zone with access to the east coast and international trade corridors via I-95, direct air cargo from Portsmouth International Airport or by sea via the Port of New Hampshire. Plus it offers all the amenities of the Pease community which include overnight accommodations, restaurants and banquet facilities, personal and commercial banking, copy and printing services, job training and continuing education Runways: Runway 16-34 -- 11,321 feet by 150 feet Terminal: 55,000 square foot terminal with six ticket counters, two rental car counters and jetway baggage counters with EPUR AIR. The terminal also has a gift shop, snack bar, and massage chairs. Airlines: Charter Flights/General Aviation: Carlisle Air Corporation Great Bay Aviation For more information, visit the Portsmouth International Airport’s website,

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Lebanon Airport Situated alongside the Connecticut River between the Green Mountains of Vermont and the White Mountains of New Hampshire is the Upper Valley region. Lebanon Airport is located in the City of Lebanon, minutes from Dartmouth College and Dartmouth-Hitchco*ck Medical Center. The Upper Valley attracts people from all over the world with its blend of natural beauty, cultural sophistication, lasting New England values, and numerous small high-tech companies. Daily commercial service connects passengers to one of the largest aviation systems in the northeast, Boston’s Logan International Airport. A large percentage of Lebanon’s air traffic is generated by the local and corporate general aviation activities in the area. In addition to the beauty and convenient location for travelers in the Upper Valley, Lebanon Airport offers free parking and free Wi-Fi service to all travelers. Short lines and a quick check-in get passengers on their way sooner than at the bigger airports. Airlines: Cape Air, daily roundtrips to Boston’s Logan International Airport For more information, visit the Lebanon Municipal Airport’s website

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Shipping – Ocean Transportation The New Hampshire Port Authority has a full-service, deep-water seaport in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, specializing in break bulk and dry bulk cargoes as well as heavy lifts, project cargoes, and cruise ships. Activity at the Port includes pleasure boating and sport and commercial fishing in addition to bulk and general cargo transport to and from points worldwide. The Port's strategic location makes it ideal for import/export with European trading partners as well as businesses in the Middle East, Africa and the Pacific Rim. The Port, ice-free year round, is the closest such port to Europe, with the transit from sea buoy 2KR only three miles. Rail service is available to the Port Authority and many other private facilities, while access to Interstate Highway 95 is only a half mile away. Pease International Tradeport is two miles away in Newington. The port channel is maintained at 35 feet and has bridge clearances between 135 and 150 feet. In total, about five million tons of cargo enter or exit Portsmouth Harbor each year. Vessels of all types visit the Port Authority, including general purpose liners, bulk carriers, passenger ships, container carriers, feeder vessels and barges. Features:

Natural deep-water port, ice-free year round, fresh water Two berthing piers 8 acres of paved outside lay down area 50,000 sq. ft. of covered warehouse Onsite rail access with over 600 feet of siding 24-hour security Active Foreign Trade Zone ½ mile from I-95, 2 miles from Pease International Tradeport 3 nautical miles (NM) from open sea

Piers: 600 foot pier with depths of 35 feet at mean low water (MLW) 312 foot pier with depth of 22 feet at mean low water (MLW) New Fendering systems on both piers Potable water available at both piers


Two metal warehouses totaling 56,000 square feet Concrete/asphalt flooring Drive through doors Certified weighing systems

Cargo Handling Capabilities:

Bulk cargo (scrap, salt, wood chips) Break bulk (industrial and machinery parts, construction materials) Project cargo (power plant components, vacuum tanks) Container cargo

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In addition to commercial shipping, New Hampshire Port Authority also has responsibility for licensing harbor pilots and mooring fields. The Port also provides fishing industry loans and is the grantee for New Hampshire Foreign Trade Zone #81 and its various sites throughout the state. The foreign trade sites in New Hampshire include Portsmouth International Airport at Pease, Portsmouth Industrial Park, Dover Industrial Park, the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and the Market Street Terminal. Amenities:

The Port facility is two minutes away from the heart of downtown Portsmouth, a beautifully restored seaport city with first-class hotels, inns, restaurants, sidewalk cafes, retail shops and museums.

Air: Portsmouth International Airport is two miles away in Newington Cargo Handling: 225 ton crane, 165 ton crane, 35 ton yard cranes Truck Routes: Access to Interstate Highway 95 is only half a mile away Rail Service: Boston and Maine rail lines on site

For more information visit the New Hampshire Port Authority’s website or contact directly at (603) 436-5800.

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Rail Transportation Since the 1970s the State of New Hampshire has carried out a policy of preserving railroad corridors for active use. Since 1992, the state has secured over nine million dollars in funding through public-private partnerships to upgrade the state rail infrastructure. The result has been the ability for businesses to utilize much of its 400 miles of rail lines for commercial use. Freight Service: In addition to the State of New Hampshire, many of the rail lines that provide service are owned by private corporations throughout the state. The freight rail line operators in New Hampshire with their active service lines are listed below: Claremont Concord Railroad PO Box 1598 Claremont, NH 03743-1598 (603) 542-5166 Claremont Junc. to Claremont

Green Mountain Railroad One Railway Lane Burlington, VT 05401-5290 (802) 658-2550 Bellows Falls, VT to N. Walpole

Guilford Transportation Industries 1700 Iron Horse Park North Billerica, MA 01862 (978) 663-1175 Nashua to Bow Junction

New England Central Railroad 2 Federal Street St. Albans, VT 05478 (802) 527-3411 North Walpole to Cornish

St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad 416 Lewiston Junction Road PO Box 1025 Auburn, ME 04211-1025 (207) 782-5680 Shelburne to North Stratford

Passenger Service Amtrak (Vermonter) Amtrak operates intercity service between Washington, DC and St. Albans, VT. The service is operated over the Connecticut River Line in New Hampshire offering one daily round trip with a station in Claremont, NH. Amtrak (Downeaster) Amtrak operates daily intercity service between Portland, ME and Boston, MA. The service is operated over the Main Line West, offering four daily round trips passing through New Hampshire between Rollinsford and Plaistow with station stops in Exeter, Durham and Dover. Tourism Service The state contracts with private railroads on state-owned lines for tourist excursion services

Conway Scenic Railroad Mount Washington Railway Hobo Railroad Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad

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Bus Transportation

Public Transportation Company Name Telephone # / Web Address Service Area Advance Transit 802-295-1824

Upper Valley including Hanover and Lebanon

Nashua Citybus 603-880-0100

City of Nashua

The City Express 603-352-8494

City of Keene

Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST)


Seacoast region of New Hampshire (Rockingham and Strafford Counties) and Berwick, ME

Community Transportation Services (CTS)

603-542-0048 or 603-863-0003

Newport and Claremont

Concord Area Transit (CAT)


City of Concord

CART Transportation 603-434-3569

Chester, Danville, Derry, Londonderry, Hampstead, Plaistow, Salem, Sandown, and Windham

Manchester Transit Authority (MTA)


Manchester and Bedford

North Country Transportation (NCT)

1-888-997-2020 or 603-752-1741

Berlin, Gorham and Coos County

Wildcat Transit (UNH) 603-862-2328

Durham, Dover, Newmarket and Portsmouth

Winnipesaukee Transit System

1-800-294-2496 or 603-528-2496

The Lakes Region including Laconia, Franklin, Tilton, and Belmont

For more information on New Hampshire’s public bus transportation, visit the New Hampshire Department of Transportation’s Rideshare page,

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Private Transportation Company Name Telephone # / Web Address Service Area Boston Express Bus 1-800-639-8080

Nashua to Boston

C & J Trailways 1-800-258-7111 or 603-430-1100

Dover and Portsmouth to Boston

Concord Coach Lines 1-800-639-3317 or 603-228-3300

Berlin, Littleton, Conway, Meredith, Tilton, Concord, Manchester, and Londonderry to Boston

Dartmouth Coach 1-800-637-0123 or 603-448-2800

Hanover, Lebanon, and New London to Boston

Peter Pan 1-800-343-9999

Concord, Manchester, Nashua and Western Massachusetts

The Coach Company 1-800-874-3377 or 603-382-6623

Plaistow to Boston (routes via Newburyport, MA)

Vermont Transit Lines 1-800-451-3292 or 802-864-6811

Keene, Hanover, New London, Concord, Manchester, and Nashua to Boston

Source: New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Rail and Transit For more information on transportation options, visit the New Hampshire Department of Transportation website

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Highway Transportation The State of New Hampshire has a reputation for one of the most extensive and well-maintained highway networks in New England and the country. With 17,029 classified public road miles in the state, of which over 4,800 miles are maintained by the state with the remainder serviced by municipalities and towns, New Hampshire can boast to the business community about fast, safe and well-serviced roadways. The state also pays close attention to its unique environmental and aesthetic characteristics when maintaining and building new roads. According to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2008 Annual Report, Key Projects Completed in Fiscal Year 2008 includes: Major Roadway Work: Reconstruction of the I-293 Exit 5 interchange and the widening of Granite Street in Manchester; pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing of 12 miles on I-89 from Hopkinton to Bow and in Warner; pavement rehabilitation of 16 miles of NH 101 from Epping to Hampton; the construction of four roundabouts – NH 101 in Keene, NH 175 in Plymouth, US 3 in Meredith, and NH 1A in Rye; and the reconstruction and widening of Candia Road in Manchester, NH 4A in Enfield, NH 125 in Plaistow, NH 102 in Hudson, US 4 in Chichester, NH 26 in Colebrook and NH 112 in Albany. Bridge Construction: Replacement of the US 3 double-decker bridge over the Suncook River in Pembroke and Allenstown; replacement of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad bridge over Green Street in Berlin; replacement of the NH 175 bridge over the Pemigewasset River in Holderness and Plymouth; and the replacement of the NH 155 bridge over the B&M Railroad in Madbury. Other Notable Completed Construction Projects: Reconstruction and widening of the first permanent repair to NH 123 in Alstead that was heavily damaged by flooding in October 2005; the construction of a new pedestrian bridge adjacent to the NH 16 bridge over the Ellis River in Pinkham’s Grant; and stabilization of a failed slope on West Road in Canterbury. Continuing Construction Projects: Interstate work continues on the reconstruction of Interstate 93 in Salem, Windham, and Londonderry resurfacing and pavement rehabilitation on the I-89 from Hopkinton to New London and construction of new concrete median barrier on I-93 in Hooksett and Bow. Ongoing roadway improvements include: resurfacing, reconstruction, and widening of NH 106 and NH 140 in Loudon and Belmont; reconstruction and widening of NH 123 in Alstead, and the reconstruction of the NH 128/Stonehenge Road intersection in Londonderry. Bridge work also continues on: the replacement of Cohas Avenue Bridge over I-93 in Manchester; rehabilitation of the I-95 bridge over the B&M Railroad in Portsmouth; replacement of the NH 1A wooden bridge over Seavey’s Creek in Rye; replacement of

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the NH 28 bridge over Merrymeeting River in Alton; and widening and rehabilitation of the Merrill’s Marauders Bridge (Everett Turnpike) over the Souhegan River in Merrimack. New Hampshire’s Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan includes the following key projects:

Highway and Bridge Betterment Program includes repairing 89 red-listed bridges, bridges identified as in need of critical repair by the federal government

Rebuilding I-93 from Salem to Manchester Repair of the Memorial Bridge in Portsmouth Widening a section of the Spaulding Turnpike and the first portion of the Conway

Bypass Approximately 55 percent of the plan is focused on preservation, a significant increase from previous plans that will allow the State to maintain the quality of existing roadways.

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Major Routes and Interstate Highways Southern New Hampshire Interstate 93 and the Everett Turnpike, which are north/south highways, access the Nashua/Salem/Manchester area. Other active roads that connect with towns such as Hudson, Londonderry, Merrimack and Derry are Routes 102, 28, 111 and 3A. Those traveling west toward Vermont often use Route 101, which connects with towns such as Bedford, Milford, Peterborough and Keene. Route 101 is also the major route east to the ocean, connecting with towns such as Raymond, Epping and Exeter. Interstate 95 parallels the coastline and provides access to such towns as Seabrook, Hampton, Stratham, Greenland, Rye and Portsmouth. Route 16, 125 and 4 connect the seacoast with Durham, Dover, Rochester, Northwood and towns toward Concord. Central and Western New Hampshire Interstate 89 is the major interstate that connects the western part of the state to southern New Hampshire and the Vermont border. Interstate 89 provides easy access to cities and towns such as Claremont, Hanover, Lebanon, Newport and New London. The Lakes Region of New Hampshire is accessed by Interstate 93 in the center of the state and Route 16 along the Maine/New Hampshire border. Routes 3, 106, 11, 104 and 25 connect to cities and towns such as Laconia, Meredith, Wolfeboro, Center Harbor, Moultonborough and New Hampton, Ashland and Plymouth. Northern New Hampshire North of the White Mountains (including the White Mountains region) are accessed from the south by Interstate 93 and Route 16/302, from the west by Interstate 91, the east from Route 2 and the north from Route 3. These roads are well maintained through the summer and winter, allowing for high level of tourist and industrial traffic. The towns these roads service include Waterville Valley, Lincoln, Woodsville, Franconia, Littleton, Whitefield, North Conway, Jackson, Bretton Woods, Lancaster, Gorham, Berlin, Errol, Colebrook and Pittsburgh. For more information on New Hampshire highways and roads, visit the New Hampshire Department of Transportation website New Hampshire Department of Transportation 2007 Annual Report: 10 Year Transportation Improvement Plan:

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Voice and Data Listed below are exchange carriers. Visit the New Hampshire Public Utilities website for an updated list Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs)

Source: New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, ILEC Annual reports

Company Name Address Telephone # Web Address

Bretton Woods Telephone Co Mount Washington Place 34 Hannah Loop Bretton Woods, NH 03575

(603) 278-9911

Dixville Telephone Co Rte 26 Dixville Notch, NH 03576

(603) 255-9911

Dunbarton Telephone Co 2 Stark Hwy South Dunbarton, NH 03045

(603) 774-9911

FairPoint Communications Ste 1923 900 Elm St Manchester, NH 03101


Granite State Telephone Inc 600 S Stark Hwy PO Box 87 Weare, NH 03281

(603) 529-9911

Hollis Telephone Co. d/b/a TDS Telecom

Route 101, Ste 104 The Summit Executive Office 1 Chalet Dr Wilton NH 03086

(603) 465-9911

Kearsarge Telephone Co d/b/a TDS Telecom

173 Main St New London, NH 03257

(603) 526-9911

Merrimack County Telephone Co d/b/a TDS Telecom

3 Kearsarge Ave Contoocook, NH 03229

(603) 746-9911

Northland Telephone Co 2401 Congress St Portland, ME 04012

(207) 874-6002 1-800-455-5642

Union Telephone Co 13 Central St Farmington, NH 03835

(603) 859-3700

Wilton Telephone Co d/b/a TDS Telecom

Route 101, Ste 104 The Summit Executive Office 1 Chalet Dr Wilton, NH 03086

(603) 654-9911

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Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs)

Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

1 Com, Inc. 310 South St. PO Box 2130 Plainville, MA

1-888-505-3311 508-699-1779

A.R.C. Networks, Inc. 39 Broadway, 19th Floor New York, NY 10006

1-800-272-6389 212-404-5199

Access Point Inc. 1100 Crescent Green, Suite 109 Cary, NC 27518

800-957-6468 919-851-5422

AccessPlus Communications, Inc.

7 Knobb Hill Byfield, MA 01922

877-978-6468 978-440-8062

ACN Communications Services, Inc

32991 Hamilton Court Farmington Hills, MI 48334

1-877-226-1010 248-489-5917

Airespring, Inc. 6060 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91411

888-389-2899 818-786-9225 [emailprotected]

Alticomm, Inc. P.O. Box 689 Westwood, MA 02090-0689

866-282-4200 781-575-9221

AT&T Communications of New England, Inc.

1 AT& T Way Room 2B115E Bedminster, NJ 07921

1-800-288-2747 832-213-0198

BBIS Communications, Inc.

9 Preston Beach Rd. Marblehead, MA 09145-1724

1-888-389-1400 781-631-5023

BCN Telecom, Inc. 550 Route 202-206, 2nd Floor Bedminster, NJ 07921

1-888-866-7266 908-470-4707

Biddeford Internet Corp.

Great Works Internet 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457

1-866-494-2020 207-286-2061

Broadview Networks, Inc.

800 Westchester Ave., Suite N501 Rye Brook, NY 10573

1-800-276-2384 215-293-8940

Broadview NP Acquisition Corp.

800 Westchester Ave., Ste N501 Rye Brook, NY 10573

1-800-260-8766 215-293-8940

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

Boradvox-CLEC,LLC 1228 Euclid Ave, Suite 390 Cleveland, OH 44115

877-884-6597 216-373-4812

BT Communications Sales, LLC

11440 Commerce Park Drive Reston, VA 20191

866-221-8623 703-755-6740

BullsEye Telecom,Inc. 25900 Greenfield Rd., STE 330 Oak Park, MI 48237

877 638-2855 248-784-2486

C&W Communications, LLC

4 Merrill Drive, Suite 206 Hampton, NH 03842

1-800-392-2585 603-929-9396

Charter Fiberlink NH 12405 Powerscourt Dr. St. Louis, MO 63131-3674


Choice One Communications of NH Inc.

220 Bear Hill Rd. Waltham, MA 02451

888-832-5801 781-622-2114

CloseCall America, Inc. 101 Log Canoe Circle Stevensville, MD 21666

1-877-812-5673 800-503-1982

Comcast Phone of New Hampshire, LLC

One Comcast Center Philadelphia, PA 19103


CommPartners, LLC 3291 N. Buffalo Dr., STE 150 Las Vegas, NV 89129

1-877-297-0926 702-365-8647

Communications Solutions Partners, Inc.

One Whalley Way Southwick, MA 01077

888 569-0123 413-569-4377

COMTECH21, LLC One Barnes Park South Wallingford, CT 06492

877 312-5564 877 312-5544

Comtel Telcom Assets LP

433 E. Las Colinas Blvd., Ste 1300 Irving, TX 75039

877-668-0808 866-418-9750

Covista, Inc. 721 Broad Street, 2nd Floor Chattenooga, TN 37402


CRC Communications of Maine, Inc. d/b/a Pine Tree Networks

56 Campus Dr. New Gloucester, ME 04260

1-866-746-3873 207-688-8833

DSCI Corporation 1050 Waltham Street Lexington, MA 02421

877-344-7441 781 0862-4545

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

DSLnet Communications, LLC

50 Barnes Park North Ste 104 Wallingford, CT 06492

877-375-6691 203-284-6101

Easton Telecom Svcs Inc.

3046 Brecksville Road #A Richfield, OH 44286-9399

888 742-8122

EliteView, LLC 350 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton, MA 02780

1-800-552-2030 508-802-6411

Ernest Communications, Inc.

5275 Triangle Parkway, STE 150 Norcross, GA 30092

1-800-456-8353 770-448-4115

Ethos Communications Group, Inc.

132 8th St. Manhattan Beach, CA 90366

1-866-500-5674 310-862-5113

Eureka Telecom, Inc. 800 Westchester Avenue Suite N-501 Rye Brook, NY 10573

1-800-276-2384 267-537-0074

ExcelaCom Light, LLC 4274 Enfield Court, Suite 1600 Palm Harbor, FL 34685

800-787-7500 727-939-2672

Fiber Technologies Networks, LLC

300 Meridian Centre Rochester, NY 14618

1-800-497-5578 585-442-9709

France Telecom Corporate Solutions LLC

13775 McLearen Road, Mail Stop 1100 Oak Hill, VA 20171

1-866-280-3726 703-925-4715

Freedom Ring Communications LLC

359 Corporate Dr. Portsmouth, NH 03801-2888

800-639-9896 603-766-1050

Global Capacity Group, Inc.

730 No. Post Oak, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77027

800-226-4244 800-505-0037

Global Crossing Local Services, Inc.

1080 Pittsford Victor Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534

1-800-414-1973 585-381-7592

Global Crossing Telemanagement, Inc.

1080 Pittsfield Victor Rd. Pittsford, NY 14534

800-414-1973 585-381-7592

Global Naps, Inc. 10 Merry Mount Road Quincy, MA 02169

1-866-323-5759 781-551-9984

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

Granite Telecommunications LLC

100 Newport Avenue Ext. Quincy, MA 02171

1-866-847-5500 617-687-5619

Great America Networks, Inc.

10350 Heritage Park Dr., Ste 101 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

800-506-2631 213-891-1273 [emailprotected]

Hypercube Telecom, LLC

3200 W. Pleasant Run Rd S Suite 260 Lancaster, TX 75146

866-562-7411 6478-387-2791

IDT America Corp. 520 Broad St. Newark, NJ 07102

1-800-889-9126 973-438-1455

iNetworks Inc.

125 South Wacker Dr, Suite 2510 Chicago, IL 60606

866-363-6387 405-755-8377

Internet and Telephone, LLC

PO Box 668 North Andover, MA 01845

888-724-7638 978-683-1211

Level 3 Communications, LLC

1025 Eldorado Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80021

877-453-8353 703-234-8830

Lightship Telecom LLC 220 Bear Hill Rd. Waltham, MA 02451

1-877-548-7447 781-622-2185

Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC

1901 Eastpoint Parkway Louisville, KY 40223-4145


Magellan Hill Technologies, LLC

125 Gaither Drive Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054

1-800-470-1994 856-489-6502

Matrix Telecom, Inc. 7171 Forest Lane STE 700 Dallas, TX 75232

888-411-0111 813-233-4538

McGraw Communications, Inc.

228 East 45th Street 12th Floor New York, NY 10017

888-543-2000 212-849-2283

MCImetro Access Transmission Service, LLC

140 West Street New York, NY 10007


McLeod Telecommunications Services, Inc.

McLeodUSA Technology Park 6400 C St., S.W. Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-3177

1-800-593-1177 319-790-7901

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

MetroCast Cablevision of New Hampshire, LLC

9 Apple Road Belmont, NH 03220

1-800-952-1001 603-524-5190

Metropolitan Telecommunications of New Hampshire, Inc.

44 Wall Street, 14th Floor New York, NY 10005

1-800-876-9823 212-635-5074

Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. 4310 East Cotton Center Boulevard Suite A-100 Phoenix, AZ 85040

800-821-1661 602-254-9634

Momentum Telecom, Inc.

2700 Corporate Drive, Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35242

877-201-9499 205-978-3402

National Mobile Communications Corp.

P.O. Box 495 Bellows Falls, VT 05101-0495

877-877-2120 802-463-2110

Neutral Tandem-New Hampshire, LLC

One South Wacker Drive Ste 200 Chicago, IL 60606

866-388-7258 312-346-3276

New Edge Network, Inc.

3000 Columbia House Blvd., Suite 106 Vancouver, WA 98661

1-866-636-4357 360-737-0828

New Horizons Communications Corp.

335 Bear Hill Rd. Waltham, MA 02451

1-800-520-5812 781-290-4660

Nextlink Wireless, Inc. 13865 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon, VA 20171

888-575-6398 703-547-2630

North Atlantic Networks, LLC

PO Box AE Norton, MA 02766

1-800-299-3330 508-339-0176

NOS Communications, Inc.

4380 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas, NV 89121-3002

800-772-4667 702-942-5055

One Communications Solutions of New Hampshire

220 Bear Hill Rd. Waltham, MA 02451

1-888-832-5801 781-622-2114

Otel Telekom, Inc. One Sundial Avenue Manchester, NH 03103

1-877-275-8875 603 647-7576

PaeTec Communications, Inc.

600 Willowbrook Office Park Fairport, NY 14450

1-877-340-2600 585-770-2498

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

PNG Telecommunications, Inc.

100 Commercial Drive Fairfield, OH 45014

1-800-860-9495 513-645-4960

QuantumShift Communications, Inc.

12657 Alcosta Boulevard, STE 418 San Ramon, CA 94583

1-800-804-8266 925-415-1458

Qwest Communications Corp.

1801 California St., Ste 4720 Denver, CO 80202

1-888-524-0011 303-896-2726

RCN New York Communications, LLC

196 Van Buren Street Herndon, VA 20170

1-800-832-4726 610-348-0133

Revolution Networks, LLC

491 Lisbon St., P.O. Box 7400 Lewiston, ME 04243-7400

1-800-520-9911 207-333-3489

RNK, Inc. 333 Elm St., Ste 310 Dedham, MA 02026

1-877-323-2486 781-297-9836

Rural Economic Development Network, Inc.

354 River St. Springfield, VT 05156

1-866-973-3638 802-748-4394

SecureSysCom, Inc 51 East Wheelock Street Hanover, NH 03755

802-371-7440 207-699-4203

SegTEL, Inc. P.O. Box 610 Lebanon, NH 03766-0610

1-800-763-5556 603-643-9854

Southwestern Bell Communication Services, Inc.

5850 W. Las Positas Blvd. Pleasanton, CA 94558

800-235-5663 707 435-6640

Spectrotel, Inc. 3535 State Highway 66, Suite 7 Neptune, NJ 07753

888-773-9722 732-345-7893

Sprint Communications Company, L.P.

2001 Edmund Halley Dr. Reston, VA 20191

1-800-877-4646 703-433-4142

Syniverse Technologies, Inc.

8125 Highwoods Palm Way #600 Tampa, FL 33647

800 892-2888 813-637-5859

TCG New Jersey, Inc. One AT&T Way Bedminster, NJ 07921

1-888-227-3824 832-213-0198

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

Telcentrex, LLC 5490 McGinnis Village Place, Suite 114 Alpharetta, GA 30005

1-888-835-2368 404-591-0895

TelCove Operations, Inc.

121 Champion Way Canonsburg, PA 15317

1-800-835-2683 703-234-8830

Teleport Communications Boston, Inc.

One AT&T Way Bedminster, NJ 07921

1-800-288-2747 908-532-1809

Time Warner Cable Information Services (New Hampshire), LLC

290 Harbor Drive Stamford, CT 06902

800-499-4330 203-328-4042

Topsham Communications, LLC

113 Fairground Road P.O. Box 1075 East Corinth, VT 05040-1075

1-800-624-6085 802-439-5600

Trans National Communications International, Inc.

2 Charlesgate West Boston, MA 02215

1-800-800-8400 617-369-1187

Transbeam, Inc. 20 West 36th St. New York, NY 10018

1-877-987-2672 253-851-6474

UCN, Inc. 7730 So. Union Park Avenue, Suite 500 Midvale, UT 84047

800-669-3319 866-800-0007

United Systems Access Telecom, Inc.

5 Bragdon Lane Suite 200 Kennebunk, ME 04043

888 872-9400 703 287-2404

USD CLEC, Inc. 318 South Clinton St., Suite 502 Syracuse, NY 13202

1-877-532-8263 315-579-7201

Vanco Direct USA, LLC

200 S. Wacher Dr., Ste 200 Chicago, IL 60606

1-888-651-5620 312-881-4131

Verizon Select Services, Inc.

1 Verizon Way, Mail Code VC22E243 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

1-877-483-6222 908-696-2081

Wholesale Carrier Services Inc.

5471 N. University Dr Coral Springs, FL 33067

888-280-4927 561-750-7244

Winstar Communications, LLC

520 Broad Street Newark, NJ 07102-3111

888 961-8800 202 659-1931

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Company Name Address Telephone # Internet Address

XO Communications Services Inc.

13865 Sunrise Valley Drive Herndon, VA 20171

1-888-575-6398 949-417-7270

Zone Telecom, Inc. 3 Executive Campus, STE 520 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

856-333-9633 561-495-4287

Source: New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, CLEC Customer Contacts For more information on telecommunications, visit the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission website .

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Electricity Industrial usage rates in New Hampshire compare favorably with similar rates of other companies throughout the northeast. New Hampshire’s utility companies are meeting the state’s industries power needs and are poised to meet those requirements into the future. Listed below are the state’s electric companies.

Utility Communities Served Number of Customers

% of Total

Granite State Electric Co. Acworth* Enfield* Orange* 41,158 6% (A National Grid Company) Alstead* Grafton* Pelham* 9 Lowell Rd Atkinson* Hanover* Plainfield* Salem, NH 03079 Bath* Langdon* Salem (603) 890-7000 Canaan* Lebanon* Surry* 1-800-322-3223 Charlestown* Lyme* Walpole Cornish* Marlow* Windham* Derry* Monroe* New Hampshire Electric Bartlett Hales Location Rumney 83,800 12% Cooperative Inc Benton Holderness Warren 579 Tenney Mountain Hwy Center Harbor Jackson Wentworth Plymouth, NH 03264-3147 Dorchester Lincoln Woodstock (603) 536-1800 Ellsworth Moultonborough plus limited 1-800-698-2007 Groton Plymouth service in 102 other towns Public Service Co. 492,823 71% of New Hampshire (includes 780 N. Commercial St CVEC) PO Box 330 Manchester NH 03105-0330 (603) 669-4000 1-800-662-7764 (PSNH) 1-800-448-7764 (outside NH)

Approximately 70% of the state servicing all or portions of 211 communities

Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. Boscawen Atkinson Hampton Falls 75,948 11% (a Unitil Company) Bow Brentwood* Kensington Concord Area: Canterbury Danville* Kingston* One Mcguire St Chichester Derry* Newton* Concord, NH 03301 Concord E Kingston North Hampton* (603) 224-2311 Epsom Exeter Plaistow Exeter Area: Salisbury Greenland* Seabrook 114 Drinkwater Rd Webster Hampstead* South Hampton Kensington, NH 03833 Hampton Stratham* (603) 772-5916 Hampton Beach Both: 1-800-852-3339

* = Partial service area Source: FERC Form 1 Pg. 301, 2008 Calendar Year For more information, visit the NH Public Utilities Commission website

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Gas Natural Gas There is an ample supply of natural gas to the principal industrial centers in New Hampshire. The companies listed below are cooperative in arranging for non-interruptible interim, peak shaving or standby requirements as needed by a company. Availability and delivery terms are obtained from the firms listed below. Liquid Petroleum Gas Bulk gas is available where natural gas is not located in New Hampshire. Note that Keene has stand-by propane air system. Bulk gas is stored in large quantities to supply wholesalers and processors at strategic locations including Claremont, Concord, Derry, Epping, Exeter, Franconia, Goffstown, Greenland, Keene, Lebanon, Manchester, Nashua, Newington, North Conway, Peterborough, Portsmouth, Rochester and Salem.

Utility Communities Served Number of Customers

% of Total

National Grid Allenstown Derry Loudon 87,440 76% 201 Jones Road, 5th Floor Amherst Franklin Manchester Waltham, MA 02451 Auburn Gilford Merrimack 1-800-262-4111 Bedford Goffstown Milford Belmont Hollis Nashua Berlin Hooksett Northfield Boscawen Hudson Pembroke Bow Laconia Sanbornton Canterbury Litchfield Tilton Concord Londonderry New Hampshire Gas Corporation Keene 1,100 (underground propane gas only) 32 Central Square P.O. Box 438 Keene, NH 03431 (603) 352-1230 Unitil/Northern Utilities, Inc Atkinson Hampton Plaistow 27,249 24% 6 Liberty Lane West Dover Hampton Beach Portsmouth Hampton, NH 03842 Durham Hampton Falls Rochester (508) 836-7000 East Kingston Kensington Rollinsford 1-800-552-3043 East Rochester Madbury Salem Exeter Newington Seabrook Gonic North Hampton Somersworth Greenland Pelham Stratham

Source: New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission For more information, visit the NH Public Utilities Commission website

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Water The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission regulates 33 water utilities in New Hampshire. The 33 water utilities own approximately 100 separate systems, ranging in size from 20 customers to about 22,000. Pennichuck Water Works is the largest, serving the greater Nashua area as well as a number of smaller systems in the southern part of the state. The 33 water utilities regulated by the PUC only serve around 15% of all of New Hampshire’s residents. The large majority of residents are served by either a municipal utility or by private wells. It is estimated that 38% of New Hampshire residents receive their water from private, on-site wells. Listed below are New Hampshire’s regulated water utilities:

Company Number of Customers Areas Served

Aquarion Water Company 8,487 Hampton, North Hampton, limited area of Rye Bow Lake Estates 41 Limited area of Strafford Dockham Shores 60 Limited area of Gilford Forest Edge 38 Limited area of Conway Fryeburg Water 67 Limited area of Conway Hampstead Area Water 2,858 Limited areas of Atkinson, Chester, Danville, East

Kingston, Fremont, Hampstead, Kingston, Nottingham, Plaistow, Salem, and Sandown

Hanover Water Works 1,818 Hanover Lakeland Management 154 Limited area of Belmont Lakes Region Water 1,606 Limited areas of Campton, Conway, Freedom,

Gilford, Laconia, Moultonboro, Ossipee, Tamworth, Thorton, Tuftonboro, and Wolfeboro

Lakeview Water 1 Limited area of Alton Northern Shores 31 Limited area of Tilton Pennichuck Water Works 25,576 City of Nashua, Town of Amherst, limited areas of

Bedford, Derry, Epping, Hollis, Merrimack, Milford, Newmarket, Newton, Plaistow, and Salem

Pennichuck East Utility 5,313 Towns of Litchfield, Pelham, Windham, limited areas of Atkinson, Bow, Chester, Derry, Exeter, Hooksett, Lee, Londonderry, Plaistow, Raymond, and Sandown

Pittsfield Aqueduct 1,755 Town of Pittsfield, limited areas of Barnstead, Conway, and Middleton

Rolling Ridge 26 Limited area of Bartlett Rosebrook Water 389 Limited areas of Carroll, Bethlehem, and Crawford’s

Purchase Tioga River 57 Limited area of Belmont and Gilford West Swanzey Water Co. 65 Limited area of Swanzey White Rock Water Co. 95 Limited area of Bow Wildwood Water 49 Limited area of Albany Source:

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Listed below are New Hampshire municipal water sources with water capacity of 500,000 gallons per day or above. Municipality System Name Population Served Alton Alton Water Works 1,750Ashland Ashland Water Department 1,500Barnstead Pac Locke Lake Water System 2,000Berlin Berlin Water Works 9,500Bethlehem Bethlehem Village District 1,700Boscawen Penacook Boscawen Water Precinct 3,700Bristol Bristol Water Works 3,327Charlestown Charlestown Water Works 2,500Claremont Claremont Water Department 11,250Concord City of Concord 43,000Conway Conway Village Fire District 1,937Conway North Conway Water Precinct 5,000Derry Derry Water Department 15,000Dover City of Dover Water Department 28,000Durham UNH /Durham Water System 16,000Exeter Exeter Water Department 11,000Farmington Farmington Water Department 3,000Franklin Franklin Water Works 7,000Goffstown Goffstown Village Precinct 3,000Gorham Gorham Water and Sewer Department 2,630Grantham Village District of Eastman 3,000Hampton Aquarion Water Co of NH 19,000Hanover Hanover Water Works Co 8,500Haverhill Woodsville Water and Light 2,000Henniker Cogswell Springs Water Works 2,400Hillsborough Hillsborough Water Works 2,000Hooksett Central Hooksett Water Precinct 3,500Hooksett Hooksett Village Water Precinct 2,250Hopkinton Contoocook Village Precinct 1,600Hudson Hudson Water Department 16,000Jaffrey Jaffrey Water Works 3,825Keene Keene Water Department 25,000Laconia Laconia Water Works 12,000Lancaster Lancaster Water Department 2,450Lebanon Lebanon Water Department 10,050Lincoln Lincoln Water Works 2,750Litchfield PEU Litchfield 3,500Littleton Littleton Water and Light Department 5,800Londonderry PEU /Londonderry 3,300Manchester Manchester Water Works 133,000Meredith Meredith Water Department 2,635Merrimack Merrimack Village District 23,000Milford Milford Water Utilities Department 8,500Moultonborough Paradise Shores 1,881

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Municipality System Name Population Served Nashua Pennichuck Water Works 85,000New London New London Springfield Water 2,750Newmarket Newmarket Water Works 5,000Newport Newport Water Works 5,000Northfield Tilton Northfield Water Dist 2,500Northumberland Groveton Water System 2,650Pembroke Pembroke Water Works 5,200Peterborough Peterborough Water Works 4,062Pittsfield Pittsfield Aqueduct Co 1,595Plymouth Plymouth Village Water and Sewer 6,300Portsmouth Portsmouth Water Works 33,000Raymond Raymond Water Department 2,600Rochester Rochester Water Department 20,000Rollinsford Rollinsford Water and Sewer District 1,688Rye Rye Water District 3,900Salem Salem Water Department 18,000Seabrook Seabrook Water Department 14,000Somersworth Somersworth Water Works 12,000Sunapee Sunapee Water Works 2,082Winchester Winchester Water Department 2,800Wolfeboro Wolfeboro Water and Sewer 5,500Woodstock Woodstock Water Department 2,475

Source: NH Department of Environmental Services, Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau

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Sewer The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission regulates six sewer utilities in New Hampshire. Listed below are New Hampshire’s regulated sewer companies: Company

Number of Customers Areas Served

Atkinson Area Waste Water Recycling

1 Atkinson

Bedford Waste Services Inc. 78 Bedford Bodwell Waste Services Corp. 450 Manchester, Londonderry Eastman Sewer Co. 535 Grantham Lakeland Management Co. 152 Belmont Source: New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission,

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Taxes and Business Climate New Hampshire is a low cost state in a high cost region. New Hampshire offers one of the lowest tax burdens in the country for business owners and their workers. They take home more of their income than in many other states. And there are a number of financial resources for business owners.

Taxes No sales tax No use tax No broad base income tax No capital gains tax No inventory tax No higher assessment for commercial or industrial real estate Loan guarantees Tax exempt financing for manufacturers

Even with short-term tax abatements, credits, exemptions or cash subsidies offered by other states, the state of New Hampshire is still often less expensive as a place to do business. Sooner or later, the recipient of subsidies becomes subject to the taxation necessary to generate all future subsidies. Instead, New Hampshire believes that less taxes and smaller government are better forms of incentives in the long-term.

2009 State-to-State Comparisons NH CT ME MA RI VT NY NC Corporate Income Tax % 8.5 7.5 8.93 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.307 6.9 Personal Income Tax % 0.0 5.0 8.5 5.3 7.0 9.5 6.85 7.8 Sales Tax & Use Tax % 0.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 6.0 4.0 4.5 Capital Gains Tax % 0.0 5.0 8.5 5.3 7.0 5.7 6.85 7.8 Internet Access Tax Y N N N N N N N Business Personal Property Tax N N N N N N N N Unemployment Insurance Tax/ Per Employee $136 $465 $184 $354 $437 $80 $349 $232

Right to Work State N N N N N N N Y Source: NH Business Resource Center, New Hampshire is one of the most business friendly states in the United States. The Tax Foundation ranked New Hampshire 8th overall in the Best Business Tax Climate.

Ranking State 8 New Hampshire 32 Massachusetts 37 Connecticut 39 North Carolina 40 Maine 43 Vermont 46 Rhode Island 49 New York

Source: Tax Foundation, 2009

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New Hampshire Business Taxes Business Profits Tax (BPT):

An 8.5% tax is assessed on income from conducting business activity within the state.

Any business organization, organized for gain or profit carrying on business activity within the state is subject to this tax. However, organizations with $50,000 or less of gross receipts from all their activities are not required to file a return.

Business Enterprise Tax (BET): 0.75% tax is assessed on the enterprise value tax base, which is the sum of all

compensation paid or accrued, interest paid or accrued, and dividends paid by the business enterprise, after special adjustments and apportionment.

Enterprises with more than $150,000 of gross receipts from all their activities, or an enterprise value tax base more than $75,000, are required to file a return.

Communication Services Tax: A 7% tax on all two-way communication services. The tax is paid by the consumer and collected by two-way communication

providers. All two-way communication providers are responsible for collecting the tax from the consumer and filing a return with the Department.

Real Estate Transfer Tax: A tax on the transfer, sale or granting of real property or an interest in real

property. The tax is $.75 per $100 of the price or consideration of the transfer. The tax is assessed on both the buyer and the seller, with a minimum charge of

$20 each. State Education Property Tax:

A state education property tax is assessed on all New Hampshire property owners. The tax is assessed and collected by local municipalities. Local property taxes, based upon assessed valuation, are assessed, levied and collected by municipalities.

Local property tax rates can be found on the NH Department of Revenue Administration website

For more information on state taxes visit the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Tax Administration website

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Business and Financial Incentives

Financial Incentives In addition to low taxes, the state of New Hampshire provides financial incentives to assist businesses in relocating and expanding in the state – all tailored to the size of individual projects, ranging from two employees to 2,000 employees. These incentives include: Revitalization Zone Tax Credits (Formally CROP Zone) The state offers a program called Revitalization Zone Tax Credits. Revitalization Zone Tax Credits, which is a short term, tax credit against the business profits and enterprise taxes. To qualify, the location must meet certain demographic criteria, or be in an unused or underutilized industrial park, or vacant land, or structures previously used for industrial, commercial, or retail purposes but currently not so used, or Brownfield site. Coos County Job Creation Tax Credit During the 2008 session, the Legislature enacted a Coos County Job Creation Tax Credit against business taxes paid to the state of New Hampshire. The credit is granted to businesses for each new, full time, year-round employee hired in Coos County for which actual wages paid, including the amount paid by the employer for medical and dental benefits, equals or exceeds 150 percent of the current state minimum wage ($6.50 through July 23, 2008, the state hourly rate between July 24, 2008 and August 31, 2008 is $6.55 and on or after September 1, 2008 the rate increases to $7.25). The amount of the credit is based upon the proportion that the wage for the new employee exceeds the minimum wage. If the proportion of the wage for the new employee is equal to or greater than 150% of the minimum wage but not less than 200% of the minimum wage, the amount of the credit shall be $750. If the proportion of the wage for the new employee is equal to or greater than 200% of the minimum wage, the amount of the credit shall be $1,000.00. Job Training Fund Talent development is a major component of New Hampshire's economic vitality, and businesses large and small realize the importance of a skilled and educated workforce. That's why the New Hampshire Job Training Fund was created, and we hope your company is able to take advantage of this matching grant program designed to enhance worker skills and help you stay competitive in the global marketplace. A minimum of 50 percent cash match is required. Ineligible matching funds include salaries, wages bonuses and benefits of employees in training; in-kind contributions; administrative or entertainment expenses; and costs resulting from violations of, or failure to comply with federal, state or local laws and regulations. Low Interest Loan Program Based on New Jobs The State of New Hampshire offers a low interest loan program through Citizens Bank that provides financing from $250,000 to $10 million. The loan is based on creating new jobs in New Hampshire. For every new job created, $40,000 can be allocated towards a loan for investments in machinery, equipment, and buildings. The interest rate is offered at 5.50%. The specified jobs must be created within three years after the funds are borrowed.

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Energy Efficiency Loans In cooperation with Ocean Bank, New Hampshire offers a low interest loan (1% below prime) for the purchase of new energy efficient equipment. The state also offers free site visits to determine a strategy for improving energy efficiency; Free industrial assessments to eligible small and medium-sized manufacturing plants; Research connections with university faculty for energy related projects; Educational venues including workshops on industrial technologies developed and taught by US DOE Best Practices professionals; and links to potential grants and rebate programs from utilities and Federal programs. Research and Development Credit During the 2007 session, the Legislature enacted a research and development credit against business taxes paid to the state of New Hampshire. Under the 2007 Laws of New Hampshire, Chap. 271, the Legislature has designated $1,000,000 for each of the next five fiscal years to be available to fund the credit. Business organizations that have expenditures made during the fiscal year for qualified manufacturing research and development. "Qualified manufacturing research and development" expenditures are wages paid to employees of the business organization for services rendered in New Hampshire which qualify and are reported as a credit by the business organization under section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code. More specifically, "qualified manufacturing research and development" expenditures are the wage amounts attributable to New Hampshire that make up lines 5, 24, or 49 of the business organization’s Federal Form 6765.

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State Funding Sources For additional information on financing, please contact one of the following state or federal organizations and programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2 ½ Beacon Street Concord, NH 03301-2361 (603) 271-2155

Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) 14 Dixon Ave, Suite 102 Concord, NH 03301 (603) 226-2170

MicroCredit-NH 7 Wall Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-2069

New Hampshire Business Finance Authority 14 Dixon Avenue, 2nd Floor Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-2391

New Hampshire Community Loan Fund 7 Wall Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-6669

New Hampshire Small Business Administration 143 North Main Street, Suite 202 Concord, NH 03301 (603) 225-1400

New Hampshire Small Business Development Corporation (NHSBDC) 110 McConnell Hall Durham, NH 03824 (603)862-2200

U.S. Department of Agriculture 10 Ferry Street Concord, NH 03301-5081 (603) 223-6045

Local Funding Sources Many local and regional revolving loan funds exist throughout New Hampshire. These funds have been capitalized from a variety of services, many with federal monies. The administration of these funds is generally handled by a non-profit corporation, while the local funds most often are overseen by governing bodies with the help of a loan committee. The loans may be used in conjunction with other sources to leverage additional monies or independently finance the project.

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Certified Development Corporation Funding Every area in the state is served by a Certified Development Corporation that provides long-term, fixed rate second mortgage loans for capital investment through the SBA 504 Loan Program:

Capital Regional Development Council P.O. Box 664 Concord, NH 03302-0664 (603) 228-1872 Granite State Economic Development Corporation 1 Cate Street Eldridge Park, Unit 5 P.O. Box 1491 Portsmouth, NH 03802-1491 (603) 436-0009 Northern Community Investment Corporation P.O. Box 396 St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 (802) 748-5101

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Business Incentives In addition to low taxes and financial assistance, a network of programs is provided through the State of New Hampshire including:

Federal Contract Procurement: The Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP) is sponsored by the State of New Hampshire Business Resource Center and the Defense Logistics Agency. This national program provides specialized and professional assistance to individuals and businesses seeking to learn about contracting and subcontracting opportunities with Department of Defense (DOD), other federal agencies, or state and local governments.

Export/Import Assistance: The New Hampshire International Trade Resource

Center (ITRC), managed by the Office of International Commerce, plans, develops, and administers programs for international trade promotion and foreign market development for New Hampshire companies. The center also houses the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Export-Import Bank, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the NH Small Business Development Center, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the New Hampshire International Trade Association.

Help with Early Stage Research: The New Hampshire Industrial Research

Center (IRC) has a matching grant program whereby New Hampshire industrial companies can apply for State subsidized technical assistance from the University of New Hampshire, Dartmouth College, and Dartmouth Medical School. Areas of technical assistance include product and process R&D, biotechnology, hardware/software development, materials characterization, process troubleshooting, pollution prevention, quality improvement, automation, equipment design, as well as manufacturing work flow and operations improvement.

Assistance in Starting a Small Business: The New Hampshire Small Business

Development Center offers free, one-on-one, confidential business counseling, low cost training programs, and access to information and referral. Specialized services include environmental counseling, manufacturing assistance, international trade programs, and innovative economic development initiatives.

Manufacturing Consulting: The New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension

Partnership (MEP) provides low cost consulting services, including lean and agile supply chain management, product development, technology transfer, and commercialization; quality management, including compliance with ISO 9000/14000 certification requirements; information technology (IT) management; plant layout, equipment specification, and health, safety, energy and environmental issues.

For more information visit the State of New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development’s Business Resource Center website,

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Labor Laws Minimum Wage: Currently- $7.25 Overtime: Overtime is paid to hourly employees at the rate of time and one half of the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours actually worked over forty in any one week. Lunch Breaks: An employer cannot require that an employee work more than five consecutive hours without granting a thirty minute lunch or eating period. If the employer cannot allow thirty minutes the employee must be paid if they are eating and working at the same time. Right to Work: In New Hampshire an employer can fire without giving a reason or a notice. An employee who reports to work at the employer's request must be paid for a minimum of two hours, unless the employer can contact the employee prior to the employee arriving to work. NH Youth Employment Certificate ("Working Papers"): The Youth Employment Certificate is required for any youth 12 to 15 years old and must be on file at the employer's place of business within three business days of the first day of employment. Employers are required to have on file at the work place, at the time employment begins, written permission by the parent or guardian of a 16 or 17 year old permitting the youth's employment. Workers' Compensation: Under the New Hampshire Workers' Compensation Law, every employer who has any employees, full or part-time, is required to cover these employees with workers' compensation insurance written by a carrier. It does not matter if they are related, such as daughter, son, husband, etc. It also does not matter if the business is a "Non-Profit" organization. Sole-proprietors, partners and self-employed persons are not required to carry workers' compensation on themselves but may elect to be covered. Sole proprietors or partners operating as Sub-Contractors, without employees, under a General Contractor may be required to carry workers' compensation coverage by the General Contractor. If a corporation or limited liability company (LLC) has three or less executive officers or LLC members and no other employees, coverage is not mandatory but may be elected. Once there is a 4th executive officer or LLC members, workers' compensation insurance must be obtained. Once coverage is in place, all persons, including all officers or LLC members, are considered employees and would automatically be covered. Up to three executive officers or LLC members may then elect to be excluded. Professional Associations are to be treated the same as corporations and LLC. For more information on New Hampshire Labor laws, visit the New Hampshire Department of Labor website

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International Commerce With a location ideally situated for air, land and sea transportation, New Hampshire is a leader in overseas trade, with exports reaching an all-time record high of $3.8 billion in 2008. New Hampshire's International Trade Resource Center (ITRC) offers guidance to those seeking to export, as well as import New Hampshire products. The New Hampshire Office of International Commerce is organized to plan, develop, and administer programs for international trade promotion and foreign market development, and to coordinate other public and private organizations involved in concurrent efforts.

Export Statistics New Hampshire's export shipments of merchandise in 2008 totaled $3.8 billion, up 64% from the $2.3 billion exported in 2004. New Hampshire exported globally to 168 foreign destinations in 2008. The state's largest market in 2008 was NAFTA members Canada and Mexico followed by China, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan.

Annual Exports (in millions of dollars) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008New Hampshire $2,293 $2,557 $2,817 $2,914 $3,752New England $39,828 $42,631 $47,170 $50,148 $56,192United States $807,516 $867,137 $989,744 $1,109,272 $1,245,004

Annual Exports Growth Rates







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


New HampshireNew EnglandUnited States

Source: US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Statistics

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Export Sales Since 1997, New Hampshire's exports have seen considerable growth over the past ten years, more than doubling in size. Spanning a range of products and services, New Hampshire exports to over 160 countries throughout the world. The following markets play major roles in New Hampshire's exporting success:

North America Europe Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States Asia/Pacific Rim Central and South America

In 2008, NH’s export sales reached nearly $3.8 billion, an increase of approximately 64% over 2004 exports. Between the years of 2006-2008, New Hampshire exports increased 33%.

New Hampshire Industries New Hampshire’s leading export categories in 2008 were electrical machinery, including computers ($1.3 billion) and industrial machinery ($1.1 billion). Together, these two product groups accounted for more than 65% of the state’s total exports. Other important exports were optical and medical instrumentation ($332 million), and plastics products ($149 million). A wide range of manufacturing and service industries are based in New Hampshire, producing everything from computer hardware and software, high technology industrial machinery, electronic equipment and hazardous waste management systems to specialty products such as environmentally sensitive motorbikes, footwear, and Shaker-style furniture.

The State’s Global Markets New Hampshire businesses export to over 180 countries throughout the world, spanning a range of products and services. Canada is traditionally NH’s most important market, accounting for roughly 17% of 2008 total exports. Exports to Mexico posted a large gain in 2008, growing over 300% to $556 million, moving up to second place in a country ranking. Exports to China rose by 21% in 2008, while exports to Germany gained 15%. Exports to Japan grew by 15%.

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Exporting Assistance to New Hampshire Companies

The New Hampshire International Trade Resource Centers unique alliance of state, federal, and private sector organizations all conveniently housed in one single location offers you a full spectrum of information, programs, and customized services. The Trade Center also offers an extensive international business library, the statewide hub of the International Trade Data Network, a worldwide network of Commercial Consuls, a European-based logistics center, overseas virtual offices, and more. From the development of an export strategy, to setting up trade shows, to financing the ultimate foreign sales transaction the Trade Center can help you capture your share of the huge global market. The International Trade Resource Center is the one-stop location to get you in connected with the following resources to help with your international trade needs:

New Hampshire Office of International Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce Export-Import Bank of the United States Small Business Administration Southern New Hampshire University New Hampshire International Trade Association International Trade Data Network Research Library New Hampshire European Logistics Center New Hampshire House(s) New Hampshire Commercial Consul

For further assistance or information, visit or contact the International Resource Center at (603) 334-6074 or the Office of Business and Industrial Development at (603) 271-2591.

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New Hampshire Top 25 Exports by Country, 2005-2008 (in millions of dollars)

Value Value Value Value %

Change Rank Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2007/2008Total U.S. Exports 867,137 989,784 1,109,272 1,245,004 12.2New Hampshire Total 2,557 2,817 2,914 3,752 28.8

1 Canada 575 603 609 639 4.92 Mexico 103 $116 128 558 335.93 China 116 183 272 329 79.84 Federal Republic of Germany 151 213 227 262 15.45 United Kingdom 176 174 184 195 6.06 Japan 172 129 143 164 14.77 Netherlands 216 193 145 149 2.88 Hong Kong 72 97 102 105 2.99 South Africa 9 10 9 79 777.810 Italy 71 89 84 76 -9.511 Turkey 30 47 60 73 21.712 France 74 60 78 71 -9.013 Switzerland 29 28 24 66 175.014 Singapore 49 62 62 60 -3.215 Philippines 6 6 6 60 900.016 Thailand 74 48 41 59 43.917 Australia 62 84 51 58 13.718 Brazil 29 45 36 56 55.619 South Korea 82 82 65 55 -15.420 Israel 45 42 38 50 31.621 Taiwan 43 48 51 46 -9.822 Ireland 28 35 31 27 -12.923 India 16 20 25 27 8.024 Malaysia 24 32 22 27 22.725 Spain 27 34 38 26 -31.6

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division Visit the US Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division’s website, for more information.

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Quality of Life All states say they have “quality of life,” but the fact is that New Hampshire is small enough to support a balanced quality of life without sitting in traffic for two hours. Employees and company owners choose to live in New Hampshire because there are excellent school systems, high quality health care, low crime rates, sophisticated technologies, clean air, mountains, oceans, lakes and historical and cultural resources, and commuting to work takes on average only 30 to 45 minutes. New Hampshire is also close to major metropolitan areas; Boston is a one-hour commute by automobile and New York City is a four and a half hour commute.

Social Surveys New Hampshire has been highly rated in national social surveys. New Hampshire was recently ranked the third “Most Livable State” by CQ Press. New Hampshire ranked this high because of factors such as its low crime rate, reasonable cost of living and highly educated and healthy population. The table below lists some of the quality of life categories in which New Hampshire has ranked high. Categories National Rank New England Rank Favorable Business Tax Climate 8th 1st Standard of Living (by Poverty Rate) 2005-2007 1st 1st Most Livable State (CQ Press, 2009) 3rd 1st Safest State (Crime per 100,000 people, 2008) 1st 1st Child and Family Well-Being (Annie E. Casey, 2008) 1st 1st Healthiest State (CQ Press, 2008) 2nd 1st % of Population Graduated from High School in 2007 3rd 1st Per Capita Income (2007) 9th 3rd

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Housing Costs Despite a softening real estate and rental market, New Hampshire's citizens continue to face a significant housing affordability challenge. Property taxes, and other costs associated with keeping a family housed, have increased substantially in the past year. These associated expenses have had the effect of raising the overall cost of housing for both renters and home owners, thus continuing the challenge of affordability for Granite State residents. Although rents and home prices have recently stabilized or even fallen slightly, there is still a substantial affordability gap between household incomes and housing costs for most low and moderate income New Hampshire families.

Median Gross Rental Cost by Type

Year All Units










Units 2008 $969 $615 $800 $1,044 $1,200 $1,466 2007 $946 $634 $778 $1,029 $1,195 $1,437 2006 $928 $600 $794 $1,003 $1,194 $1,400 2005 $901 $585 $750 $989 $1,116 $1,335 2004 $896 $592 $754 $978 $1,094 $1,274 2003 $854 $550 $736 $932 $1,025 $1,200

Source: New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Residential Rental Cost Survey

Median Purchase Price by House Type

Year All

Homes Existing Homes

New Homes

Non-Condominiums Condominiums

2008 $240,200 $234,000 $295,500 $254,000 $196,000 2007 $252,500 $245,000 $300,000 $269,900 $199,000 2006 $249,900 $240,000 $312,500 $265,000 $192,000 2005 $250,000 $240,000 $299,933 $270,000 $196,000 2004 $238,000 $229,000 $284,190 $252,660 $187,780 2003 $215,000 $201,600 $267,500 $229,400 $169,900

Source: New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority Purchase Price Database For more information on housing costs, visit the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority website

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Climate The New Hampshire climate is conducive to healthy minds and good worker attitudes. Winter storms impose very few travel problems as evidenced by school department averages of two no school days per season due to storms. Summers are temperate and air conditioning is not usually necessary for comfort, except for a few peak humid days. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the 12 months.

Temperatures for Concord, NH

Normal Temperatures Extreme Temperatures Month Daily Max Daily Min Average High Low January 30.6 9.7 20.1 68 -33 February 34.1 12.6 23.3 67 -37 March 43.8 22.7 33.3 89 -16 April 56.9 32.2 44.6 95 8 May 69.6 42.4 56 97 21 June 77.9 51.8 64.9 98 30 July 82.9 57.1 70 102 35 August 80.8 55.6 68.2 101 29 September 72.1 46.6 59.4 98 21 October 60.5 35.1 47.8 90 10 November 47.6 27.6 37.6 80 -5 December 35.6 16.2 25.9 73 -22 Annual 57.7 34.1 45.9 102 -37

Normal values are based on the period 1971-2000 Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

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Culture and Recreation New Hampshire offers a wide variety of activities for residents and tourists alike all year round in any region of the state. Some of the activity types include:

Enrich your mind at one of the many galleries, historic sites, museums and theaters in New Hampshire where arts and history combine to inspire creative minds.

Sun yourself at a beach along NH’s 18 miles of coastline or enjoy other water activities such as boating or swimming in one of the 1,300 lakes and ponds that provide recreation throughout the seasons.

Get outdoors and experience year-round outdoor activities such as skiing, snowmobiling, golfing, biking, hiking, camping, fishing, or boating.

Enjoy tax-free shopping in New Hampshire’s unique stores, factory outlets or antique stores.

Take a scenic drive through one of New Hampshire’s 50 covered bridges or view the fall foliage.

Experience New Hampshire made products at one of the many Agricultural Fairs or Farmer’s Markets throughout the state.

Catch a sporting event or a performance at one of New Hampshire’s arenas or stadiums.

Visit the New Hampshire Department of Travel and Tourism’s website for more information on New Hampshire’s attractions

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