Atcheson L. Hench Autograph Collection (2024)

  • Box-folder 6:9

    1874 March 22 Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886), Boston, to W.W. Crannell, Albany, New York, thanking him for the clippings of editorial comments concerning himself which Crannell sent to Adams,

    1 page (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 6:10

    1887 June 22 Alexander Agassiz (1835-1910) to "Dear Sir," informing his correspondent that the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, does not have the funds to purchase new collections,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 6:11

    1880 February 11 Mark Alexander (1792-1883), Mecklenburg County, Virginia, to T.J. Burton, describing his political service,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 6:12

    1791 [March 17?] Christopher Anstey (1724-1805) to [John?] White, due to Mrs. White's illness, he writes asking if he can have White's children at his house with their nursery servant so she can rest,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 6:13

    [1873?] January 14 Samuel Chapman Armstrong (1839-1893) to Dr. [Andrew Preston?] Peabody (1811-1893), asking Dr. Peabody to write an account of a sermon by the Reverend Mr. Mars, "a colored preacher" who he heard on Revere Street, Boston, for the paper The Southern Workman . He also sends a copies of the paper and his report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, describes the growth in applications for the Hampton Institute, the push for funds for new buildings, and a new singing campaign in the United States and England featuring the old slave spirituals to raise money for new dormitories. He also mentions the devastation of the Great Boston Fire of 1872,

    4 pages (6435)

  • Box-folder 6:14

    1938 January 28 Nancy Astor (1879-1964) to the Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, (1882-1965) explaining that arrangements had been made to meet the Congressional women and that would prevent her from having tea with Perkins while in Washington, D.C.,

    1 page (6435-an)

  • Box-folder 6:15

    1859 April 25 The Reverend Thomas Atkinson (1807-1881) to the Reverend John Sinclair, [England?], sends a letter of introduction for University of Virginia Professor, James P. Holcombe, who is traveling in Europe for his health,

    1 page (6435-y)

  • Box-folder 6:16

    1893 March 5 Henry Bacon, American architect, (1866-1924) to his cousin, discussing his article "The Republic's First Statue" and drawing (neither present) about the work of Jean-Antoine Houdon for publication in his cousin's magazine,

    4 pages on 2 l. (6435-ah)

  • Box-folder 6:17

    1874 September 10 Philip James Bailey (1816-1902) to the Rev. J[ohn] G[eorge] Wood (1827-1889), while visiting Jersey Island, Bailey was reminded of his friend, the Rev. Wood, by meeting an acquaintance of Wood's named Mr. Blount of Belvedere, and by a letter that he forwards to Wood for an answer. He also enclosed some of his own work and some of an ancestor's work as well (not present),

    4 pages, on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 6:18

    [1837] June 30 Joanna Baillie, Scottish poetess (1762-1851) to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), informing her that "since the age of annuals began (a good many years now) I have always refused to contribute to them, though many of their most eminent editors requested me to do so and to make my own terms, because I did not like that species of literature. This may be prejudice in me, but I am certainly as averse to it now as I ever was…" She does wish Mitford the greatest success with her new undertaking and also mentions Lady [Barbarina Brand] Dacre (1768-1854), her daughter, Arabella Sullivan (1796-1839), Lady Beecher (formerly Miss O'Neil), Mr. Harness, and Sir Walter Scott in her letter.

    5 pages, (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 6:19

    1878 March 20 George Bancroft (1800-1891) to Charles Henry Hart (1847-1918), he is looking forward to reading the life of [Robert] Morris and expresses his appreciation for the letter from Langdon and the engravings sent by Hart,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 6:20

    [n.y.] April 30 George Bancroft (1800-1891) to Aaron Hobart, Boston Reading in its entirety, "Your favor of the 18th is before me; and is already attended to in both its particulars."

    1 page, (6435-aq)

  • Box-folder 7:1

    1829 January 5 James Barbour (1775-1842) to Thomas Aspinwall, Consul General of the United States, repays him for the advance payment he has made to the account of destitute seaman by encloses a draft on the Bankers of the United States,

    1 page on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:1

    1829 March 28 James Barbour (1775-1842) to Thomas Aspinwall, Consul General of the United States, in reply to his request, he encloses a draft on the Bankers of the United States for two hundred pounds,

    1 page on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:2

    1841 January 26 James Barbour (1775-1842) to Thomas Aspinwall, Consul General of the United States, asks for his help with a question currently in Federal court, "what was the southern boundary of the Cherokee Indians on the Tennessee or Cherokee River and the Mississippi in and before 1779?" Barbour suspects that this information may reside in the Colonial Office in London or in the reports of the Commissioners or Agents of Indian Affairs. He tells Aspinwall to send any authenticated information or maps concerning the matter to William Kinney, Staunton, Virginia, in the care of Read and Taylor , Maiden Lane, New York.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:3

    1827 August James Barbour (1775-1842) concerning the case of H. D[umas] and his claim for payment to Barbour as Secretary of War,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:4

    1827 January 29 James Barbour (1775-1842) to George Graham, requests to borrow $6,000 dollars from the local branch of the Bank of the United States because of his heavy crop losses of the year before,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:5

    1821 July 25 James Barbour (1775-1842) to "Dear Sir," inquires about his success in converting the one hundred and fifty dollars of bank notes left with him in the winter into something valuable and suggests Mr. Barclay of the Eastern Shore as an advisor if he needs one,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:6

    1840 August 6 James Barbour (1775-1842) to "Gentlemen" [Whigs of Massachusetts], though much flattered by their invitation to attend a General Convention on Bunker Hill with the Whigs of Massachusetts in September, Barbour feels unable to endure the fatigue of such a journey but states "Massachusetts and Virginia - shoulder to shoulder -


    the liberties of America; now that they are again in danger - may we by alike united and glorious effort



    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:7

    1822-1830 Philip Pendleton Barbour (1783-1841) - Financial documents, 3 bank drafts drawn upon the Branch Bank of the United States Bank at Washington (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:8

    1812 Joel Barlow (1754-1812), document stating that Barlow was U.S. plenipotentiary to France with a ink stamp of the American Legation seal affixed (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:9

    1908 February 19 Clara Barton (1821-1912) to her nephew, Sam, hand-written copy, sending her regret that he was so ill, 2 pages on 1 l. Note by Hench says the original was given to his mother for her collection as a birthday present on January 29, 1942 (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:10

    1861 March 28 Kate Josephine Bateman (1842-1917), American actress, provides a brief note and autograph (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:11

    1782 November 3 James Beattie (1735-1803) Scottish poet and abolitionist, to the Reverend Dr. James, thanking him for his son's poem, which he favorably analyzes, and mentioning the literary work of his own son,

    2 p. on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:12

    183[?] August 31 Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842), Scottish physician and anatomist, to Sir John Richardson (1787-1865), physician and Arctic explorer, hand-written copy, sharing experiences of his trip through England, focusing chiefly upon fishing. Note by Hench says the original was given to his brother, Philip Hench, for his medical autograph collection as a birthday present on February 18, 1941 (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:13

    [1855] October 29 Park Benjamin, Sr. (1809-1864) to the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, asking if they can arrange for a speaking date after December 27th since he may not return from his trip out West until December 20th,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:14

    1862 April 2 Cyrus Billartin, publisher of the Newburgh Journal to Colonel [Charles Henry?] Van Wyck (1824-1895), colonel of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, asking him to send his weekly letters to his publication instead of the Press, so they will not be published a week behind his competitor due to the schedule of publication,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:15

    1866 August 12 George Henry Boker (1823-1990) to Paul Hamilton Hayne, apologizes for having mislaid Hayne's note with his address; asks which of his sonnets is being used by [S. Adams] Lee in his "Book of the Sonnet" at Robert Brothers of Boston, because Boker is supposed to write a paragraph about Hayne and his poetry appearing in the book; expresses astonishment that [Richard Henry?] Stoddard did not reply to Hayne's note; and sends him a copy of his own Poems of the War and notes that one of his poems, "Countess Laura" was published in the Atlantic Monthly for August 1865, 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:16

    1841 October 14 Joseph Bosworth (1789-1876), Anglo-Saxon scholar and lexicographer to W[illiam] Jerdan (1782-1869), manager of the Literary Gazette, promises to promote its circulation, forwards some poems by Mr. Mark, Whisperings of Fancy, and encloses an order for a copy of what was published with his Anglo-Saxon dictionary,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:17

    1883 August Poem "Books for the People" by Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta (1815-1891),

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:17

    n.d. Poem "To the Hon. Daniel Webster" by Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta (1815-1891),

    4 pages, on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:18

    1838 August 31 John Minor Botts (1802-1869) to William Ogden Niles, Editor of The Register, urges him to re-examine his books to find the payment he made last May and settle the claims of non-payment made by Philip Tabb or to question his own brother who took his payment,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:19

    1840 September 15 John Minor Botts (1802-1869) to "My dear Sir," thanks his correspondent for giving him the news that he picks up during his travels which may prove advantageous to their cause, has had his first published and will provide extracts to [John Hampden ?] Pleasants, editor of the Richmond Whig from his last correspondence; he plans on go on a speaking campaign to address the people, saying "Was ever a party so whip't as we shall whip this truly Federal loco foco party"; and he also has received a letter from Lewis Williams of North Carolina predicting that [William Henry] Harrison will get a 15,000 majority of that state.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:20

    1926 Autograph of G[amaliel] Bradford in return address portion of an envelope (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:21

    1789 August 10 John Breckenridge, Albemarle County, Virginia, to "Sir," offering himself to fill the position of clerk of the General Assembly recently vacated by J. Beckley,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:22

    1865 April 1 John Bright (1811-1889) to Thomas Dixon, informs him that he cannot do anything more towards his object due to the press of letters and applications sent to him and asks him not to bother [Richard] Cobden either as he is ill; he also refers to the Civil War, "You will be glad, as I am, at the prospect of a termination of the great contest in America,"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:23

    1869 April 22 John Bright (1811-1889) to Sir John Jaffray (1818-1901), Scottish journalist and co-founder of the Birmingham Daily Post, writes that the successor of General [Cartwright] has been appointed; a copy of the Report of the Commission has been sent to Jaffray; and that he believes Jaffray will approve of the bill of [George Joachim?] Coschen (1831-1907) when he sees the amendments that he is ready to propose,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:24

    1864 August 19 John Bright (1811-1889) to Dr. J[ohn] P[almer] Litchfield (1808-1868), Kingston, Cananda West, one of the founding faculty of The University of Queens College, School of Medicine, and former superintendent of the Asylum for the Criminally Insane at Rockwood in Kingston, about possible appointments for him,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:25

    1851 March 18 John Bright (1811-1889) to J. Milne, informs him that the resolution of Mr. Bailles has been withdrawn but the conduct of those implicated in the "Ceylon business" [the crushing of the Matale Rebellion against taxes on the peasant class] was so bad that it would have been difficult to have argued or voted against his motion; Bright hesitates to show full support for the government, fearing that "we should soon lose our own characters, & at the same time fail to save the Whigs." Apparently, the letter was referring to the atrocities committed in Ceylon by the British under the administration of Lord Torrington.

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-aq)

  • Box-folder 7:26

    1869 April 27 John Bright (1811-1889) to John Reed, sharing that "our government has cautioned the Governors of the Colonies not to encourage colonization in the Fiji Islands by

    holding out hope of British Protection

    ; we cannot interfere in what the French or the Americans are doing there."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:27

    1853 November 5 John Bright (1811-1889) John Bright to F.L. Scott, forwarding a letter from [William] Farley, a letter carrier for the Skinner Street District, to the Post Master General, Lord Charles John Canning (1812-1862); Farley is seeking an appointment for his son, Edward Farley,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-an)

  • Box-folder 7:28

    1873 December 8 John Bright (1811-1889) to Dr. Henry Thomas (1832-1894), homeopath of the Llandudno Hydropathic Establishment, encloses a note for Mr. Fowler thanking him for the picture,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:29

    1853 June 21 John Bright Autograph on a Pass to "Admit the Bearer to the Gallery" [of the House of Commons?] (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:30

    1863 May 4 John Bright Autograph on a Pass to "Admit the Bearer to the Gallery of the House of Commons" (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 7:31

    1790 January 9 Signature of G. Brooke, Clerk of Court, Dumfries, Virginia, on a legal document,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:32

    1863 November 16 Lt. Colonel William LeRoy Broun (1827-1902), Confederate States Arsenal, to Major Thomas M. Bowyer, Dublin Depot, transferring the horse shoe contracts,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:33

    1868 September 12 Max Bruch (1838-1920) to "Dear Friend," in German, with an English hand-written transcript, asking if they are going to play his concerto at one of the concerts in the Cloth-workers Hall and for a recommendation for a nice boarding house for his sister and himself in Leipzig,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:34

    1885 September 17 Max Bruch (1838-1920) to "Dear Friend," in German,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:35

    1897 June 2 James Bryce (1838-1922) to Bishop [Henry Codman] Potter, Bishop of New York, hopes to visit with him while he is in London for a quiet talk about various American questions perplexing him,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 7:36

    [1921?] June 20 James Bryce (1838-1922) to Mr. Quinn, tries to arrange a time when they could meet before he sails for America,

    1 page (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 7:37

    n.d. James Bryce (1838-1922) engraving


  • Box-folder 7:38

    1834 May 3 Peter Buchan (1790-1854) to Messrs. Archibald Fullarton & Co. Publishers, Glasgow, discusses the publication of their edition of Burns' works with approval, especially the notes by M. presumably, William Motherwell (1797-1835), Editor of the Glasgow Courier, and the edition of Burns by Allan Cunningham, which contained "several gross mistakes, willful misrepresentations, or ignorant errors, particularly in the Songs." He offers his services in any manner to benefit their edition of Burns. Buchan also sends an old prospectus for a work not published due to a misunderstanding with Henry Constable, even though his manuscript had been read by Sir Walter Scott and others with approval, which he offers for publication.

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:39

    1885 Hezekiah Butterworth (1839-1905), editor of Youth's Companion to Mr. Ernst, sends him scraps of verse for The Beacon,

    4 pages on 4 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:40

    n.d. Hezekiah Butterworth (1839-1905), editor of Youth's Companion to Miss Clara T. Scott, writes "It seems to me that Mr. [William Dean ?] Howells is the American Balzac, and that the true purpose of the novel is to so analyze life as make life better, more noble and happy."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:41

    1964 June 19 Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr. (1887-1966) to Atcheson L. Hench (1891-1974), expresses his deep appreciation of the Appalachian Trail and his intention to support the bill introduced by Senator Nelson, 1 page, typescript, with envelope (6435-at)

  • Box-folder 7:42

    1892 December 25 William Lewis Cabell (1827-1911), Trans-Mississippi Department United Confederate Veterans, Dallas, Texas, to A.E. Allen, supplies the requested addresses of various generals,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:43

    [n.y.] November 22 Janet [Hamilton?] Carter, (wife of John Carter, 1739?-1789), Sudley Farm, [Prince William County?], Virginia, to John Fitzgerald, orders six yards of cloth in a note (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:44

    1941 January 13 Hunsdon Cary (1872-1952) to Atcheson Hench (1891-1974), encloses a printed copy of his "Education Plank" pamphlet as a candidate for Virginia governor (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:45

    1940 May 16 Willa Cather (1873-1947) to Atcheson Hench, with other related letters to publishers concerning a cheap edition of Death Comes for the Archbishop, in 1938 and 1949; Willa Cather discusses why she will not allow a contract renewal to print a Modern Library edition of her book for "poor students," 2 pages on 2 l. with envelope, copy, original in Vault- Cather (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:46

    1896 March 13 Madison J. Cawein (1865-1914) to his publisher, Messrs. Copeland and Day, sends his photograph and agrees to hold his additional poetry for a future volume, allowing Undertones to "go to press in its present condition, without increasing the number of pages,"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:47

    n.d. Madison J. Cawein (1865-1914) Poems, including "The Close of Summer," 2 typed pages on 2 l.; "The Gray Sisters," 2 typed pages on 2 l.; and "Wedlock," 1 holograph page; all three signed by Cawein (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:48

    1894 October 8 Cecile L.S. Chaminade (1857-1944) to Francesco Berger, thanks Berger for arranging an engagement with the Philharmonic Society of London, in French, 2 pages on a single note card, with envelope (6435-bf)

  • Box-folder 7:49

    n.d. Professor F[rancis] J[ames] Child (1825-1896), note to Dr. Gray, urges him to come to "Lyceum Hale" to hear [Dana, Hale, and ? Presidents],

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:50

    1871 March 12 Professor F[rancis] J[ames] Child (1825-1896), distinguished Chaucer scholar, to Paul Hamilton Hayne, declares that "The Franklin's Tale" by Chaucer is among his very best and wonderfully told despite its one great flaw, and then refers to Hayne's version, "You have made the story your own, much as Chaucer did his original and have retold it with great sweetness and tenderness. If The New Eclectic is fairly represented by your contributions, the South will have reason to be proud of its magazine." 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:50

    1871 April 23 Professor F[rancis] J[ames] Child (1825-1896), to Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) apologizes for not answering his letter sooner, and thanks him for the news of his old friends, Ramsay, George Pettigrew, and Sam Lord; he also advises him not to limit his work to sonnets, which are difficult and constraining, but to also write lyrics; and wishes for "leisure to do what I am most drawn to - to make an edition of English ballads which shall be of critical value." 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:51

    1859 July 5 Henry [J?] Chorley to Mr. Hawthorne, expresses his pleasure at receiving them both, "surely, though one cannot believe in


    must one not in



    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:52

    1793 October 20 The Reverend Dr. Thomas Clare to Samuel Ireland (d. 1800), refers to and answers a criticism of Ireland's book Tour of the Thames for neglecting to describe when the ice in the river might begin freezing at the bottom rather the top and supplies a description of "anchor-frost" given by the millers on the river Avon for his benefit. Clare also discusses Dowbridge and Lilburn, and the nearby Roman encampment in great detail, which he believes was the Tripontium mentioned by Antoninus

    4 pages on 2 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:53

    1842 April 9 Lewis Gaylord Clark (1808-1873) to Morton M. Michael, sends him the first number of Willis' [his twin brother, Willis Gaylord Clark (1810-1841)] "Literary Remains" and asks for his help in promoting its sale,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:54

    183[6] March 4 Lewis Gaylord Clark (1808-1873), editor of The Knickerbocker, to Henry Stephens Randall (1811-1876) concerning Randall's "Wife's Book" published in the March [1836] number of The Knickerbocker,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:55

    1865 August 2 Lewis Gaylord Clark (1808-1873) to Hanson A. Risley (1814-1893), a special Treasury agent close to William H. Seward, asks him to help promote the application of Alfred H. Phillips for an increase in his salary as first clerk to the Chief Clerk of the Warehouse Record Bureau,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:56

    1782 December 23 Thomas Clarke, Quebec, to Major General Friedrich Adolf Riedesel (1738-1800), writes concerning the health of Madame Riedesel, and the exchange of two good men. Riedesel and his wife had been captured after the Battle of Saratoga (1777) and imprisoned with the Convention Army at the Albemarle Barracks in Virginia until 1781 when he was released and named officer in charge of the Sorel District of Quebec,

    2 p. on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:57

    1880 [January] 20 Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) to Miss [Tiny?], thanks her for her "present" and "the charming manner in which you have associated your pencil with Mrs. Payne's kind remembrance of me"

    2 p. on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:58

    [ca. 1889] Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) Manuscript Page from The Legacy of Cain, possibly in the hand of Elizabeth Harriet Graves Bartley, his goddaughter,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:59

    1954, 1972 Padraic Colum (1881-1972) Miscellany concerning his visit to the University of Virginia in 1954 for the Seventh Peters Rushton Seminar in Contemporary Prose and Poetry on Modern Irish Literature with Elizabeth Bowen, Oliver St. John Gogarty, Denis Johnston and Sean O'Faolain, including copies of the program, a letter to Atcheson Hench, [April 1, 1954] from Colum, an invitation, two photographs of the panel, electrostatic copy of a poem "The Hummingbird" by Colum, and a much later clipping of an obituary for Padraic Colum,

    12 items (6435-ay)

  • Box-folder 7:60

    [1888] November 9 Moncure Daniel Conway (1832-1907) to "Dear Sir" [John H. Ingram?] (1842-1916) writes that although he has not yet seen Ingram's biography and edition of Edgar A. Poe, if he will send him a copy he will be glad "to give it careful and extended notice in my correspondence with the American press" and also call the attention of his friends to it in [England?],

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:61

    1855 February 27 John Esten Cooke (1830-1886) to L[ucian] Minor (1802-1858) asks for his help in writing an entry for Richard Dabney for the literary encyclopedia of American authors edited by Evert A. Duyckinck,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:62

    1794 February 29 George Crabbe (1754-1832), rector of Muston and Allington, to John Robinson (1727-1802) refers to a division of land to be undertaken by Mr. Renshaw who he believes will be fair,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:63

    1890 February 13 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to A[llen?] H[erbert?] Bent (1867-1926), a note card asking Bent to omit the title reverend from his name as he dropped it forty-five years ago,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:64

    1879 January 23 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to H.G. Denny, informs him that he cannot be present at the Annual Dinner of the Harvard Musical Association,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:65

    1872 February 7 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to [James] R. Osgood, writes concerning the publication of his translation of the Aeneid by Osgood and asks for more liberal terms than those proposed,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:66

    1891 May 4 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to S.L. Thorndike, checks on the reasons why Mr. E. Howard Gay has not yet been voted upon for membership in the S. Club,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:67

    1882 January 30 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to William Hayes Ward, New York Independent (1835-1916), thanks him for the check for his poem on Garfield but feels that the amount should have been larger due to the quality and quantity of his poem,

    2 pages (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:68

    1872 May 19 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to "Dear Sir" [publisher Roberts Brothers, Boston?] cites Shakespeare and Dryden as his authority for keeping the spelling of Hecate with the final e in his book [Satan: a libretto?],

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:69

    1889 February 9 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) to "Dear Sir," furnishes some biographical information to explain why he might not be considered a poet of the Bay State and lists publication information concerning his first three books of poetry,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:70

    1891 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) Poem "Old and Young,"

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:71

    1886, 1889 Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892) Untitled Poetry, each

    1 page on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:72

    1862 August 5 Captain David P. Curry, Rockbridge Guards, Brownsburg, to Robert Reid Howison, recounts his recollections of the events surrounding the Battle of Rich Mountain, Randolph County, [West] Virginia, on July 11, 1861, with Colonel Pegram surrendering to Major General George B. McClellan in command of the Union forces,

    7 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:73

    [1863] August 11 Dr. John Meck Cuyler (d.1884), U.S. Medical Dept., Fort Monroe, Virginia, to Dr. [Gilman?] Kimball (1804 -?), sends instructions concerning the hospital muster rolls that must be made out every two months,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:74

    1817 February 26 George M. Dallas (1792-1864) to Secretary of State James Monroe (1758-1831), forwards a publication to Monroe for his approval, which he also wishes to dedicate to Monroe,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:75

    n.d. Richard Henry Dana, Jr. (1815-1882) Autograph (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:76

    [1889 April 9] Danske Dandridge (1854-1914) to Mr. Bowen, hopes to send him some of her work soon, introduces Waitman Barbe (1864-1925) Parkersburg, West Virginia, sending one of his poems to Bowen,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:77

    1944 Christmas Serena K. Dandridge Printed Poem "One World" used as a Christmas greeting, sent to "My dear Michie cousins" (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:78

    1794 September 11 Beverley Dandridge to John D. De Lacy, informs DeLacy that he cannot offer employment in the service to foreigners when there are more citizen applications than there are jobs to be filled,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:79

    1864 May-June Brigadier General James Dearing Civil War Telegrams, Petersburg, Virginia, to General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard (1818-1893), and to Lt. Colonel [John Marshall Warwick] Otey (1839-1883), written during the Siege of Petersburg, including May 11th "Bakers regiment of cavalry will beat Hicksford early this evening Ferebees & part of another cavalry tomorrow"; May 31st "Genl I have driven in their pickets & line of Skirmishes at [Gatlins]. I am endeavoring to sink two Gun Boats - They have a very small force here"; and reports to Otey that his pickets are established on Broadway, City Point, Jordan's Point, & Prince George Road (June 11). He also reports "the enemy are still in my front - in force reported to be advancing in heavy force on the Broadway Road. I have but one company there. Some infantry should be sent at once to the Broadway Road" (June 13); and "the enemy has attacked my outposts in force; prisoners state there are four Regt of infantry and four of Cavalry close behind' (June 15),

    5 telegrams (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:80

    1831 March 25 6th Duke of Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, to [Mary Russell Mitford], in spite of his regard for her work and talent he cannot grant her request and states that he has made a rule not to reverse the decisions of his predecessor the Duke of Montrose concerning any play which he prohibited. He also asks if he can retain the copy of her play and add it to his dramatic library consisting of nearly 6,000 plays and offers to show her any of the early dramatic authors.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:80

    1837 May 18 6th Duke of Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, to [Mary Russell Mitford], has written of her request [for a literary pension] in a letter to his friend, Mr. Cowper, Lord Melbourne's nephew and private secretary, who will plead her cause before Lord Melbourne, but says "do not let me make you sanguine, I never yet found a minister who would do anything the more for my asking."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:81

    n.d. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickens New Years Greeting Card (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:82

    1869 January 26 Anna E. Dickinson (1842-1932) to Charlotte Morrill, thanks her for the gift of the little book and states that when she sees it or touches it, it is like touching the face or hand of a friend,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:83

    1761 January 9 Roger Dixon, Clerk of the Court, Culpeper County, Legal Notice to Receive a Deposition from Sarah and Elizabeth Banks of King and Queen County for the Court at Culpeper County, Virginia,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:84

    1862 December 26 Evert Augustus Duyckinck (1816-1878) to T[heseus] A[loleon] Cheney (1830-1878), regrets that the Cyclopedia of American Literature has gone out of print and that he only possesses a single copy of Poets of the 19th Century ; thanks Cheney for the essay on Indian antiquities,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:85

    1844 January 20 Evert Augustus Duyckinck (1816-1878) to Rufus Wilmot Griswold (1815-1857), encloses a notice he has written of [Lander?] with extracts. "These together with


    in The Book of Gems will be a fair specimen." asks Griswold if he has Poets of the 19th Century or a similar work, possibly all for use in Griswold's Poets and Poetry of America,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:86

    1865 December 13 Evert Augustus Duyckinck (1816-1878) to William Henry Whitmore (1836-1900), regrets that he is unable to assist him with the American imitations of [Winthrop Mackworth?] Praed (1802-1839) and not sure if Morris had written any but N.P. Willis, editor of The Home Journal and son of [George Pope] Morris's life-long associate should be able to answer the question. He also recommends Dr. Shelton Mackenzie of Philadelphia for information about Praed. He also furnishes suggestions for the proposed book on charades, 3 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:87

    1873 April 21 Evert Augustus Duyckinck (1816-1878) to "Dear Sir," has seen Mr. Johnson about the engravings who will exchange the numbers of the Portrait Gallery for the Cyclopedia of American Literature, so the correspondent will have all the portraits as soon as they are published. 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:88

    1935 February 16 Amelia Earhart (1898-1937) Autograph on the cover of a program for a testimonial dinner at the South Shore Country Club, with unrelated news clippings about Earhart (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:89

    1872 March 11 Jubal A. Early (1816-1894) to Henry Barton Dawson (1821-1889), sends a copy of his address delivered on Robert E. Lee's birthday in Lexington, Virginia, about Lee's military history in the Civil War, sends him notes about William Mahone's amended biography, and describes in detail his objections to the book and its offensiveness to himself. He also asks if Dawson can send him another copy of the number containing Lee's report of the Gettysburg campaign to replace the one someone had borrowed and not returned.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:90

    n.d. Maria Edgeworth (1767-1849) to "My dear Sir" [Thomas Noon Talfourd] (1795-1854), apologizes for her tardiness (due to a fall from a ladder ) in thanking him for his gift, shares her appreciation of his play "The Athenian Captive" (performed in 1838) and his efforts on behalf of the literary community to pass a copyright bill in England, mentions her attempts with her publisher to find out the state of her own works as to copyright.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 7:91

    1885 December 17 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) Note on the Autograph Collection, "The autograph collection is - as Artemus Ward said of the rain in England - rather numerous; but as yet I have been able to submit to his exactions without neglecting my family. Should I become famous at any time I should be obliged to neglect the family - or the autograph collection."

    1 page on 1 l. (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 7:92

    1888 May 21 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [Henry Mills] Alden (1836-1919), editor of Harper's Magazine, encloses an article for the "Editor's Drawer" about old "Parson T." his stepfather, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:93

    1889 March 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Ben W. Austin, informs him that he has no autograph letters from Francis Hall or Hugh Hastings, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:94

    1904 January 20 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Will Carleton (1845-1912), proposes to read "Bernard Poland's Prophecy" and have another item ready should the program fall short of readers,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:94

    1907 January 23 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Will Carleton (1845-1912), as Honorary President of the Manhattan Branch of the Dickens Fellowship, asks Carleton to help with an "Author's Reading" to raise money to endow "Tiny Tim Cots" in the Children's Aid Society's Seaside Home for Deformed and Crippled Children,

    2 pages (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:94

    1907 January 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Will Carleton (1845-1912), tells him that he can take what time he needs to read his selection and encourages him to attend the upcoming Dickens Fellowship celebrating the 95th birthday of Charles Dickens,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:94

    1907 March 21 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Will Carleton (1845-1912), asks him to bring along a second piece to pad the program in case [Richard Watson?] Gilder isn't able to make it back from [Thomas Bailey] Aldrich's funeral in time to read,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:95

    1895 July 4 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to C.W. Dayton, postmaster of New York City, commends the quick and intelligent work of the postal service,

    2 pages on 2 l. (6435-g)

  • Box-folder 7:96

    1873 October 22 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to William R. Dorlon, complies with his request for an autograph having just sent the preface to "A Man of Honor" to the printers (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:97

    1910 May 21 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Miss Fischer, expresses his willingness to inscribe the books for Mr. Young sent to his old address if she can arrange for the express company to forward them to him at Lake George, New York,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:98

    1886 February 18 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Mr. [Richard Watson?] Gilder, sends letter of introduction for Professor T.W. Hunt,

    2 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:99

    1878 January 21 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to E.H. Hawes & Co., asks for a replacement copy of the Solitary World containing the Whitten poems,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:100

    1874 May 18 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [William Dean] Howells (1837-1920), looks forward to seeing the new volume of poetry by [John James?] Piatt (1835-1917),

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:101

    1887 November 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Robert Underwood Johnson (1853-1937), attempts to get tickets to the Author's Readings for his friend, Henry Marquand,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:101

    1891 November 12 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Robert Underwood Johnson (1853-1937), as a member of the governing body of the Author's Club, demands to know who authorized the use of the Author's Club rooms by the Copyright League,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:102

    1880 April 16 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Martha Joanna Reade Nash Lamb (1829-1893), asks her to share her letter about his earlier reviews of her work and mentions the need of the critic for encouragement,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:102

    1883 March 4 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Martha Joanna Reade Nash Lamb (1829-1893), congratulates Lamb on her job as the new editor of The Magazine of American History, and asks her if she plans to keep a narrow historical focus for the magazine or to include the history of American literature as well. He argues against "the common belief is that the literature of imagination is only beginning in America, and that it is a feeble growth still. Now it happens that I have had to give a good deal of attention to the comparative study of this kind of literature in our own country and England, and I have no hesitation in saying that our literature… is rich" … that in Sylvester Judd, Hawthorne, Paulding, Irving, Simms, Cooper, Poe, etc. we are a full match for England."

    7 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:103

    1875 October 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, (1831-1917), asks for a copy of the recent number of the Springfield Republican containing Sanborn's comments about Eggleston's latest paper in The Atlantic as an example of "a candid expression of the best feeling and thinking in New England,"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:104

    1901 January 30 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), expresses his deep concern over his period of physical illness and his absence from the Stockton reception and implores him to take care of himself,

    4 pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:104

    1901 December 4 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), thanks him for his letter full of "generous words of affection,"

    2 pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1902 June 3 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), who is a collector in Minneapolis, Minnesota; sends the autographed books and thanks Young for his gift of Hubbard's Old John Burroughs,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1903 April 4 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), thanks him for allowing him to read his clippings, hopes to visit his library in Minneapolis, Minnesota, some day, and asks if he would like to purchase a copy of Liber Scriptorum published by the Authors Club in a limited printing and signed in pen and ink by the author of each article, story, or poem, for its original price of one hundred dollars,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1903 April 14 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918) arranges to send a copy of Liber Scriptorum to Young, but regrets that he cannot propose him for membership in the Authors Club due to the constitution which requires members to be "the author of a published book proper to literature, or of creditable literary work equivalent to such a book,"

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1903 April 25 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), sends him the original manuscript for "The Master of Warlock" except for the title page and dedication which were missing from the publisher,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1904 March 25 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), thanks him for sending him a inscribed copy of a Roycroft book, returns an inscribed copy of "Running the River," and promises an autographed photograph of himself,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1905 March 4 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to Mrs. James Carleton Young (1856-1918), invitation card for the Authors Club (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1905 June 14 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), urges Young to reveal any article or book writing that he has done to bolster his interest in membership in the Authors Club and is unable to accept his invitation due to two of his books just going to the printers and his son remaining in New York to work in the surgical clinics for the summer. He notes that he came up to Lake George a month early by himself to finish a boy's story that had come to a halt in town.

    7 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 April 9 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), recommends Henry Holt and Co. to publish the translation of the Life of Tolstoy because "Holt is a scholar, an [author?] and a man unusually appreciative of everything that pertains to scholarship, literature and human advancement. As a publisher he ranks high, and as a man he is one of the salt of the earth."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 April 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), says how much he enjoyed reading Mr. [Arthur?] Upson's poem and speaks of sonnets, "The sonnets have not so strongly appealed to me, perhaps because I am unduly exigent in the case of sonnets. The sonnet is the most highly artificial form of literary expression that human ingenuity has invented. As a consequence its only excuse for being is such perfection as shall make the artificial seem natural."

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 May 31 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), regrets that he did not receive Arthur Upson's note before he left the city for his country home and had no way to communicate with Upson while he was still in New York,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 June 25 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), thanks him for the inscribed copy of Arthur Upson's (1877-1908) book The City: A Poem Drama,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 September 26 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), discusses a previous letter of introduction from Young for an unknown person,

    1 page, (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 October 8 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), recommends that Young's friend send his books to either Bangs or Leavitts for auction and mentions his recent acquisition of A History of the Art of Writing in three vast folio volumes,

    7 pages on 2 l. (6435) (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1906 November 12 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), informs him that Mr. [William Dean] Howells has not yet settled in New York and is receiving his mail through Harper & Brothers,

    2 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:105

    1909 May 17 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to [James Carleton] Young (1856-1918), sends an inscribed copy of Two Gentlemen of Virginia back to Young and wishes he could help him on the Mark Twain matter, but "he and I are not on cordial terms, so that any suggestion from me would add to your difficulty instead of relieving it." He also agrees with Young's unfavorable opinion of missionaries.

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:106

    1886 February 23 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) to "My Dear Sir," does not believe that he can offer him any employment unless he possesses particular talents that he needs not mentioned in his letter and invites him to call upon himself some day after two o'clock,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:107

    1903 December 14 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) Shamrock Card for dinner given to honor him, signed by his friends (6435-g)

  • Box-folder 7:108

    1894, 1911 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) Two Autographs (6435)

  • Box-folder 7:108

    1903 May 1 George Cary Eggleston (1839-1911) Book Dedication to his wife, Elizabeth (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:1

    1859 November 15 Charles James Faulkner (1806-1884) to Riggs & Co., encloses a check drawn on the [Valley Bank?] for three hundred dollars (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:2

    1856 August 15 Charles James Faulkner (1806-1884), House of Representatives, to Robert Tyler (1816-1877), plans on putting Mr. McClanahan's letter before the Democratic Resident Committee at its next meeting and would agree with his proposition at once, except for the problem of the "slow process of the accumulation of funds in the Treasury."

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:3

    1857 May 18 Charles James Faulkner (1806-1884) to [Henry Alexander?] Wise (1806-1876), questions the political motivation behind the recommendations for appointments of the directors of the Valley Bank,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:4

    1860 July 5 Charles James Faulkner (1806-1884), U.S. Minister to France, to the Consuls and Consular Agents of the United States in Egypt and Asia Minor, sends a letter of introduction for the Reverend Cyrus Dickson who will travel in the Middle East,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:5

    1893 April 18 Charles James Faulkner (1847-1929), Senator from West Virginia, to the Superintendent of Admission, Worlds Fair, Chicago, Illinois, thanks for his ticket of admission,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:6

    1897 April 7 Charles James Faulkner (1847-1929), Senator from West Virginia, to the Board of Managers for the National Homes for Disabled Soldiers, endorses Thomas Sykes of Huntington, West Virginia, for one of the "Governor" positions at one of the National Homes for Disabled Soldiers,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:7

    1866 February 1 Philip Ricard Fendall (1794-1868) to William Cabell Rives (1793-1868), sends two numbers of The Congressional Globe containing a debate in the House of Representatives on a Pennsylvania member's discovery that James Madison "had claimed for Congress the Constitutional power to regulate the right of suffrage in the states." 2 pages on 1 l., noted as a draft by Fendall (6435-am)

  • Box-folder 8:8

    1887 October 25 John Fiske (1842-1901) to General James Grant Wilson (1832-1914), encloses a brief notice of Henry Lee, including a few words about his two sons, possibly for Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography edited by the two men,

    1 page (6435-as)

  • Box-folder 8:9

    1835 April 11 John Forsyth (1780-1841), Secretary of State, to S. Hart and others on the committee, regrets the necessity of declining their invitation to join the Democratic citizens of Philadelphia in celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jefferson at a public festival on the thirteenth,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:10

    1896 August 23 John Fox, Jr. (1862-1919) to Mr. [Geronime?], promises to stay with him if he makes it to Louisville, Kentucky, in September, and refers to this "silver lunacy" going around the country,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 8:11

    1966 [September 7] Arlene Francis (1907-2001) to Atcheson Hench (1891-1974), signed typed note with her autograph,

    1 page (6435-at)

  • Box-folder 8:12

    1888 February 15 Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930) to Arthur H. Hall, sends her autograph with pleasure,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:13

    [1881] January 17 James Anthony Froude (1818-1894) to [James Russell] Lowell (1819-1891), hopes that he can come either on [January] 20th or 21st because Max Muller intended to return to Oxford on January 22. If Lowell must come on January 22, Froude says he will "lock Max Muller in his room and keep him forcibly." He also writes an amusing anecdote about meeting some Tory Members of Parliament at dinner.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:14

    1881 February 7 F[rederick] J[ames] Furnivall (1825-1910), founder of the Browning Society, to Robert Browning (1812-1889), relates a conversation with a bookseller who was convinced that Browning's books would sell like wildfire if there was only a cheap edition available. Furnivall agrees, "I have so long said that the

    one great

    hindrance to your popularity is your insisting - or allowing others to insist - on keeping your books dear."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:15

    1890 February 6 F[rederick] J[ames] Furnivall (1825-1910) to [Robert Barrett Browning] (1849-1912), discusses the objections Browning, Frederic Leighton, and others have expressed about the photogravure made by the Browning Society of Robert Browning; and asks where his grandfather came from in Dorsetshire, so that he can trace the Browning family.

    5 pages on 3 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:16

    1864 July 21 F[rederick] J[ames] Furnivall (1825-1910), second editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, to "My dear Sir," works on his project without looking at other dictionaries or any concordance, refers to Blackstone for one definition,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:17

    1864 August 4 F[rederick] J[ames] Furnivall (1825-1910) to "My dear Sir," apologizes on finding that "you wanted this [Samuel?] Pegge for yourself; & I have scratched it all about for Dictionary cuttings!" Samuel Pegge (1704-1796) was an antiquary who wrote about English dialects,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:18

    1864 August 8 F[rederick] J[ames] Furnivall (1825-1910) to "My dear Sir," He writes "I am immensely obliged to you for your very curious & pretty present of Addisoniana. It is very interesting to see the researches of a hand like his, & the world of letters should be grateful to you for placing them under their sight." He also discusses other work on the Dictionary,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:19

    1844 February 26 Thomas Walker Gilmer (1802-1844), Secretary of the Navy, two days before his death aboard the U.S.S. Princeton, to Representative [Joseph] Grinnell (1788-1885), informs Grinnell that the name of William Henson appeared on the Muster roll of The Dale as having shipped out on October 14, 1841, and paid off and discharged on July 26, 1843, while the ship was at Valparaiso,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:20

    1842 July 25 Thomas Walker Gilmer (1802-1844) to Mr. Williams, promises to take his letter and his case before President John Tyler,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:21

    1841 July 29 Thomas Walker Gilmer (1802-1844) to "Dear Frank," wants his speech on the Tariff, which will be sent to Charlottesville, Virginia, as soon as it is printed, to be seen and read by his constituents as soon as possible; cautions Frank to consult and deliberate well before seeking a candidate to take [Walter?] Cole's place; mentions [William Cabell?] Rives in the Senate; and gives other political advice,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:22

    1832 October 27 Thomas Walker Gilmer (1802-1844) to the Cashier of the United States Bank, Richmond, Virginia, requests a statement of his account,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:23

    ca. 1932 Unpublished hand-written transcript by Robert Gittings (1911-1992) of Anthony and Cleopatra by Chaucer from [ Legendary Good Women ],

    4 pages on 2 l. (6435-af)

  • Box-folder 8:24

    n.d. Ellen Glasgow (1874-1945) to [Miss? Reed], apologizes that every minute of their last few days are filled to the brim but thanks her for her invitation,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:25

    1919 October 15 Carter Glass (1858-1946), Secretary of the Treasury, to David Singer, thanks for his note expressing his appreciation of Glass' speech at the Credit Section of the Merchants and Manufacturers Association (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:26

    1857 September 9 Parke Godwin (1816-1904) to "My dear Sir," plans to send his children to his school again during the winter despite the expense,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:27

    1909 June 21 George Washington Goethals (1858-1928) - Special Order concerning John H. Keefe (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:28

    1897 December 15 Maud Gonne (1866-1953) to Ewan Justice (1875-1922), sends him a pamphlet (not present) by a very distinguished well-known French naval officer, Mr.[Emile?] Duboc lieutenant de vaisseau; the pamphlet caused a sensation in the European press when it was published a year previous and angrily criticized in the English press; she says Duboc is "as hostile to England as I am"; she has marked passages that she deems particularly important and asks if he can get it reviewed in the Post,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-k)

  • Box-folder 8:29

    1849 December 10 Josiah Gorgas (1818-1883) to Joseph Hillman, orders leather for one of the United States arsenals, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:30

    n.d. Rufus Wilmot Griswold Autograph (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:31

    [1877] July 14 Charles Gounod (1818-1893) to Monsieur Oriolle, in French, traced copy only, original sent to Philip Hench, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:32

    1917 April 3 Percy Aldridge Grainger (1882-1961) to "My dear Mrs. Riggs [Kate Douglas Smith] Riggs [Wiggin?], answers her "sweet and truly kindly letter" she wrote to him after his New York recital with pride at having pleased such a sympathetic artist as Riggs,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:33

    1931 December 18 John W. Haines to [Terence Ian Fitton] Armstrong (1912-1970), refers to his pseudonym John Gawsworth, thanks him for the poems, two of which show his familiarity with his part of the wold, mentions another poet he has taken up [possibly John Skinner (1721-1807)], and plans to meet him if at all possible,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-bc)

  • Box-folder 8:33

    1931 December 20 John W. Haines to [Terence Ian Fytton] Armstrong (1912-1970), apologizes about Saturday's plans, none of which worked out due to the illness of his wife and the extremely foggy conditions,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-bc)

  • Box-folder 8:34

    1932 November 15 John W. Haines to John Gawsworth [Terence Ian Fitton Armstrong] (1912-1970), writes that he and [William Henry?] Davies spent Saturday "on the top of Dundry beacon 5 miles from Bristol at an old farm house with a young poet named Brian Waters whom Davies likes,"

    1 page typewritten (6435-bc)

  • Box-folder 8:35

    1949 March 14 John W. Haines to John Gawsworth [Terence Ian Fitton Armstrong] (1912-1970), does not object to Gawsworth printing a digest of his article on Robert Frost in "Now and Then" if Jonathan Cape has no objection; catches up on his life events since he last saw him seventeen years ago; mentions his attempt "to get my scattered literary papers together and to put some fragments of memoirs into type: hence my article for Now and Then . Biographers of Davies & Frost are always tapping me for information too. I do not find this easy as I have multitude of letters"; he also mentions the deaths of some of his friends, including [Lascelles] Abercrombie (, Gordon Bottomley (1874- 1948 ), and [William Henry] Davies, "all of whose work I did including getting a printer for his widow. I was at his cremation, but it was in the midst of a bombing raid, telephones were all out of order, the Newport [Conference?] people, among others, couldn't get down and there was only a small congregation, though the service was beautifully taken by his old friend whose name is something like Seagrave."

    2 pages, one typewritten and one hand-written on 1 l. (6435-bc)

  • Box-folder 8:36

    1931 December 15 John W. Haines to Wilfred W. Gibson (1878-1962), gives advice on the best way for his friend [Terence Ian Fitton Armstrong] to get to the home of [William Henry?] Davies (1871-1940), who was living at "Shenstone," Nailsworth, and mentions meeting poet Cecil Day-Lewis, "he is distinctly good and original,"

    1 page typewritten (6435-bc)

  • Box-folder 8:37

    1901 May 2 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to Mr. Allen, writes "Do you not think that Mr. Conte had better be kept here? I dislike to have him go to New York."

    1 page (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:37

    1902 January 13 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to Mr. Allen, agrees to speak a few minutes in the evening at their Society if Allen agrees not to release his name in advance because he doesn't want to be inundated with notes from people for whom he has refused to give elaborate evening addresses,

    2 typewritten pages on 1 l. (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:38

    1859 April 22 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to his father, Nathan Hale (1784-1863), writes that he has sent the plants to the freight station addressed to his father and lists the types of plants with their cost minus the shipping,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:39

    n.y. April 9 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to "Dear Williams," regrets that he cannot come to his party on April 13th because he would enjoy meeting Dr. Palmer and thanks him for the "great pleasure we are receiving from the Virgil" which he received as a birthday gift.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:39

    n.y. September 17 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to "Dear Mrs. Williams," "The little book which I send you had its birth one day at your dinner table. It had been planned before but I think you were the first person, outside this house who ever heard of it."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:40

    1871 June 16 Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) to "Dear Harrison," thanks him for the back copies of [ Old and New The People's Magazine ], "we know no way in which Hurd & Houghton should have had any of our back copies." Also asks when his paper on Methodism for the magazine will arrive.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:41

    n.d. Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) print made from an engraving (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 8:42

    [1969] February 21 Nancy Hale (1908-1988) to Atcheson Hench (1891-1974), replies to his mention of seeing a reference to her short story, "Blue-Muslin Sepulcher," originally published in The Ladies Home Journal, concerning the presence of syphilis in a well-bred family in American Story (copy included) and discusses the censorship attitude of the time, 1 typewritten page, with envelope (6435-p)

  • Box-folder 8:43

    1829 April 28 Anna Maria (Fielding) Hall (1800-1881), Irish novelist, to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), she hopes that "you will find nothing in my Sketches of Irish Character to offend your Political feelings - I can love a Catholic as well as a Protestant, although I think we ought to have kept the upper hand with them"; has just finished her last tale, " Peter the Prophet" for her book last night; plans on spending a few day with her friends, John Carne and his wife, and mentions his Tales of the West (1828),

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:44

    1887 November 13 James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips (1820-1889) to Charles Lowe, specifies that he wants popular literature published before 1616, any drawings or engravings of Shakespeare or Stratford-on-Avon


    in the lot purchased at Stratford (although not scenes from the plays), or any old deeds or old manuscript plans of places in Stratford

    or its neighborhood,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:45

    1884 November 14 James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips (1820-1889) English Shakespearean scholar and collector, to David Nutt, writes that while rarely wanting new foreign books, he does sometimes find English books of interest for sale abroad and old London maps. He particularly wants a series of articles by Dr. L. Ennen on "English Players in Cologne,"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:46

    1846 January 18 James Orchard Halliwell-Phillips (1820-1889) to publisher W[illiam] Shoberl, he sends a copy of the Letters of the Kings, believes the rejected ones very dry letters, but feels Shoberl will find "a large number of very readable" letters from those sent,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:47

    1780 [May 17] James I. Hamilton (d.1803), Brigadier General of the British army, captured at Saratoga, commanded the 21st Foot (Scots Fusiliers) - Autograph on a financial document, a check endorsed by him at Charlottesville,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:48

    n.d. Joel Chandler Harris Autograph (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:49

    1881 August 20 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mr. [F.H.?] Allen, inquires about his health and expresses concern over his illness, especially in the severe heat. Augusta, Georgia, actually experienced three days when the temperature was above 95 degrees,

    2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:50

    n.d. Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mr. Bowen, asks if he is still the poet critic for The Independent and sends him a copy of his "Savannah Sesqui-Centennial Ode" which has never before been correctly printed. He wants Bowen to read "the parts concerning the career and characters of




    man, not


    appreciated by Historians, who are too often a set of


    and pretentious



    1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:51

    1880 August 18 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mr. Brainerd, encloses a poem "The Constitution," and asks that it be carefully proof-read "since the piece is one of these sure to be


    by any verbal errors in



    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:51

    1882 June 26 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mr. Brainerd, thanks him for sending a proof of his article about his poems now being published by Lothrop & Co. and congratulates him upon his marriage,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:51

    1882 August 14 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mr. Brainerd, sends along a poem for his journal and asks for 12-15 copies of "Constitution" to be sent to him,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:52

    1879 February 10 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to [Hezekiah] Butterworth (1839-1905), informs him that he does not need to pay for the use of "The Chameleon" because he intended the prose anecdotes as "free-offerings"; considers him lucky to have secured Whipple as a contributor, as he is "one of the ablest aesthetic critics in America; refers to the death of Richard Henry Dana; offers some more verses for The Youth's Companion, and asks if he received Timrod's autograph note from Hayne's wife,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:53

    1882 March 29 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Messrs. Charles Scribner & Son, sends a postal card note to say he has received the copy of Tennyson's poems,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:54

    1882 November 2 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Gentlemen and Friends" his publisher [D. Lothrop and Company] expresses his appreciation for the fine work done by them on his book Poems of Paul Hamilton Hayne and asks that they send immediately the copies ordered by Major Hill, as agent, since he cannot order more books until he has delivered those already ordered.

    2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:55

    1886 January 22 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mrs. Dickinson, thanks her profusely for her gift of silk handkerchiefs and autographs a photograph for her upon the back as his ink will not penetrate the surface of the photograph,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:56

    1877 January 24 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to A.H. Dooley, "Opera House Bookstore," notifies him that he did receive the letter and post card but was prevented in answering by the severe illness of his wife, 2 pages on 1 l. with envelope, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:57

    1880 September 2 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Mrs. Harris, promises to mail her the article about [Joaquin] Miller in a week and compares him unfavorably with Sidney Lanier, who "is every inch a gentleman, and has far more


    of mind than

    20 Millers rolled into one

    !!! Look at his superb Marshes of Glynn !" 2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:58

    1871 November 27 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Dr. Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881), asks Holland to please continue to send him Scribner's Magazine [free?] since as Literary Editor of the Augusta Constitutionalist and a contributor to many other Southern papers, he has spoken highly of Holland's magazine and has attempted to extend its circulation in the South. 2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:59

    1867 August 2 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Hurd & Houghton, thanks them for regularly sending "London Society" and "The Monthly for Young People," as well as their new books; mentions that he now edits the Literary department of the Southern Opinion, Richmond where some of their works have already received notice; and shares his plan to draw special attention to the Hurd and Houghton firm in an article by himself, 2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:59

    1867 August 11 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Hurd & Houghton, writes that he has seen both of their kind notes and will look for the Charles Dickens books to arrive for his review,

    1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:59

    1867 August 20 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to [Hurd & Houghton], encloses his notices about "London Society" and "The Riverside" from his paper The Richmond Southern Opinion,

    1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:59

    1880 March 11 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Hurd & Houghton, requests a copy of Dealings with the Dead advertised by their company and also a few months of [ Boston Evening Transcript? ] in exchange for a letter about Southern affairs,

    1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:60

    1872 November 7 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Gentlemen" [J.R. Osgood and Company], asks for a selection of their recent publications that they would like noticed in the South, offering to promote their company by "extensively advertising, in careful reviews the names, subjects, and literary characteristics of your books as they appear." He particularly mentions The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and Other Poems by John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) and The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Ward Hill Lamon (1828-1893),

    2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:61

    1882 April 9 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to William H. Rideing, explains his neglect in answering his letter due to illness and hopes that Rideing will receive from [Alexander Hamilton] Stephens "many valuable reminiscences drawn from his long varied and peculiar experiences" for The Youth's Companion ; and says of Stephens "Not only is Stephens a


    (in contradiction from that very clever but commonplace


    known as the mere


    but he is likewise





    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:62

    1867 September 26 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Gentlemen" [Roberts Brothers, Boston?], encloses two reviews of recent works, "one a somewhat elaborate critique of The Book of the Sonnet, [edited by Leigh Hunt and Samuel Adams Lee] another, of Miss [Jean] Ingelow's last work"; also asks for a copy of The Life and Death of Jason, A Poem by William Morris (1834-1896) to review; and calls the review of Miss Jean Ingelow's A Story of Doom and Other Poems in The Atlantic absurd.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:63

    1884 July 26 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Clinton Scollard (1860-1932), asks for a manuscript copy of the sonnet that Scollard has written about Hayne as described by Mr. Butterworth, 1 page with envelope, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:63

    1884 August 22 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Clinton Scollard (1860-1932), thanks him for the copy of his sonnet, of which he says "It is a

    very true

    and admirable

    work of art

    & whether I deserve its commendation, or not, there can be no doubt of the


    merit of your performance." 1 page, with envelope, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:64

    1868 January Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to the Editor of Southern Society, suggests that his paper should not only discuss contemporary questions but that they should also entertain varied themes, with "legends, facts, histories, biographical sketches, etc. from the past." Hayne has also sent in a package with a review of "Opportunity" and two papers for the editorial column. 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:65

    1882 February 10 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to [Alexander Hamilton?] Stephens (1812-1883), introduces Stephens to William H. Rideing, attached to the Western Geographical Surveys under Lt. Wheeler in 1875-1876, and currently associated with the firms of Harpers & Scribner, New York, and "author of several brilliant works of which A Saddle in the Wild West is especially noteworthy for its rich humor, picturesque descriptions, and valuable practical information as to the People & Climate of New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Eastern California, etc."

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:66

    1867 October 23 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Stoddard," expresses his heartfelt thanks for Stoddard's beautiful volume of poems and encloses his review of the book from the Richmond Southern Opinion mentioning that he is "sick & oppressed by many troubles."

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:67

    1877 December 24 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to Charles Warren Stoddard (1843-1909) while discussing his own work, Hayne informs Stoddard that the poems that he likes the most in his book The Mountain of Lovers are the ones about nature and that "the chief narrative piece was composed in a very unlucky vein; and I


    regret its publication. Indeed my Legends & Lyrics issued by


    in 1972 contain the only

    two narrative

    poems I really value." He goes on to express his concern for his friend's depression and despondency and writes at length with advice to take care of his physical health, to avoid or forego the use of stimulants, and to engage in some engrossing physical work. He also asks for him to send South Sea Idylls and not to worry about its condemnation in England, "I recollect Byron's saying (true for once) that the English are often seized by periodical fits of a

    squeamish morality

    ." Hayne wants to know Stoddard's opinion of his poem "Unveiled" published in Scribner's about which he says, "


    also wrote me very kindly and enthusiastically about



    6 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:68

    1867 April 13 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Sir," writes that he has enjoyed his contributions to both The Californian and Galaxy Magazine and asks if his editor pays for contributions because "relying on the pen for support, since the War utterly ruined me, I can't write for absolutely nothing: but my charges are reasonable I think."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:69

    1867 November 5 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Dear Sir," having thought his paper one of the most brilliant of the last few months sent to him for his column on "Reminiscences and Anecdotes of the War" in The Southern Opinion and asks for some other contribution from the pen of the writer.

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:70

    1873 January 10 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Madam," informs her that Messrs. E.J. Hale & Son have just published The Poems of Henry Timrod, with a sketch of the poet's life, by Paul H. Hayne, which he has requested be sent to her. He also asks that she continue to send him a copy of her Bazaar free since "I had your "prospectus published and more than that, I shall (as usual) allude to your weekly & its excellencies from time to time, & thus do you 'yeoman's service' with the Southern public." 2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:71

    1875 March 24 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Friend," expresses deep concern over reports about his health as reported in a Northern paper, 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:72

    1875 April 18 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Dear Sir," having sent him an autograph in September 1874, Hayne now writes hoping he will be interested in his new volume of poetry The Mountain of the Lovers, with Poems of Nature & Tradition enough to write a paragraph or two about his book for some prominent journals,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:73

    1877 December 5 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Madam," accepts her offer of ten dollars for his lyric, "Motes" and says of her magazine Wide Awake "it is simple justice to say, that a prettier, neater, more entertaining juvenile periodical, has never made its appearance in the U.S." Ella Farman Pratt (1837-1907) was one of the editors of Wide Awake . 2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:74

    1879 April 5 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Dear Sir," sends the last two volumes of his poems, supposedly for a translation into German by his correspondent, 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:75

    1880 September 1 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Dear Sir," believes there must be a mistake about his receipt of American Lyrics from the publisher since he never ordered the work except as an exchange for his own poems. He also mentions Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "while in Boston last season I saw my old friend Mr. Longfellow, and delivered to him the message you sent through me, when I was in the W[hite] Mountains, N[ew] H[amphire] - but I did not meet Mr. Arthur Gilman, altho since then I have heard from him in reference to some of my verses for his Collection ." 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:76

    1883 February 21 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Dear Sir," sends this note in reply to an autograph request, 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:77

    1883 February 27 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Sir," expresses his opinion about the writer's prize essay on George Eliot, "It is admirably conceived & [carefully] executed. Not only have you seized in my judgment upon the salient points of her genius & productions, but these are represented clearly and forcibly in a style of unusual terseness and vigor."

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:78

    1883 May 12 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "My Dear Sir," sends his autograph with pleasure and is thankful that his poems have benefitted his reader both as influence for good and intellectually,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:79

    1884 March 8 Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) to "Gentlemen," Boston Office, sends a notice of Mr. Hazard's recent work and asks that more books be sent to him to review,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:80

    n.d. Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) Engraving, engraved for The Eclectic by J.J. Ade, New York (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:81

    1877-1885, n.d. Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886) Poetry, including a line from "Thunder at Midnight," "The Ultimate Faith," "Quatrain," and "Ma Belle"

    5 items (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:82

    1894 Jan23 William Hamilton Hayne (1856-1929) to Walter R. Benjamin (1854- ), autograph dealer, Hayne arranges to purchase the Pinckney letter concerning the appointment of his grandfather, Paul Hamilton Hayne, as a midshipman.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:83

    1879 August 7 William Hamilton Hayne (1856-1929) to William F. Gable, in his father's absence, he sends two brief poems and a couple of signatures from a pile of manuscripts; he also suggests that Gable can secure a photograph of his father from Messrs. Pelot and Cole, Augusta, Georgia; they have made the latest and best photograph of Paul Hamilton Hayne which was used for the steel portrait in [William Cullen] Bryant's Library of Poetry and Song,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:84

    1886 December 13 William Hamilton Hayne (1856-1929) to Clinton Scollard (1860-1932), thanks him for the poetical tribute to his father; both his mother and Hayne think highly of the poem "Threnody" and he goes on to praise his books of poetry Pictures in Song, With Reed and Lyre ; he also expresses his appreciation of their mutual acquaintance, Samuel Minturn Peck (1854-1914), who did a review of With Reed and Lyre in The Southern Bivouac, 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:85

    1827 June 6 [Felicia Dorothea (Browne) Hemans] (1793-1835) to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) shares her deep appreciation for Our Village and requests an autograph for a friend of hers, [John Luxmore], the Bishop of St. Asaph, 1815-1830, 3 pages on 1 l., signature has been cut out (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:86

    1895 February 25 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to "My dear Pawling" [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), a business partner in the publishing firm of William Heinemann, Henley writes that Walter Blaikie visited yesterday morning and "all manner of thanks for Max Nordau & Pugh. The letter I've yet to tackle. What I've read of the other is vastly amusing & - as I think - only untrue because it's overstated. However, we'll talk of him anon. Meanwhile, I think he should succeed." Henley also expresses gratitude that Pawling likes the last number of [ The New Review? ], Henley edited The New Review from 1895-1897; asks him to send The Realm and the North American Review if he has them; and mentions [J.W.] Gilmer,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:87

    1895 October 23 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), writes that he has not seen either the caricature or report and asks that they be sent to him; and notes that his wife would like a score of copies so printed of an unknown article or print,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:87

    1895 December 24 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), encloses two more "Wyndhamisms [George Wyndham?]; one about your proposal, and one about an idea of his own." He also had no luck with Ernest and Coleridge and mentions other possibilities for The New Review that he has in mind. He also discusses his desire to publish some unpublished Burns letters in a volume and the copyright issue. Henley writes in a postscript "Coleridge writes, by the way: -'A Torquay bookseller - King, Union Street - had last summer a volume of printed but unpublished Byron correspondence, price 5/5 pounds. I don't know if it is worth asking about.'


    think it is. What say



    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:88

    1896 July 30 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), discusses his negotiations with a bank for a loan and mentions his Byron project and the need to talk to W.H. [William Heinemann?] about it,

    2 page on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:89

    1897 November 22 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), thanks his correspondent for the news of the death of an elderly unnamed common friend,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:90

    [ca.1898 March] William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), appreciates that Whittier liked his work and mentions the death of T.E.B. [Thomas Edward Brown], "I've written a quatorzain for our last N.R. [New Review] on my dear and never to be forgotten T.E.B. It's not what I meant it to be; but I dare say you'll understand and forgive."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:91

    1898 April 5 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), thanks him for the fifty and writes concerning his brother, Ted [Edward John Henley], "I hope with all my soul that [Hurd?] will fall into line. (a) for the Journal's sake & (b) for Ted's. He needs work & he needs money." He also writes "I understand from Percy H. that the Journal closed this morning. But I'll write of it next week without fail. I thought the thing out this afternoon & I find I've lots of good to say."

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:92

    1900 January 17 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), informs him that [William?] Nicholson has not written; tries to arrange a time for Pawling to visit suggesting Sunday and mentions his prior commitments, including a long day with C.W. [Charles Whibley?] (over Rabelais), a musician, and Gilbert Parker on Saturday, both sides of a note card (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:93

    [ca. 1900] May William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), blesses him for his "tater-patch, & your arbor, & your kidney-beans!" and the lending of the miniature of "an Immortal. I propose to build a special altar for it, & to burn leaves from Boxiana ... before it daily, as long as the book holds out." Henley writes that he is not in the frame of mind to write, with only two lyrics written in May, and it was good to have Nicholson visit, both sides of a note card (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:94

    1901 February 18 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), wishes he could see Sydney again, having done all he can do to attract his sympathy; mentions Billy and his book, asking who is going to edit it; believes that [William?] Nicholson has done nobly with his illustrations, and rues his bad luck, "I would that blamed


    [Pall Mall Magazine?] had not fallen from me - that's all - I say no more."

    2 pages (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:94

    1901 August 26 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), rejoices that his book of verses [ Hawthorn and Lavender with Other Verses ?] is out of his hands at last and is pleased to dedicate it to one S.S.P. [Sydney Southgate Pawling] and is busy helping another author with his manuscript, "it is a curious work. Very interesting; not well-written; very long. But I think it will do."

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:94

    1901 September 6 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922) offers up harsh criticism of an unnamed book, possibly by [William Nicholson],

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:94

    1901 September 17 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), asks "What price Nicholson? Has he turned up the wood cut? And, if so, why? And how's he going to satisfy subscribers?" Also, asks if he knows anyone with a small, convenient flat to let for a month or to "loan it to an undistinguished man of letters for October." Both sides of a note card (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:95

    1902 November 11 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), gives him a reference in Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens to check and asks him to visit,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:96

    [ca. 1902] William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), has made so many corrections and additions to the copy of the Complete Works of Henry Fielding typed by Miss W. That it would be impossible to send it in its present form to Croscup & Sterling Co.,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:97

    1903 January 9 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), has asked Harper & Bros. to communicate with Mr. W.H. and notes that on the 22nd they will celebrate their Silver Wedding Day,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:97

    1903 January 19 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), asks him and Mrs. S.S. to turn up for his anniversary celebration,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:97

    1903 January 27 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), plans on keeping the manuscript a little while longer for proofing and asks for the Dictionary of National Biography entry for Christopher Graves,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:98

    1903 February 18 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), promises to send the manuscript on Tuesday morning after making a clean copy for him,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:99

    1903 March 20 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), discusses his payments for different pieces of work and asks for him to sneak one of the prints taken of himself by a photographer for Croscup & Sterling Co.,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:99

    1903 May 5 William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), fears they will miss the American copyright in book form, and Harpers & Bros. have not answered Nate's letter,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:100

    n.d. William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) to [Sydney Southgate Pawling] (?-1922), encloses an item from David [Hannay?], and suggests that Hannay might do a reprint and editing of Robert Southey's Life of Nelson ; and informs him, I add some scrabble about the Byron. I don't know if it will do. Let me see a proof, in any case, with your improvements & suggestions. Any portrait will do. Send Gilmer down for me. I've [heaps?] in the selection of 1 vol. B.s you sent."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 8:101

    1855 August 7 Henn, Williams & Co., Bankers, Dealers in Exchange and Lands, Fairfield, Iowa, to Herndon Frazer, Twyman's Store, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, answers Frazer's inquiry about lands in Winneshiek County, Iowa, in the extreme northern part of the state,

    2 pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:102

    1856 January 4 Joseph Henry (1797-1878), Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, to Professor William Barton Rogers (1804-1882), requests copies of his lectures on the phases of the atmosphere delivered before the Smithsonian Institution to be published in an appendix,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:103

    1884 January 12 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Miss Churchill, suggests that Mr. William Lee of Lee & Shepard might be able to answer her questions about the cost of publishing,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:104

    1906 August 16 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Messrs. Clarke & Co., tells them he can supply them with copies of the "little English printed book about me, translated from the French sketch by [?] Blanc" from the New York publisher from whom he purchased twenty copies,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:105

    1907 February 4 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to "My dear co*cke," asks if he can give him the address of "the agent of some organization in New York to aid in the organization of societies on socialism in colleges,"

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:106

    1852 October 26 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to A. Crosby, approves of the arrangements he and Mr. Spaulding have made for him to speak, plans to lecture at several lyceums next winter in the northern part of Essex County so hopes to be able to visit Newburyport, Massachusetts, when the prizes are awarded; mentions the benefit of the Ewing Schools, and their expansion, especially the ones at Portsmouth, Saco, and Dover, and mentions a Mr. Cutler in relation to the Ewing Schools,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:107

    1884 August 14 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Mr. Mead, thanks him for the pamphlet about the Presidential candidate, James G. Blaine, "which I carefully read but without conviction." Higginson believes a better case could be make for General [Butler?], "certainly as abler man than Blaine with more experience & more magnetism." He feels reasonably sure of Grover Cleveland's election, "You see I had more 'loyalty' than you credited me with in regard to Cleveland's nomination, and it may be the same as to his election, of which I feel reasonably confident."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:108

    1898 March 4 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Professor Parker, will come to the breakfast if he feels in good condition after speaking before the Folk Lore Association the night before,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:109

    1896 May 11 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Mr. Putnam, sends a photograph of the best [Higginson?] family tree by Oswald Haldane,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:109

    1896 June 28 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Mr. Putnam, encloses check upon receipt of his letter,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:110

    1880 May 2 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), praises his paper on Edgar Allan Poe (possibly published in Scribner's Monthly ) but also lists items that he did not like about his paper, including a discussion of Poe's temperament as Southern, "I think you rather [overdid?] the Southern element in Poe - I see no reason to doubt his own statement as to being born in Boston & the antagonism he felt [?] was that of an estranged child - his temperament was Southern, as we say, but not more so than of many fine New Englanders"; and disagrees with "[L.K.'s?] conceited and tawdry book" about Poe. He also disagrees with Stedman's opinion of [Sarah Helen Whitman?] and mentions his correspondence with [John Henry] Ingram,

    3 pages on 1 p. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:111

    1903 August 3 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to "Dear Mr. [Towne?]," writes concerning his interest in purchasing a manuscript from one of his books and informs the collector that he had placed the only one in his possession, his John Greenleaf Whittier in the hands of a New York collector who has liberty to sell it. Higginson says it is probably the only manuscript that will ever be on the market as he "never kept any other, and write now mainly through my secretary with typewriting machine."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:112

    1898 March 1 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Mrs. Ward, advises her to hold a meeting to get the opinion of the experts on the idea of a manual training school for girls and to get a petition signed by women proposing the city establish one so that the school committee would have to consider the matter.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 8:113

    1900 December 16 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to Mrs. Ward, informs her that he is unable to come any day this week except for Friday,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:1

    1875 December 23 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) Autograph on a Receipt (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:2

    1880 February 20 Thomas Wentworth Higginson, [Massachusetts] State House (1823-1911) to "Dear Sir," expresses his regret that they disagree and warns all thirteen amendments sent to the Committee on Amendments in the state legislature cannot be forwarded to the people by the Committee who must select among them. Higginson was elected as a representative to the state legislature in 1880 and 1881.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:3

    1886 February 16 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to "Dear Sir," sends his suggestions of the best representative poets for certain categories,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:4

    1910 January 19 Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911) to "My dear niece," thanks her for the copy of the recollections of Mr. Dominy of an event occurring sixty years ago when he was only nine, concerning Margaret Fuller Ossoli, and says, "I cannot at my age re-open the subject, but I have already a large collection of ms. evidence, each mostly incompatible with each other, with which I shall file and preserve this."

    2 type-written pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:5

    1780 November 20 Lt. William Hoey, of the British Army, Autograph on a check, signed while a prisoner of war at the Barracks, Charlottesville, Albemarle County, Virginia,

    1 item (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:6

    1918 March 1 Laurence Housman (1865-1959) to [Kineton?] Parker, thanks him for the "Bird in Hand" copies and letter and notes that "a very apt and effective quotation from the Professor's work was used to bring down the curtain. Quite a good idea, which I shall certainly keep for the future."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:7

    n.d. Mary Howitt (1799-1888) to Mrs. [Kathe Kroeker] Freiligrath (1845-1904), says Mrs. Bateman wishes very much to engage her sister and suggests a salary that she should request,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:8

    1933 February 28 Cordell Hull (1871-1955) to Walter Keith, acknowledges his letters of support for Jake W. Sandschulte applying for Chief of the Field Division of the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue,

    1 type-written page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:9

    1913 February 20 Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921) to Harry Theophilus Finck (1854-1926), writes concerning Mrs. Thurber's visit to Berlin, Germany, postal card in German (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:10

    [1911 February 28] Engelbert Humperdinck (1854-1921) to Mrs. Jeannette M. Thurber (1850-1946), thanks her for her proposal to him to come and lead her institute [National Conservatory of Music] but believes her offer of salary insufficient inducement, 3 pages on 1 l., in German, with envelope (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:11

    1880 July 29 Eppa Hunton (1822-1908) to General Duncan S. Walker, recommends Charles F. Triplett for employment by the National [Democratic?] Committee,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:12

    1897 December 12 [Vincent] d'Indy (1851-1931) to Gustave Samazeuilh (1877-1967), promises to send a theater program mentioning a mutual friend, postal card (6435-bb)

  • Box-folder 9:13

    1925 November 14 Autographed Vincent d'Indy (1851-1931) Concert Program (6435-bd)

  • Box-folder 9:14

    1883 October 15 John H. Ingram (1842-1916) to [Christina?] Rossetti (1830-1894), returns the letters loaned to him by Rossetti and her father for the sketch of her brother and also encloses the letters from [Oliver Madox Brown ?(1855-1874)] to W.W. belonging to Mrs. Robertson. He also asks for Robertson's address so he may send her a copy of his book, [ Oliver Madox Brown ?] (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:15

    1856 May 29 George Payne Rainsford James (1801?-1860) Autograph (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:16

    1900 February 6 John Jameson, Sheriff-Clerks's Office, Cupar, to Ae[neas James George] Mackay (1839-1911), Sheriff of Fife and Kinross, and author of the History of Fife and Kinross (1896), has "seen the agents and asked them to delay writing out the Dft. Interlocutor until the 19th"

    1 page (6435-as)

  • Box-folder 9:17

    1812 October 28 Contract for Services between Richard Durrett and Thomas Jefferson, annotations by TJ on verso; Durrett, a carpenter, agrees to work for Jefferson for one year and receive in payment £40, 450 pounds of pork and a peck of corn meal per week, 1 page, copy, original in Vault-Thomas Jefferson (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:18

    ca. 1894 Black & White Cabinet Photograph of a Statue of Thomas Jefferson, signed on reverse by the sculptor Jonathan Scott Hartley (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 9:19

    1871 February 13 Sir William Jenner (1815-1898) to "Dear Sir" writes that he is unable to accept the invitation to dinner following the [Hunterian?] oration,"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:20

    1865 April 24 Andrew Johnson signature on order for safe passage for Richard C. Talbott, Indianapolis, Indiana, as purchase agent for the United States government, copy, original in Vault- Autograph File (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:21

    1905 May 11 Henry Arthur Jones (1851-1929) to Mr. [Joseph Hodges] Choate (1832-1917), U.S. Ambassador to London, asks about the facilities granted to the general public at "Blenheim" where he hopes to take the members of the Atlantic Union and the Rhodes scholars for an outing into the country,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:22

    1868 December 6 Thomas Jordan (1819-1895) to General P.G.T. Beauregard (1818-1893), writes that he does have the copies of the telegrams concerning Beauregard's defense of Petersburg, Virginia, notices that the writer of Harper's Illustrated Weekly cites Colonel Fletcher about the matter, hears criticism of "the alleged failure to push the advantage on Sunday afternoon, at Shiloh, when the troops you had were utterly raw, when the field of battle was a dense wood the


    of which was unknown to you, and when, besides the command had just devolved upon you." In contrast, he says no one comments on the failure of Robert E. Lee to destroy Burnsides at Fredericksburg with veteran forces. His opinion of Lee's generalship in the Wilderness campaign has altered from poor to masterly up until Cold Harbor, where Lee turned a deaf ear to the reports of Beauregard for too long, and had incorrectly placed the troops of Longstreet and Hill. Jordan wants to write a book about Beauregard's Civil War operations and asks about employment in New Orleans, tells him about his uncle's invention of a process for making steel, and Jordan gives his opinion of his Brazilian plan. Jordan has also written a rebuke concerning General Bragg in his paper on the Battle of Chickamauga for Bragg's comments at the close of his report on Shiloh.

    8 pages on 3 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:23

    1948 February 11 English Theme Paper by Stephen J. Joyce concerning his grandfather, James Joyce, particularly the last year of his life,

    2 typewritten pages on 2 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:24

    1932 August 12 Elise Jusserand to [Louis] Wiley (1869-1935), Business Manager of The New York Times, thanks him for his letters, articles in The New York Times, and expression of sympathy upon the death of her husband, Jean Jules Jusserand. She was especially glad that he had published Jusserand's radio talk, "thanks to you his words have been spread even more, particularly those urging a generous view of each other's faults and the maintaining of a firm friendship between France and America which was the wish nearest his heart."

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-q)

  • Box-folder 9:25

    1912 January 17 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Mr. Butler, thanks him for his letter promising to take note of the Hotel Astor and writes that "As for Mr. Wadham's wishes mine own are that he does just as he pleases."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-bg)

  • Box-folder 9:26

    1905 June 6 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to S.H. Church, Secretary, declines an invitation from the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

    1 typewritten page (6435-be)

  • Box-folder 9:27

    1916 February 2 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Frederic Adrian Delano (1863-1953), Federal Reserve Board, thanks him for his donation of five hundred dollars which he will send to the "Oeuvre des Soldats dans la Tranchee" which provides soldiers with waterproof boots, folding stretchers, and other useful items for the soldiers,

    2 typewritten pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 9:28

    1916 November 3 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Frederic Adrian Delano (1863-1953), Metropolitan Club, Washington, D.C., has sent his gift to the "Patronage National des Blesses" under the presidency of Ernest Lavisse, hand-written postscript says, "The news continues good; the success at Verdun has cheered all France." 2 typewritten pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 9:29

    1922 December 7 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Edward A. Filene (1860-1937), American businessman, Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., appreciates the complete text of his opinion on the European situation and the question of reconstruction and guaranties,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ba)

  • Box-folder 9:30

    1917 June 21 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to the French Authorities, introduces Mrs. Theodosia E. Pleadwell and requests safe passage through France for her,

    1 typewritten page, in French (6435-aa)

  • Box-folder 9:31

    1922 January 10 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to the Rev. Paul R. Hickok, Second Presbyterian Church, Troy, New York, discusses the Washington Disarmament Conference and the necessity of allowing France to possess equal land and naval armaments to the rest of the world in case of future attack, especially since her naval losses in the Great War were so great. Two typewritten pages and one hand-written page on 1 l. (6435-h)

  • Box-folder 9:32

    1911 March 14 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Roswell Randall Hoes (1850-1921), United States Navy Yard, Norfolk, Virginia, furnishes the full name of Count de Menou,

    1 typewritten page (6435-u)

  • Box-folder 9:33

    1916 February 3 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to [William Henry] Irwin (1873- 1948 ), will send a letter to his government recommending Irwin to them by the same ship, the Chicago, that he will sail on, including a few passages from his book and an account of his address reproduced by the New York Herald,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:34

    1890 June 22 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Canon [Augustus?] Jessopp (1823-1914), thanks him for the information about prehistoric [Gaillard ?], and continues to seek information about endowed [tenured?] societies which are scattered all over the country with the more important in Paris, all with various conditions and requirements for the recipients. He promises to at least send Jessopp a list of the prizes, etc. awarded by the principal academies of Paris.

    12 pages on 3 l. (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:35

    1897 January 1 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Canon [Augustus?] Jessopp (1823-1914), thanks him for the book, "such an excellent author - such a good friend!" and refers to St. William and Piers Plowman as among the other "worthier, private friends of ours." Jusserand continues to dedicate as much time as possible to his book, Literary History, currently writing about the contemporaries of King Hal, forerunners of the Renaissance.

    6 pages on 2 l. (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:36

    1910 June 4 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Canon [Augustus?] Jessopp (1823-1914), plans to visit two admirable sights while north of the channel, the Canon Jessopp and Norwich Cathedral, and arranges to visit his old friend,

    6 pages on 2 l. (6435-u)

  • Box-folder 9:37

    1923 August 17 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Robert Underwood Johnson (1853-1937), Athenaeum Club, thanks him for the sheet of prose and verse and his letter to Mr. Lee; believes that "the publishing of such a wise and powerful document would only do good, especially now that the [Foreign Secretary George Nathaniel Curzon?] note is, as you may believe far from having improved matters." Jusserand came by way of England where he spoke to no great effect, "The nation, if I mistake not is in better disposition toward us than her leaders. And where are those leaders heading? I cannot help having great apprehensions. Our government remains cool and composed."

    4 pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435-h)

  • Box-folder 9:38

    1925 March 20 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Mrs. J.M. Browne Johnston, regrets that he is unable to comply with the kind request of the Ladies of the American Church but believes that the relationship between the United States and France is stronger than it appears because "the foundation of friendship and good will between the two have been laid deep by our ancestors, and made more solid by the best of their descendents. The edifice is not threatened with ruin."

    3 pages on 1 l., with envelope (6435-u)

  • Box-folder 9:39

    1917 May 14 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Mrs. Daniel Manning, Albany, New York, sends her a letter for the French Authorities, recommending her nephew who plans on donating an automobile to the American Ambulance Corps. 1 typewritten page, accompanied by a later clipping containing an obituary of Jusserand from 1932 (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:40

    1921 November 16 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Louise Welles Murray, Director, Tioga Point Museum, Athens, Pennsylvania, acknowledges the two books sent to him by her,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ax)

  • Box-folder 9:41

    1925 January 10 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Curtis H. Page (1870-1946), The Century Club, New York City, welcomes his volume of translations, Songs & Sonnets of Pierre de Ronsard, mentions his inability to attend the Ronsard celebration at Smith College and belatedly acknowledges receiving the Moliere in the "sad days of the war."

    2 typewritten pages on 1 l. (6435-al)

  • Box-folder 9:42

    1923 February 8 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Mary Elizabeth Patten, thanks her for her note congratulating him on his 20th Anniversary as Ambassador to the United States and for her condolences on the death of his wife's [Elise Jusserand], only sister,

    2 typewritten pages on 1 l. (6435-o)

  • Box-folder 9:43

    1916 February 26 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Professor Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1854-1935), Physics, Columbia University, writes to congratulate Pupin on his French Academy of Sciences prize of 1,000 francs for his important scientific work, "I am happy to give you my congratulations for a decision so well justified by the importance of your scientific work."

    1 typewritten page, in French (6435-k)

  • Box-folder 9:44

    1916 March 2 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Professor Michael Idvorsky Pupin (1854-1935), Physics, Columbia University, thanks him for his generous decision to donate the prize voted to him by the French Academy of Sciences to the Fund established for the widows and orphans of French scientists and gives him instructions on the easiest way to accomplish this. Jusserand also writes, "Referring to what you say of the men of your nationality, I can assure you that everybody in France, without exception, is following with the deepest admiration the various phases of the fight made by the Serbs for independence, which will soon be resumed, none of us has any doubt, and in circ*mstances which will rapidly allow, we all hope, the healing of the cruel wounds they have suffered at the hand of a relentless enemy."

    2 typewritten pages on 1 l. (6435-k)

  • Box-folder 9:45

    1911 June 17 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to "My dear [Putnam], asks for a copy of The Shakespearean Tragedy by A.C. Bradley and inquires if the second edition of his volume II "for which I sent corrections in March, chance of appearing soon?"

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:46

    1919 October 22 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Miss Ethel Roads, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, informs her that he cannot find the book which she sent to him but hopes that the book and letter she wanted are already in the mail back to her,

    1 typewritten page in French (6435-ag)

  • Box-folder 9:47

    1925 January 19 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to [James Brown] Scott (1866-1943), thanks him sincerely for his friendly telegram and expresses deep regret to be "leaving a country he had learned to love and admire in peace and in war time."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:48

    1926 August 5 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Dr. F.L. Steadwell, Fleet Surgeon, Pearl Harbor Naval Hospital, Hawaiian Territory, welcomes the book that he wishes to send to him both for the subject and the author,

    3 pages on 1 l., with envelope and clipping (6435-u)

  • Box-folder 9:49

    1917 July 30 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to the Rev. Dr. Stimson, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts, thanks him for and comments on his article in the Commercial and Financial Chronicle,

    1 typewritten page, with envelope (6435-ao)

  • Box-folder 9:50

    1909 May 12 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to Everett P. Wheeler, New York, sends him a copy of the yellow book published by the Government of the Republic at the conclusion of the conference held this year in London, 1 typewritten page, in French, with a typed English translation of the letter (6435-o)

  • Box-folder 9:51

    [1903 June 19] Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to "My dear Mr. Secretary," thanks him for the letter about brave [Admiral Francois] de Grasse which he has forwarded to the Foreign Minister Théophile Delcassé,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:52

    1906 February Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) Quotation and Autograph, the quote is from Eustache Deschamps, "He doesn't know anything who doesn't go outdoors." (6435-w)

  • Box-folder 9:53

    1906 June 22 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to "My dear friend Mr. [?], invites him to dinner,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-v)

  • Box-folder 9:54

    1924 March 24 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) Autographed Program for Groupe de Philadelphie de L'Alliance Francaise, printed (6435-o)

  • Box-folder 9:55

    1927 December 18 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to "My dear Sir," with an autograph quote from Piers Plowman, sends him the autograph line which he requested, and notes that his contribution to "The Writing of History" was printed without any proof revision by himself introducing some serious errors.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-q)

  • Box-folder 9:56

    1928 August 16 Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) to "My dear colleague and friend," assures his friend that he has written at once to request he be invited to the signing of the treaty [The Kellogg-Briand Pact?] in Paris, if possible, but he does not plan on attending himself,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-o)

  • Box-folder 9:57

    n.d. Jean Jules Jusserand (1855-1932) Quotation concerning life (6435-w)

  • Box-folder 9:58

    1900 February 11 Ewan Justice (1875-1922) to Philip H. Ward, Jr. (1886-1963), possibly the future notable collector, encloses a letter from Miss Maude Gonne, "the Irish Joan of Arc, who is now agitating in this country. Although the signature is in pencil I thought it might prove of interest to you."

    1 typewritten page, with envelope (6435-k)

  • Box-folder 9:59

    1909 November 16 Constantine De Karassen, Russian diplomat, to Mrs. William Hempstead, [Roma De Vonne Hurt?], shares his big news of being nominated consul at Memel, close to the Russian frontier, and receiving two decorations, one Russian "Le Stanislas" and one Swedish "Etoile Polaire"; and plans on leaving for Petersburg in ten days, where he will stay for two weeks before touring Europe. He will take up his post in Memel at the end of January. 3 pages on 1 l., in French, with envelope (6435-ab)

  • Box-folder 9:60

    1910 April 20 Constantine De Karassen, Russian diplomat, to Mrs. William Hempstead, [Roma De Vonne Hurt?], provides his new address as Imperial Consul of Russia, Memel, Germany, tells her to visit him during the summer, and that he is spending some time with his sick brother, 2 pages on 1 l., in French (6435-ab)

  • Box-folder 9:61

    1852 December 10 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870), Navy Department, to Captain William Mervine (1791-1868), grants permission to visit his family in Utica, New York, until the Independence is prepared to receive her officers,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:62

    1861 February 15 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870) to Annie [J.] Statin, recommends that she direct her genealogical inquiry concerning the descendants of Charles Carroll of "Carrollton" to his grandson, Charles Carroll, Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:63

    1853 November 18 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870) to Edward L. Welles, Ann Arbor, Michigan, takes pleasure in complying with his request [for an autograph?],

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:64

    1841 April 4 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870) and others from Congress, including Augustus Rhodes Sollers (1814-1862), James Alfred Pearce (1804-1862), A[lexander] Randall (1803-1881), William Merrick (1818-1889), John Leeds Kerr (1780-1844), and Isaac Dashiell Jones (1806-1893) to Nathaniel F. Williams, recommends Samuel Turner of Baltimore for a position,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:65

    [1860?] December 4 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870) to "Gentlemen," for insurance purposes, Kennedy informs them of his plan to add a bay window to one of his drawing rooms and asks if it will increase the cost of his insurance,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:66

    1943, n.y. April 23 John Pendleton Kennedy (1795-1870) Autograph and News clipping

  • Box-folder 9:67

    1795-1796 Frederick Kitt signed receipts from B. Dandridge, "to purchase sundries for the President's household" 1 item (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:68

    1936 January 29 Joseph Wood Krutch (1893-1970), The Nation, to J. John Munson, discusses his biography of Edgar Allan Poe in detail including his motivation in writing it, his use of a biographical essay approach rather than the normal biographical approach, and the value of psychoanalysis applied to a biographical and literary study of Poe, 2 typewritten pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:69

    [1832] July 5 Richard Lander (1804-1834) to John Astley, writes of plans for a voyage on the Quorra, a British steam ship owned by the Birkenhead firm of shipbuilders, fitted out in Liverpool at John Laird's Boiler Yard, and under the orders of R. Sanders & Co., his brother, MacGregor Laird, used the ship for a commercial expedition to the River Niger in 1832, 1833, and 1834; 2 pages on 1 l., with an engraving of Richard Lander (6435-n)

  • Box-folder 9:70

    1834 December 2 John Lander (1807-1839) to John Astley, reports that his family is doing well and refers to the engraving of Richard Lander that Charles Turner, "the eminent mezzotint engraver" will do based on the portrait by Mr. Brockden, if John Lander can secure fifty subscriptions for it. Lander also mentions having a miniature sketch of a statue of Richard Lander to be erected in Truro, Cornwall. (6435-n)

  • Box-folder 9:71

    1918 July 19 Franklin K. Lane (1864-1921), Secretary of the Interior, to John Barrett, Director General Pan American Union, thanks for the birthday note and his best wishes for future success, 1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 9:72

    n.d. John Lane (1854-1925) Speech concerning his introduction to the publishing and collecting world as a youth, also mentioning William Thackeray, Charlotte Bronte, and the contemporary English novelist Mr. Locke, 3 typewritten pages on 3 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:73

    [1812] December 19 Mary Elizabeth (Hazlehurst) Latrobe to Dolley Madison, describes her life and that of her husband, the architect Benjamin Latrobe, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he was building the steamboat Buffalo to ply the Ohio River, mentioning her residence as "one of the best and largest houses in the town, quite new," the beauty of the Monongahela River flowing near her home, the problems with coal dust, the numerous furnaces and foundries in the city, the low cost of living, and other details of early Pittsburg, 4 pages on 1 l., electrostatic copy, original in Dolley Madison Papers (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:74

    1902 June 25 Fitzhugh Lee (1835-1905) to John Cullen Bryant, writes that he thinks the picture sent to him to be a very good likeness of an unidentified person from one of the latest and best photographs, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:75

    1885 August 6 Fitzhugh Lee (1835-1905) to J[ames] M[cCormick] Dalzell (1838-1924), writes that he is unable to come to the reunion at Caldwell because of his political campaign, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1926 March 23 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, wishes that he spent more time on pure creation than other things, but "Poetry is simply surging along; and I am almost weary with the constant buzzing of poems, and the continual catching of them." He also expresses appreciation for The Virginia Quarterly Review, 2 pages on 2 l. with envelope (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1927 January 10 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, asks if any of the students in Hench's writing class have any stories suitable for his magazines and mentions the recent sale of a story by [William] Bruner, 1 typewritten page (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1928 June 29 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, informs him that someone has requested the address of John R. Phillips, pleases him to help any of the University of Virginia boys interested in a literary career, and speaks of the success of William Bruner, 1 typewritten page with envelope (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1928 July 10 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, mentions that [John R.] Phillips has settled in, appreciates Hench's kind words about "To a Native State" and suggests "If you see any poetry looking at you from the faces of your classes, please send that person to the hills and rivers, to the apple orchards near Greenwood [Albemarle County, Virginia]" 3 pages on 3 l. with envelope (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1930 February 24 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, expresses interest in "action fiction with a highly romantic color. We want material which opens with a tense situation and keeps the reader interested by continued developments throughout the manuscript." 1 typewritten page (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1930 August 12 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, asks for recommendations for a vacancy in his staff in September, 1 typewritten page (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:76

    1930 August 15 Lawrence Lee (1903-1978), editor of Sea Stories and Sport Stories to Atcheson Hench, has heard from Arthur Forester who is interviewing for his position but will consider Frank O. Judy, 1 typewritten page (6435-z)

  • Box-folder 9:77

    1815 September 2 Richard Henry Lee, Aid-de Camp, Headquarters 2nd [Military Department] to Lt. Edwards, commander of Fort Independence, by order of General [Eleazar Wheelock] Ripley (1782-1839) he is to order a boat manned to carry Lt. Lee to the point, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:78

    1839 December 30 Benjamin Watkins Leigh (1781-1849) to Henry A. Wise (1806-1876) wants to know what Mr. Pickens said about the Harrisburg Convention [1839 Whig National Convention] being a combination of bank influence and Wise's answer to him and plans to "publish a commentary, which will touch his heart and make some impression upon his mind, if his Calhounism has left any capacity in the one for candid reasoning or any room in the other for generous feeling."1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:79

    1851 October 30 John Letcher (1813-1884) to Henry A. Wise (1806-1876) discusses the court martial of Wise's son and his dismissal from the [Virginia Military Institute] due to his conduct where "he had acted rashly and imprudently but not dishonorably." Letcher also wishes that Wise would visit western Virginia before the election of state officers and supersede Hunter in the Senate,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:80

    1870 May 13 David Ross Locke [pseudonym Petroleum V. Nasby] (1833-1888) to "My good friend Reid," regrets that he is unable to meet with him this evening having already made an appointment to accompany two Western gentlemen to Wallock Theater, New York,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:81

    1829 November 30 Marianne Preble Longfellow [Fuller], future wife of Stephen Longfellow whom she divorced around 1850, to her future sister-in-law, Anne Longfellow [Pierce], writes of her misadventures on the way to New York while accompanying her father, William Pitt Preble (1783-1857) to his post as minister to the Netherlands, three page typed transcript with explanatory letter from R.K. Turner, Jr. to Hench, April 4, 1951 (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:82

    n.y. June 29 Pierre Loti [pseudonym of Louis Marie-Julien Viaud], French sailor and writer (1850-1923) to "Cher monsieur," apologizes for sending the proofs late and says "If you can without difficulty send me some of it-you will make me happy; otherwise, I will wait." In French,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 9:83

    1927-1929 John Livingston Lowes (1867-1945), Harvard University, to Atcheson Hench, thanks him for his note about [Samuel Taylor ?] Coleridge's copy of Charles Tennyson's poems coming on the market October 10, 1927; his note about an item in the Anderson Galleries catalog, March 30, 1928; the notice of the Coleridge letters for sale in Heise's catalog, April 23 ,1928; and the Coleridgeana in the Kern sale, January 7, 1929; four typed one page letters (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:84

    1858 October 12 John Lubbock (1834-1913), 1st Baron Avebury, to P.O'Callaghan, advises O'Callaghan on how not to be elected to the Athenaeum Club,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:85

    1862 August 25 Miles Daniel McAlester (1832-1869), Yorktown, Virginia, Lt. of Engineers, to General Erasmus Darwin Keyes (1810-1895), writes concerning the number of men and details of arranging work parties for tomorrow,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:86

    1877 July 9 W. Gordon McCabe (1841-1920) to John Esten Cooke (1830-1886), has not received the book sent to him but would love to do a literary notice of the novel for the Petersburg Post when it arrives and hopes that Cooke saw his address "The Defense of Petersburg" four pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:87

    1787 October 31 Henry McKenzie (1745-1831) to Mr. [Thomas?] Cadell, Bookseller, Strand, London, asks how his paper The Lounger was doing as "I see it pillaged liberally in various magazines, etc. which I reckon a good sign." He also mentions the poems of Hamilton of Bonjour,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:88

    1933-1950 Folger McKinsey's Recollections of Walt Whitman from his column in The Baltimore Sun ; also his obituary, printed news clippings (6435-c)

  • Box-folder 9:89

    1894 August 8 Katharine Sarah Gadsden Macquoid (1824-1917) to Messrs. Roberts Brothers, has asked Messrs. Harper to send them a two volume typescript copy of her book Dolly's Grandfathers, to be published in England in 1895, for possible publication in America; and wishes to hear their terms for American right of issue,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:90

    1897 October 6 Jules Massanet (1842-1912) to unidentified male correspondent, possibly a singer, thanks him for his excellent letter, in French, electrostatic copy, original in Vault-Autograph File, 1 page (6435-j)

  • Box-folder 9:91

    n.d. Jules Massanet (1842-1912) Untitled Music Manuscripts, electrostatic copies, original in Vault-Autograph File, 3 items (6435-aw)

  • Box-folder 9:92

    1920 April 26 M. Massenet to "Cher confrere" congratulations on a very picturesque title [Estrangete'?], in French,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 9:93

    [post 1859] Tuesday Gerald Massey (1828-1907) to Messrs. Osgood & Co., sends a new financial proposal for the publisher to issue a new collection in one volume before the end of April for $250 dollars down for past sales and the present matter and then "fine" him "ten per cent interim on the new venture payable annually"

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:94

    ca. 1858-1859 Gerald Massey (1828-1907) to "My dear Fields," hopes the sale of his book will prove remunerative to the firm, asks him to forward any reviews worth reading, presses him to visit them in the Lake District where they have a large house not much furnished, and advises him to take the L & N Western Rail via Carnforth,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:95

    [ca. 1873] July 4 Gerald Massey (1828-1907) to "My dear Fields," tells him he is coming to lecture in America and asks him to help publicize the lectures in the Boston papers, sending him "a little autograph letter of Tennyson's as a bribe" and inquiring about Bayard Taylor , 2 pages on 1 l., possibly a copy in another hand (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 9:96

    1878 May 15 Dabney Herndon Maury (1822-1900) to Judge Jeremiah Black (1810-1883), Maury sends a copy of his article "Grant as a Soldier and as a Civilian" and repeats his request for Black to write for or speak before the Southern Historical Society,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-j)

  • Box-folder 9:97

    1873 January 8 Dabney Herndon Maury (1822-1900) to J.J. Hopkins, Secretary of the Piedmont & Arlington Life Insurance Company, asks him to send directly to John L. Ross the same blank notes that were sent to Maury in the case of Mr. Lampkin, with all necessary instructions and explanations, and expresses concern over the business situation in New Orleans, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:98

    1890 January 28 Dabney Herndon Maury (1822-1900) to "Dear Sir," sends his autograph with pleasure, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:99

    1859 January 19 Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806-1873) to James H. Armsby (1809-1875), Secretary of the Board of Trustees Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York, accepts his invitation to visit the Dudley Observatory and to meet its new director, Professor [Ormsby MacKnight] Mitchel, health permitting,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:100

    1858 September 13 Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806-1873) to Messrs. Bond & Son, reports on the success and failure of various chronometers placed at the Observatory in Washington during the trial period which had begun about a year ago and had expired. William Cranch Bond (1789-1859) was the first director of the Harvard College Observatory and owner of an instrument supply firm in Boston,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:101

    1841 October 4 Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806-1873) to Chief Clerk of the Navy, John D. Simms, recommending John M. Maury, son of R.B. Maury, for a midshipman appointment (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:102

    1870 June 23 William Holmes McGuffey (1800-1873) to C.H. Winston, unable to provide a paper as he wished due to his busy schedule at the University of Virginia, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 9:103

    [1823?] March 13 William Charles Macready (1793-1873), actor in the title role of Mitford's play Julian which was produced at Covent Garden in 1823, to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), discusses his attempts to have her play published and his honor at being an actor in her play, Julian,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:1

    1854 January 26 R[ichard] K[idder] Meade (1803-1862), Petersburg, Virginia, to Colonel Samuel Pickens, Greensboro, Alabama, discusses the possible sale of his land in [Alabama?] to Pickens and other business matters,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:2

    1771 December 31 James Mercer (1736-1793) to Robert Carter, Williamsburg, Virginia, discusses business matters, mentioning an agreement uniting the Grand Company and the Ohio Company with his consent, with typed transcript,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-ai)

  • Box-folder 10:3

    1910 Joaquin Miller (1839-1913) Autograph on a Postcard of his home (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:4

    [ca. 1850] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to "My dear friend," [William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)] writes concerning her friend, Henry Chorley as an example of "how much danger there is ever to talent in an exclusive life of literature. My friend Henry Chorley for instance - just read his play, & you will see how much a really fine genius has been injured by the habit of day to day writing upon all works of subjects - how much the talent is frittered away by the weekly demands of the Atheneum . The play has much that is excellent - but wants depth, breadth, motive - in fact the concentrated attention which you give to your charming lyrics because you bring to them a power unwasted by [?] in literature." She also writes about a little volume by John Hughes (1790-1857), friend of Robert Southey and Sir Walter Scott, called Lays of Past Days published in 1850 and "dedicated to your unworthy servant" and goes on at length to discuss his work and talents, "In short it is a piece of ill luck that he happens to be a man of fortune or he would have been a very eminent artist of some sort or other" 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:4

    1851 August 12 Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), writes "I think the enclosed [bit] will about complete my three [volumes] - rather more than less - If not more extracts can be easily added - I mean that there are two or three other articles which I have fairly cut off from my original scheme which might be added to this [ Recollections of A Literary Life ?]." She also asks to borrow a few books and complains that "Mr. [Henry F.?] Chorley never kept either the M.S.S. or the proofs of the bits he cut out to fit into his journal so that what I have to do to make the matter out is more troublesome than can be thought." Mitford mentions recovering her copy of Daniel Webster's speeches after a few years absence and her plans to make it her newest short interesting article. 4 pages on 1 l., with envelope and typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:4

    [ca. 1852?] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), thanks him for his help in coming to an agreement for the title of her book, possibly her Recollections of a Literary Life Books, Places and People (first published in 1852), as "Mr. Hughes says that Bentley is a terrible bully" although she still liked her title the best; mentions her [Dorrington?] article, Mr. Kingsley who is "better in books than conversation," and a distant cousin who was canon of Westminster, inheriting [Brownhill?] from old Sir John; 4 pages on 1 l. with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:4

    1854 July 4 Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), asks if he has seen a very favorable review of Atherton and Other Tales in the New Quarterly and rejoices that Mrs. [Emma?] Bennett is safe, 2 pages on 1 l., with envelope and typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:4

    [post 1846] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), writes about a "charming young poetess" visiting with her, the volume of her "ballads are chiefly on very graphic and picturesque bits of history told with both plainness & a spirit that I greatly like - you may see some of them in Jerrold's Magazine . She, who is charmed with some of your lyrics, has taken charge of a copy of Baby May " and other titles by Bennett to deliver to Lord Nugent, "It is a great thing to secure a man of his taste & influence - the great point being to show such people only the best - never to let them see in a [detached way?] any but the very best; hopes to bring some of her friend's poems to her majesty's notice, "though I don't believe the Queen ever reads verses by anybody - I know that she had never read a line of Wordsworth's when he was invited to the Palace"; mentions a visit from James Cobbett; and tells of being notified of honorary membership in the Whittington Club (instituted under the auspices of Douglas Jerrold in 1846), 4 pages on 1 l. with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:5

    [ca. 1850 December] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to "My dear friend" [probably William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)], tells him that she has written to Mrs. Acton Tindal [Henrietta Euphemia Harrison Tindal (d. 1879)] poet and novelist "that you will send her your book [ Poems ] through Chapman and Hall your mutual publishers." Chapman and Hall published Tindal's Lines and Leaves also in 1850. She also describes a packet she received from America containing Songs of Labor by John Whittier, and "Astraea" by Oliver Wendell Holmes (which he read to the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale College in 1850). She also rejoices to hear what Chapman says [about his work?], "I can't help thinking that the success will come sooner than I expected - that it will come seems to me certain." She also has had a letter from Henry Chorley, "talking as he always does about his hard work & his sorrows & about putting in articles after [Christmas?]" with the Lady's Companion progressing slowly. 4 pages on 1 l. with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:5

    [1852 January] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to "My dear friend" [probably William Cox Bennett (1820-1895)] mentions several acquaintances and writers, including a letter from a Dublin barrister, Mr. [Digby] Starkey, a poet and "a first rate man in every way" who quoted another poet, Mr. Prince (said to be a Lancashire weaver), in his letter creating her interest in getting his volume of poetry, Mr. Barnes, a Dorsetshire poet, and dear Mr. Fields whose address she lacks. She also writes about pregnant Mrs. Warburton, who still clings to the hope that her husband was saved by a passing boat and whose first grief was so intense they feared for her life. Eliot Warburton (1810-1852), an Irish traveler and novelist, was aboard the steamship RMS Amazon when it sank on January 4, 1852. She also mentions the trouncing that the Times received from everyone, "above all when dear old Joseph [Hume?] put the coping stone on the rebuke by saying that he hoped Louis Napoleon as a man of sense would recollect that journalism was a trade like any other trade - they do it merely for base [?] - a cry - like the Protestant bigotry of last year." 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:6

    n.d. Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to Mr. Langford, thanks him for his kindness in making her acquaintance and hope to entice him to return during the season of roses and strawberries, 2 pages on 1 l. with typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:7

    1854 September 27 Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to [Frances] Trollope (1780-1863), rejoices to hear from her old friend, refers to Elizabeth Barrett Browning who could tell Trollope more of her condition, "a story of suffering" due to a bad fall from her pony chaise in Swallowfield Park which injured her spine leaving her unable to move from her chair without severe pain. Due to the work of her physician, she has improved some and is astonished at the kindness of her friends and neighbors in her extremity, 4 pages on 1 l., with envelope fragment and typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:8

    1828 [March 1] Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855) to Mrs. Watts, promises to do all she can for her little book, but she is in the midst of getting out a little book of her own; plans to take care of Mr. Watts souvenir as soon as possible; and writes "Mr. Kemble says that as far as any manager can ever answer for the production of a play he intends to bring out mine after Easter" and mentions Mrs. B. Hofland, a children's author, 3 pages on 1 l., with engraving of Mitford and typed transcript (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:9

    1920 November 26 Harriet Monroe (1860-1936) to Ruth Shepard Phelps [Morand] (1876-1949), thanks her for the "charming old buckles" which arrived all right, written on a Poetry A Magazine of Verse postcard (6435-aj)

  • Box-folder 10:10

    n.d. [James Monroe] Manuscript Fragment concerning the acquisition of Florida, 2 p. on 1 l., copy, original in Vault- Monroe (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:11

    1825 J[?] 15 James Montgomery (1771-1854) to "Dear Sir" thanks him for the musical compositions incorporating his words of verse "set to your delightful strains" asks that he send them folded flat to Messrs. Longman & Co., 1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:12

    1850 October 25 Nathaniel Fish Moore (1782-1872) to an unidentified correspondent, recommends [George Christian] Shaeffer for the Chair of Chemistry at William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-aj)

  • Box-folder 10:13

    1861 September 13 Samuel McDowell Moore (1796-1875), Lexington, Virginia, to Governor John Letcher (1813-1884), having recently returned from General Lee's encampment in the northwest, he warns that the condition of the road leading to the Milboro Depot by Warm Springs and Huntersville is in very poor condition with mud one to two foot deep which will make it almost impossible to transport provisions for the army in wagons and volunteers to supervise the repair of the road if given enough slave labor and supplies,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:14

    1908 August 19 John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916) to Major [Eben] Swift, sends him "a volume of war reminiscences which originally were some fugitive sketches I wrote for The Boston Herald that were afterward collected & put into book form: the last chapter is an address I delivered at … Boston," and an article by him on Gettysburg in Belford's Magazine (1891) describing briefly his theory of the campaign,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:14

    1908 August 24 John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916) to Major [Eben] Swift, speaks of his "closest call" during the Civil War when he was wounded at Lake's house on December 21, 1864; and sends a scrapbook containing the piece he wrote about it, a set of highly valued books, an article "By a Stratagem," and a copy of a letter he wrote to Judge Keith of the Virginia Court of Appeals. 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:14

    1909 November 8 John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916) to Major [Eben] Swift, disagrees with his article in the Journal about the objective of [Alfred?] Pleasonton's attacks on Stuart at Brandy Station which he believed was to break up Stuart's camp and drive him over the Rapidan, 1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:15

    1889 March 23 John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916) to General Marcus Joseph Wright (1831-1922) answers Wright's question about the accuracy of a statement in Appleton's Encyclopedia of Biography about Mosby first published in The New York Herald in July or August of 1876, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:16

    [1914 July 20] John Singleton Mosby (1833-1916) Autograph and small photograph (as an old man) on a card; other signatures and photographs on the card include: Fountain Beattie (1841-1923), Lycurgus Hutchison, and George Turberville; includes related material (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:17

    1865 May 13 John Ware Mosby, uncle of John Singleton Mosby, to George S. Palmer, informs him that "Jack has consented for me to send the bearer to Richmond to see what terms he can be paroled upon and to find out whether they intend any prosecution against him." He wants Mosby to take care of these matters and return to practicing Law, but stresses that "It is necessary for him to have a safe conduct so as he can go in and take his parole from General Halleck in whose name he wishes it, as there is so large a reward offered for him from a lesser authority it might not be observed, his having disbanded his men it shows he has discontinued hostilities." 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:18

    1842 May V[ictoria] P. M[osby], [sister of John Singleton Mosby] to Miss Henrianne Cabell [Early] (1822-1890), writes that she did not make it to Betty Brown's wedding, has not had Add [Callaway?] to see her yet although she invited many from the family to meet her, mentions other socials engagements and begs her to come and visit with her,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:19

    1842 February 22 V[ictoria] P. M[osby], [sister of John Singleton Mosby] to Mrs. Sally M. Ward, mentions Mr. Friend's wedding, Betty Brown's engagement might be broken off, Rosalie Pollard is quite the belle in Richmond, Mrs. Henderson is well received in society in Richmond, Robert Brown is to marry one of the Miss Callaways, either Elvira or Sarah, her happiness at having Add and Carrington Callaway as neighbors soon, busy reading Charles Dickens,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:20

    1906 May 15 Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) to Mr. Fraser, thanks him for sending the manuscript for him to see and correct, saying "Your description of myself made me blush you have to take that on your own responsibility." 1 page (6435-w)

  • Box-folder 10:21

    1898 February 20 Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) to Major James Burton Pond (1838-1903), thanks him for his kind letter and discusses his successful lecture tour in England which surpassed his expectations, 2 pages on 1 l. with envelope (6435-aj)

  • Box-folder 10:22

    1823 April 23 Robert Nares (1753-1829) to Thomas Cadell (1773-1836), the Younger, with Cadell's reply, May 9, 1823, on the same leaf; refers to the proofs wanted for the completion of Macklin's Bible that he sent to Cadell about a month ago, wanting renewed advertising of his remarks on the improved version, and remarking on the current hard times for clergy; Cadell assures Nares that he has received the proofs, has placed advertising in several papers, and will attempt to sell the remaining 508 copies through booksellers by trade sale; 3 pages on 1 l., with an engraving of Nares (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:23

    1939 April 30 Allan Nevins (1890-1971) to H.T. Newcomb, writes that John Reed's disillusionment with the Russian revolution and communism prior to his death is well established and thanks Newcomb for bringing Mr. Rubin's book to his attention, 1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 10:24

    1802 March 13 John Nicholas (1761-1819) to James Rees, approves his arrangements for a house, but chiefly concerns a "mill scheme" involving the damming of a lake at Geneva, New York,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-aj)

  • Box-folder 10:25

    1903 March 7 Yone Noguchi (1875-1947) to Madison Cawein (1865-1914) writes about a time when he was staying with Joaquin Miller on his glorious California hill and after supper a guitar was produced and Noguchi read from Cawein's book of poetry as they wandered under the stars. Currently he is wandering in England. Noguchi also expresses his happiness that Cawein liked his pamphlet and that his own new book of poems is coming out in ten days.

    3 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:26

    1886 July 28 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Mrs. Bond, arranges for her to make more copies of letters for him, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:27

    1887 December 10 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Charles H. Brooks, informs him that he knows nothing of Henry D. Norton,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:28

    1887 May 21 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Mrs. Dickinson, sends her his autograph as an expression of his sympathy and good will,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:29

    1881 July 20 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to "Dear Miss Emerson" sends a letter of introduction for Edwin D. Mead, author of a book on the philosophy of Carlyle, who wishes to meet her father,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:30

    1887 June 30 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Dana Estes (1840-1909?), publisher, thanks him for the return of Fletcher's letter about an archaeological case in Cotrone, Italy, Calabria region, about which he states, "The circ*mstances of the case were not exactly such as Mr. Fletcher supposes. Whether Baron Berlingieri's and Mr. Clarke's procedures at Cotrone were contrary to the laws valid in Calabria is, I believe, to be determined by judicial investigation and decision." He also wishes him success in finding the results of the excavations of the Etruscan tombs, 3 pages on 1 l. Norton was the first president of The Archaeological Institute of America, 1879-90. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:31

    1900 November 10 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Mr. Hart, thanks him for the copy of his paper on the past twenty years of the life of their college [Harvard],

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:32

    1866 May 23 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to C[harles] C[reighton] Hazewell (1814-1883), asks him to write a critical notice of Mr. Towles's Henry V for the North American Review, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:33

    1864 December 10 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Oliver Johnson (1809-1889), encloses payment for a subscription to The Antislavery Standard for L.A.O. of Martinsville Ohio, who has an extract of their letter in the current number of the paper,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:34

    187[9?] February 26 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to the Reverend Dr. [Andrew Preston?] Peabody (1811-1893), furnishes a reference for Miss Allatt as a French teacher,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:35

    1907 March 14 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Mrs. C.B. Perkins, accepts her apologies for the misadventure with the portfolio and absolves her of blame, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:36

    1897 January 11 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to Miss Minna Smith, writes that he is sorry to hear of her illness and hopes to have a visit from her soon, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:37

    1902 May 20 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to the Honorable Winslow Warren (1838-1930), thanks him for the copy of his review of Governor Taft's evidence, saying "What a national blessing a little financial calamity would be!"

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:38

    1867 August 3 Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908) to "My dear Sir," thanks him for his "able and interesting paper on George III" for The North American Review and engages him for additional work, 1 page (6435)

  • Oversize

    1803, 1805 John Page (1744-1808), Governor of Virginia, signature on four land grants to James Gray, Joseph Nichols, John London, and Pleasant Story, assignee of John London, all on vellum with seals, oversize (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:39

    1902 October 19 Walter Hines Page (1855-1918) to Hollis [?], writes about the desire of his son, Ralph W. Page, to be an engineer and asks for his advice on how his son should prepare for that career,

    6 pages on 2 l. (6435-ax)

  • Box-folder 10:40

    1882 April 22 Sir James Paget, (1814-1899) to "Dear Mr. Hill," chooses the date of June 13th [for his talk?] 1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:41

    1863 January 19 Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore (1823-1896) to Louis Dickinson, declines his invitation to his Saturday evening events because he rarely goes out since the death of his wife his is occupied entirely with the care of his children in the evenings and is dull company as well, 2 pages on 1 l., on mourning stationery (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:42

    1904 January 13 Andrew Henry Patterson (1870-1928), University of Georgia, to [William Lloyd] Garrison (1838-1909), apologizes for the long delay in answering his letter; thanks him for the copy of The World's Work; discusses in great detail and at length his views of the various classes of the "Negro race" in the South; disagrees with him that a "resident white Southerner in good standing cannot do work with and among Negroes without exciting suspicion and losing caste" citing the examples of William A. Blair and Henry E. Fries at the Slater School with Professor Atkins, Salem, North Carolina; expresses surprise at his statement that it was not wrong for slaves to steal from their masters; addresses Garrison's opinion that Southerners treated aged ex-slaves kindly only out of a troubled conscience; expresses a paternalistic attitude "The feeling of the better class of Southern whites for the Negroes is much the feeling of older persons for children, and our feeling toward the rising generation of Negroes is much the same as that of older persons toward [pert?], disagreeable, spoiled children"; he also tackles the topics of servant's wages, rape of black or mulatto women, justice in the courtroom, and his belief that Negroes are "members of a race without a past, with little hope of a future, - a race dwelling on the very edge of the evolutionary stream of the world's history."

    10 pages on 5 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:43

    1934 March 31 Governor George C. Peery (1873-1952) to M.E. Gilfond, encloses a letter to Congressman Sol Bloom at his request (not present), 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:44

    1804 February 24 Bishop Thomas Percy (1729-1811), Bishop of Dromore, to the Reverend John Blakeway, apologizes for the delay in answering his letter due to an eye complaint; writes that they are in a part of Ireland hopefully not likely to be the first scene of the French Invasion [by Napoleon] and is within a few miles of three seaports all pointing to Scotland or England, if he should land as he did in 1798,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:45

    1903 April 21 Bliss Perry (1860-1954) to Mrs. Charles E. St. John, declines her invitation to the luncheon of the Smith College Alumnae due to a prior engagement, 1 typewritten page (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 10:46

    n.d. Wendell Phillips (1811-1884) to [Edwin Percy] Whipple (1819-1886), returns the Macaulay item with thanks, resisting temptation, and cites the source for a quotation that had eluded them earlier,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:47

    1821 July 26 John Pickering (1777-1846) to James Savage (1784-1873), sends fourteen pages of the proposed Preface to Eliot's Grammar and plans to send ten or twelve pages more on Monday containing "a little investigation of the dialects spoken in

    New England

    " and makes arrangements for the remainder of the printing work to be done on the new edition, [ The Indian Grammar begun ; or, an Essay to bring the Indian Language into Rules, for the help of such as desire to learn the same, for the furtherance of the Gospel among them . By John Eliot, Reprinted, with Notes and Observations by John Pickering and Duponceau, in : Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Second Series, Vol. IX. dated Boston, 1822, 8vo. Contains : Pp. 223 - 242, the Massachusetts Language : Introductory Observations, by John Pickering ; dated Salem, July, 1821. Pp. 243-312, reprint of Eliot's Grammar. Pp. (313 - 341) i - xxix, Notes and Observations on Eliot's Grammar. Addressed to John Pickering, by Petee Duponceau. Pp. (342 - 36D) xxx - xlviii, Supplementary Observations, by the Editor. Pp. (361-366), xlix - liv, Index of Indian Words in Eliot's Grammar; including Select Words from his Translation of the Bible.]

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:48

    1919 September 4 Gifford Pinchot (1865-1946) to B.L. Young, sends a form letter to thank him for being a member of the National Conservation Association for ten years, 1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 10:49

    1798 May-June Receipts to John McLeod, John L. Taylor , and Caleb Swan for bateaus to Fort Washington on the Ohio River, Cincinnati, and repairs and other work, from the United States [Military?], Pittsburgh, 3 receipts (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:50

    1837 November 27 James Madison Porter (1793-1862), Secretary of War under President Tyler, to George Pearson, Secretary of the Diagnothian Literary Society, Marshall College, Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, Porter expresses his sense of honor at being made a member of the Society, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:51

    1890 December 20 J.W. Porter, Charlottesville, Virginia, to W.P. St.John, has written Senators Plumb, Allison, and Stewart, about his pleas for financial relief, and discusses their concerns about the appreciated fluctuating dollar and other economic woes, "American labor will surely revolt before submitting to European conditions. Farmers are reduced now to the verge of ruin, and vast numbers are already beggared by the close competition of India [bonused] by the cheap silver we sell. They are getting wild under the sense of injustice." He goes on to add a lengthy postscript about the issue of gold and silver being drained away to foreign lands.

    3 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:52

    1839 June 13 Bryan Waller Proctor [pseudonym Barry Cornwall] (1787-1874) to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), promises to send her some poetry for her annual if he has any raw material to draw from but must first take care of his legal business, and describes seeing Daniel Webster, "I have just met (at Mr. Kenyon's) Daniel Webster, the famous American orator. He has a broad, strongly-marked brow, with a dark, deep-set eye that looks full of intelligence and vigor. I do not remember ever to have encountered a man whose looks struck me so much. He is a little cold in his manner (like most of his countrymen in general), but it is not offensive. It is rather a grave self-possession than superciliousness."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 10:53

    1867 March 20 Alexander Williams Randall (1819-1872), Postmaster General under President Johnson, signature on appointment of Henry Massie as Deputy Postmaster of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1 page (6435)

  • Oversize

    1787 June 18 Beverley Randolph (1754-1797), Lt. Governor of Virginia, signature on land grant to William May, Nelson County, Virginia, on vellum, oversize (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:54

    1803 February 23 Mutual Assurance Society Insurance policy signed by Edmund Randolph for a house in Richmond, Virginia (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:55

    1819 December 29 [John Randolph of Roanoke] to Mr. Skinner, requests that the unknown paper be bound from the beginning and the numbers sent to him during the session of Congress also; with a cut signature of T[homas] M[ann] Randolph glued to the letter. Folder contains a note concerning a collector's confusion of the two Randolphs and the pasting of this signature to the letter, 1 page, copy, original in Vault- John Randolph of Roanoke (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:56

    [n.y.] January 5 John Randolph to Stephen Van Rensselear, asks him to dine with him next Tuesday when he will also enjoy the company of [Harmanus] Bleecker, 1 page, copy, original in Vault- John Randolph of Roanoke (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:57

    1782 July 21 Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr. (1741-1793) to Messrs. Cohen Isaacs & Co., Richmond, Virginia, orders two pair of cotton cards, two of wool cards, two of their largest sized India mats, two curry combs and six ounces of alum, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:58

    1789 May 15 Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr. (1741-1793) to "Dear Gentlemen" sends letter of introduction for his son, Thomas, while in New York, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:59

    1791 September 29 Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr. (1741-1793) to "Dear Sirs" discusses his plans for settling his total debt with them,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:60

    1817 October 26 Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. (1768-1828) to Robert Brent, Paymaster General, U.S. Army, informs him that he has not received pay, or drawn rations or forage in kind from the United States since December 1, 1813, and seeks military compensation, believing his last paymaster to have been Colonel Fenwick in New York.

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Oversize

    1820 December 7 Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. (1768-1828), Governor of Virginia, signature on land grant to George Kailor, Rockingham County, Virginia, on vellum, oversize (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:61

    1823 December 15 Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr. (1768-1828) to Henry Remsen (1762-1843), President [Bank of the Manhattan Company?], shares his good news from the Virginia Legislature about the University of Virginia which should open next autumn and John Wickham's agreement to name appraisers for his estate on the river below and that in Albemarle to include in the mortgage. He also expresses "the very strong sentiment of gratitude to you for this most important favor to my numerous and excellent family of a wife, six daughters and five sons, which I most sincerely and warmly feel and shall ever cherish in an honest and constant heart. For myself I am altogether indifferent as to the good or evil which may be in fate for me."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:62

    n.y. April 21 Charles Reade (1814-1884) to Dear [Wilkie Collins?], writes that he is too unsettled at present to make an appointment to see his correspondent, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:63

    1863 January 6 Maurice Regan, 2nd Regiment, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, at a camp near Fairfax Station, to Doctor Pennock, writes Pennock that they still receive the Delaware County Republican, have a good general who "studies the comfort of his men," General [Thomas Leiper?] Kane, and have left a beautiful valley near the Potomac River, where they were told they would winter. He also describes their march from camp on the Leesburg Pike, passing Hillsboro, Wheatland, and Leesburg, where all the stores and shops were closed up with the people standing on the street corners with long faces, and continuing on to Fairfax Court House, where they camped and had prayers the next morning. Next the troops experienced the discomfort of heavy rain while camping next to Occoquan Creek and many threw away their wet woolen blankets and clothing along the way. He also describes "this part of Virginia we see nothing but sad desolation and destruction, nearly the whole of Virginia lays in open commons from woods to woods we can seldom see a fence all burnt by soldiers for whenever they halt for the night they pitch in to the fences of there is any handy and in a few minutes whole fields are laid open and before morning many a cord of rails are burnt."

    8 pages on 2 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:64

    1857 May 13 Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (1819-1870) to "Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Fields (1816-1881), introduces and recommends her friend and acting pupil, Miss Avonia Jones (1836-1867, married G.V. Brooke in 1863) who she believes will make a fine actress,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:65

    1856 December 15 Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (1819-1870) to "My dear Miss Pleasanton," fulfills her promise of an autograph,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:66

    n.d. Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (1819-1870) to "My own Darling" changes their arrangement to visit due to changes in her own schedule and mentions the "toil of posing" possibly for a portrait,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:67

    [1859 September 30?] Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (1819-1870) signature at the end of a passage presumably from a play, either called "Old Maid" or by a character called "Old Maid" 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:68

    1865 February 22 Alfred Rives (1830-1903), Confederate War Department, Engineer Bureau, to Socrates Maupin (1808-1871), University of Virginia, Chairman of the Faculty, asks if the University has a good oxy-hydrogen blowpipe and reflector that the Engineer Bureau might purchase or borrow, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:69

    1892 May 2 Amelie Rives (1863-1945) to Dr. Bleyer, invites him to lunch on the morrow and promises to have his souvenir ready,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 10:70

    1893 September 2 Amelie Rives (1863-1945) to Dr. Bleyer, congratulates him on his good fortune of late and thanks him for all his kindness,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 10:71

    [1888?] February 1 Amelie Rives (1863-1945) to W[illiam] T[homas] Moore (1832-1926), discusses the sporting slang word "gee" and says an example of its use in literature is "The Right Sort." 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:72

    1889 February 21 Amelie Rives (1863-1945) to Mr. Walsh, voices her concerns about errors in the proofs for her book which must be corrected,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:73

    1945, n.d. Amelie Rives (1863-1945) Autograph and Quotation on a Note card, with a news clipping of her obituary, 1945, 1 page (6435-bh)

  • Box-folder 10:74

    1848 June 10 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Thomas Aspinwall (1786-1876), Consul of the United States at London, sends a letter of introduction for John Cowles, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:75

    1836 June 18 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to E.L. Burd, offers a letter of introduction to Governor Cass, who will soon be appointed minister to Paris,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:76

    1836 September 14 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Churchill C. Cambreleng (1786-1862), entrusts a letter to him for Captain Nicolson, believed to be currently in New York, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:77

    1843 April 8 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs, Washington, encloses a check for Thomas Sewall for forty dollars which he will thank them to pay upon presentation and he will either place the same amount with their correspondent in Richmond or meet any draft that they may give upon him, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:77

    1844 September 17 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs, asks them to remit to his son, F.R. Rives, in London one hundred pounds sterling by the Boston & Liverpool Steamer,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:77

    1845 April 23 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Messrs. Corcoran & Riggs, encloses a draft on Alfred [F.?] Harris of Richmond for five hundred dollars, 1 page, with separate franked letter sheet (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:78

    n.d. William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to [Anna Payne] Cutts (1779-1832), presents his compliments, accepts her invitation to the family circle that evening, and sends a packet for Mrs. Madison, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:79

    1849 September 26 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Mr. Davis, encloses both his dispatch and the documents from the office of the Legation [to France] which Mr. Aspinwall has promised to deliver to Davis, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:80

    1866 February 5 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to [Philip Ricard] Fendall (1794-1868), in 1860 under direction of the Joint Committee of Congress, Fendall began to edit, revise and index the James Madison correspondence; Rives thanks Fendall for his incredible amount of work in helping him prepare and correct his own work on Madison under his supervision,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:80

    1866 March 10 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to [Philip Ricard] Fendall (1794-1868), informs Fendall that his publisher, Little, Brown and Co. of Boston, should soon forward a copy of his second volume of History of The Life and Times of James Madison, believing that "its appearance at this time, when so many questions are of daily occurrence as to the constitution as conceived by its founders, might be critically useful." And he asks Fendall if he would write a notice of it for The National Intelligencer or some other journal to help its sales,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:81

    1851 January 8 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Henry Stuart Foote (1804-1880), writes Foote, head of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Senate, urging a more adequate support of the central diplomatic missions in Europe, and enclosing a copy of his letter to the Secretary of State to that end, and expresses his appreciation for his efforts in defense of the Union,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:82

    1847 January 19 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Joseph Grinnell (1788-1885), sees the need for better leadership for the nation but declines Grinnell's suggestion of becoming a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:83

    1859 August 29 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Mr. [Henry O.] Houghton (1823-1895), discusses changes that he wants in the headings of the chapters for his book [ History of The Life and Times of James Madison ], and asks when it will be ready for publication, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:84

    1829 June 10 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Thomas W. Maury (d. 1842), notifies him that Gilmer will deliver all the papers received from Mr. Nelson for his signature and asks him to get Mr. Martin to add a memorandum expressing his concurrence, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:85

    1831 December 20 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Lt. Paine, as minister to France, Rives apologizes for missing his visit last Wednesday evening but plans on being home tomorrow evening, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:86

    1842 August 1 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Miss Anna Payne (1819-1852), niece of Dolley Madison, daughter of John C. Payne and Clara Wilcox, sends his autograph on his letter to save her autograph album from further desecration, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:87

    1883 June 4 William Cabell Rives (1825-1889) to Mrs. William Barton Rogers [Emma Savage Rogers], thanks her for her corrections, interesting references and facts and the promise of further assistance, probably for his "William Barton Rogers, LL. D. An address delivered before the Society of the alumni of the University of Virginia, on commencement day" June 27, 1883, especially his relationship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:87

    1883 September 6 William Cabell Rives (1825-1889) to Mrs. William Barton Rogers [Emma Savage Rogers], promises to send her six more copies of his address about her husband, asks about the correct spelling of several names and appreciates her corrections of error,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:88

    1827 April 28 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to John Rutherfoord (1792-1866), agrees with his opinion of the John Quincy Adams administration, "the mischievous character of the present administration of our national affairs, & of the necessity of recovering them from the unskillful and corrupt hands, which at present, control them." He also believes that only Andrew Jackson has enough popularity with the people to challenge the influence of Adams and Henry Clay and be elected president, probably only for a single term. Rives agrees with Thomas Jefferson's sentiment that a president should only serve for a single term due to the immense power given the presidency by the Constitution. He sends him a copy of his "reply to the gentleman, who spoiled both me and my proposition on the subject of the appropriation for surveys" in the National Intelligencer .

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:89

    1858 November 4 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), expresses his warmest thanks for his gifts of The Life of Governor Livingston and the number of The Democratic Review containing the biographical sketch of Mortimer Livingston which has greatly enjoyed, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:90

    1842 December 22 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to John Canfield Spencer (1788-1855), Secretary of War, agrees to Spencer's proposal to rent the house recently occupied by Rives on the President's Square, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:91

    1845 January 18 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868), University of Virginia Board of Visitors, to Judge Henry St. George Tucker (1780-1848), agrees to allow Tucker a protracted absence from the University if it is necessary, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:92

    1842 December 20 William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to Abel Parker Upshur (1790-1844), Secretary of the Navy, recommends the appointment of [V.?] C. Saunders of Virginia to the Marine Corps, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:93

    1964 June 18 A. Willis Robertson to Atcheson Hench (1891-1974), agrees to support legislation to improve the security of the Appalachian Trail, and expresses delight that Hench, at 72 years of age, still enjoys hiking through the Shenandoah National Park on the Appalachian Trail, 1 typewritten page, with envelope (6435-at)

  • Box-folder 10:94

    1865 April 17 John M. Robinson, Military Superintendant of Railroads, North Carolina, to Colonel W.G. Brent, implores him to get the President and Superintendent of the North Carolina Railroad to remove all the extra trains between Greensboro and Jamestown to the company's shops where there is abundant track room in order to clear the tracks, with a penciled note on the back from P.G.T. Beauregard supporting this request, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:95

    1851 October 27 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882), University of Virginia, to "My dear [Judge Luther Stearns?] Cushing (1803-1856)," thanks him for the information about his pamphlet case, reveals that the number of University matriculates has increased to 370 and may go over 400, with his own lecture room being too crowded, hopes that his book will be finished in two or three weeks, and expresses relief that neither political party favors secession.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:96

    n.y. July 27 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to Dr. Augustus Addison Gould (1805-1866), plans on attending the Dublin meeting of the British Association and asks if he wishes to send a few copies of his account of Bailey's labors or any other scientific connections by him,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:97

    1874 August [14?] William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to Professor Washington Caruthers Kerr (1827-1885), thanks him for the geological map of North Carolina which he sent and is especially pleased with his choice of color tints; he also expresses his regret at missing their trip down the river and the chance of a geological talk with him.

    3 pages, on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:98

    1879 January 11 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to [Clarence King (1842-1901)?], agrees to write a testimonial to send to the President for him, concerning the directorship of the United States Geological Survey. He became the first director from 1879-1881. 3 pages on 1 l., draft copy only, accompanied by another different penciled draft along the same lines,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:99

    1876 February 2 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to "My dear Miss Lowell," remembers making her acquaintance as a "young student whose kind patience used to inspire me in my "Lowell Lectures" and extends his sympathy and congratulations in the new phase of life on which she is entering.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:100

    1838 April 3 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882), University of Virginia, to Professor Henry D. Rogers (1808-1866), expects to hear from him concerning the affairs of Mr. Davis and wants Robert to send him some good filtering paper by mail. 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:101

    1875 August 10 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to Professor [Sir Henry Enfield] Roscoe (1833-1915), sends a letter of introduction for Henry M. Howe, son of Dr. Samuel G. Howe of Boston, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 10:102

    1876 William Barton Rogers (1804-1882) to Thomas G. Wales, describes the average composition of kaolin, the Chinese name for porcelain earth, and how it is produced in nature,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:1

    1862 February 7 Alfred Roman (1824-1892), Camp Benjamin, to Roy Mason Hooe, reports that, in obedience to special instructions issued by Brigadier General [Daniel] Ruggles, he closed the ambrotype establishment near the railway station and an eating establishment near a grocery store, visited and examined the New Orleans Barracks, and interviewed Captain W. Mabry of the 16th Regiment Louisiana Volunteers and Captain Brice of the Ordnance Department concerning the number of men present and able to guard the powder stores, powder mill, hospital (currently dilapidated and the rendezvous for vagabonds), and ammunition at the barracks and concludes that the number is woefully inadequate for safety or security.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:2

    1862 June 3 Thomas H. Rosser, Memphis, telegram to General [Daniel?] Ruggles, Grenada [County], Mississippi, telegraphs that General [John B.?] V[illepigue?] (1830-1862) is still at Fort Pillow with a small force of cavalry but no force here [Memphis?] because the troops passed down the river to Vicksburg. The latest news from Junction was that no enemy had crossed the Hatchie [River] up to twelve last evening. He also does not believe he will be able to hold fifty men in arms where he is, as the Home Battalion intends to remain here and will not help to fight or defend. 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:3

    1890 January 27 Thomas L. Rosser (1836-1910) to John Chester Buttre (1821-1893), has received the picture and the plate [for the engraving] but has not paid anything to Mr. Shylock because he did no actual work except introducing him to Buttre, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:4

    1888 July 31 Thomas L. Rosser (1836-1910) to William Crane, New York, plans to send a list of farms with prices after a careful examination and appraisem*nt of each farm to arrive at a fair price "to induce good people to come and live amongst us." 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:5

    1886 May 17 William Michael Rossetti (1829-1919), London, to P.F. Alexander, Oxford, writes concerning Alexander's Shelley subscription on a British postal card (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:6

    1861 June 5 Colonel Daniel Ruggles (1810-1897), Invoice of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Fredericksburg, Virginia, handed over to Captain W.L. Burton for transportation to Captain E.P. Tayloe, King George Court House, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:7

    1966 March 3 Dean Rusk (1909-1994), Secretary of State, to Atcheson Hench, thanks him for his telegram of support following his appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1 typewritten page, with envelope (6435-at)

  • Box-folder 11:8

    1863 July 8 Colonel Henry Rust, Jr., 13th Maine Regiment, U.S. Volunteers, to the 2nd Auditor of the United States Treasury, transmits the "Quarterly Return of Deceased Soldiers" (not present) for the quarter for his regiment, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:9

    1912 April 26 Homer Saint-Gaudens (1880-1958) to Charles Elmer Rice (1869?-?), Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio, agrees to do his best and has sent Rice's letter home to remind him to take up [the speaking engagement?] upon his return,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:10

    1918 July 20 Charles Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) to Monsieur [Deiranthon?], Clermont-Ferrand writes concerning the terrible events at Clermont - [Reube?], 1 page, copy, original in Vault- Autograph File (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:11

    1898 June 9 Charles Camille Saint-Saens (1835-1921) to Mrs. Fulford, regrets that he cannot accept her invitation, 2 pages on 1 l., copy, original in Vault- Autograph File (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:12

    n.y. August 6 John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) to [Sir George Henschel], (1850-1934) thanks him for his invitation, mentions Sir Arthur and Lady Crosfield who are staying at Aviemore, Scotland, in case he should wish to meet them while they are there, and sends his greetings to Lady Henschel and his daughter, Georgina, 4 pages on 2 l., traced copy of the original given by Hench to his brother, Philip Hench for his collection (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:13

    1834 April 6 C[atharine] M[aria] Sedgwick (1789-1867) and her niece Kate Sedgwick with a postscript, New York, to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), voices her concern at news of her serious illness; appreciates the gift of a bust of Mitford presented to them by one of her friends, Mr. Westmacott; regrets the lack of culture in the United States, "We are a nation of workers, and have not leisure or fortune for an extended cultivation & patronage of the fine arts. We have no society or association for artists."; mentions Leslie and his decision to return to England, her acquaintance with [Washington?] Irving, the English difficulty with American servants, American artists, Alston and Cole, and seeing Fanny Kemble in New York,

    4 pages on 1 l., (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:14

    1753-1778 Sermon Manuscripts, at least one by the Rev. Timothy Alden, Sr. (1736-1828), of the Congregationalist Church, Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, installed in December 1769 and continuing until his death in 1828; he also served the Second Congregational Society originating in 1794, when the West Yarmouth, or "South Sea" portion of the old parish, insisted upon having preaching there a part of the time. Alden was born in Bridgewater, married to Sarah Weld of Attleboro (d. 1796), and was a descendent of John Alden of Mayflower fame. One sermon has the initials, "K.J." on the sermon and was preached at Mr. Hitchco*ck's, a third sermon has no identification but was also preached at Mr. Hitchco*ck's, as well as Mr. [Barnes?]. There are four sermons total, 48 pages, chiefly with New Testament texts (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:15

    [1925 January 26] Dallas Lore Sharp (1870-1929) Autograph in the return address portion of a large envelope addressed to Professor James Southall Wilson, University of Virginia (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:16

    1863 June 8 Lt. J.J. Shedd Requisition Form for lumber, nails, and quick lime for the hospital, Acquia Creek, approved by Lt. Colonel Ambrose Thompson (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:17

    1956 September 6 Christopher Short (1913-1978) to "Dear Friends" [Mr. & Mrs. Atcheson Hench], announces the birth of Marguerite Grace, sister of Camilla Jane, in London, hopes that Jane and his book on English architecture will be published in the Spring, and found his Chaucer course [under Hench] helpful with his work on Gothic architecture, 1 typewritten page, with envelope, Ambrose Short calling card, and publication notice from Chapman & Hall, London, for Christopher Short's book, Dark Lantern, on March 8, 1962 (6435-ac)

  • Box-folder 11:18

    1965 October 12 Christopher Short (1913-1978) to Atcheson Hench, discusses his character, Friedrich Georg, in The Black Room, describes his work with his brother Ambrose in bringing over American college freshmen for literary tours of Great Britain, and catches up Hench on family news and information about his other books, 1 typewritten page, written on the back of a publicity sheet concerning The Black Room (6435-ad)

  • Box-folder 11:19

    1965-1966 Christopher Short (1913-1978) to Atcheson Hench, with related materials, concerning Boston University's attempt to secure his literary papers, with a penciled note to Hench saying that he would like the University of Virginia to have them but his agent would not let him give them to anyone (November 17, 1965); Christmas card (December 1965); publicity sheet for The Black Room (ca. 1965); inquiry about the possibility of teaching at the University of Virginia, if only for a year, enclosing a blurb about the Short family from Reader's Digest (May 10, 1966); a reply from Fredson Bowers to Hench's inquiry, stating that George Garrett fulfills that role for the University but suggesting he write George Mason College (June 1, 1966); a reply from Robert C. Krug of George Mason expressing interest in Short (August 17, 1966); and an electrostatic copy of Hench's letter to Short summarizing his efforts on Short's behalf and describing northern Virginia's amazing growth since World War II (August 24, 1966), 7 items (6435-ae)

  • Box-folder 11:20

    1926 Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Autograph, with a line of music from "Finlandia" copy, original in Vault- Autograph File (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:21

    1867 October 15 Walter William Skeat (1835-1912), English philologist, to "Dear Sir," sends him an extra copy of [ Pierce the Ploughman's] Crede (1867), appreciates his correspondent's notes on a text that Skeat is working with, refers a comparison with the Bodleian Manuscript Laud 581 in his work, and notes that his glossary for Piers Plowman cannot be published for two years,

    8 pages on 2 l. (6435-a)

  • Oversize

    1811 May 17 Lt. Governor George William Smith (1762-1811) signature on a land grant to John Preston, Francis Preston, and John Brown, survivors of William Preston, vellum, oversize (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:22

    1879 September 3 William Henry Smith (1825-1891) to Charles Dickens (1812-1870), has extracted an account of "Greenlands" from The History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough by Thomas Langley (1797) for Dickens, saying "The house has been almost entirely rebuilt since that date and the fortifications have entirely disappeared but the beauty of the situation remains." He is willing to allow any representative or friend of Dickens to walk through the house but only if his privacy is maintained and no personal references to his life at home are published, as he has already declined Mr. Yates offer "to describe Mr. Smith at home."

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:23

    1952 November 16 Stephen Spender (1909-1995), English poet, to Herbert W[illiam] K[eith] Fitzroy (1903-?), feels honored by his invitation to come to the University of Virginia, but regrets that he cannot accept it because of a previous commitment to give some lectures in Brazil; and relates his plans for the next year, lecturing as the Elliston Lecturer at the University of Cincinnati (February 1-June 1, 1953), School of Writing, Summer Course at the University of Indiana (June 20-July 30, 1953) and going to India in October 1953 for the British Council for a few weeks (typescript copy, 1 page). Fitzroy's responds with an invitation to visit him in Richmond during his time in the United States in 1953 to work out a possible time that he might spend a term at one or more of Virginia's educational institutions, December 18, 1952, also a typescript copy, 1 page, forwarded with a note from his secretary, Mary M. Bell, to Atcheson Hench, December 18, 1952. Also present is a news clipping about Spender's stint as writer-in-residence at the University of Virginia during the spring semester 1962 (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:24

    1839 November 6 Edward Stanly (1810-1872) to Henry A. Wise (1806-1876), writes concerning his being challenged to duel in Norfolk on Saturday the 9th against an opponent who is "in the hands of enemies" and the arrangements that have been made so far and feels "that I can perform my part tolerably well for a beginner."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:25

    1878 November 25 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Mary Louise Booth (1831-1889), editor of Harper's Bazaar, asks if she will consider the work of Evelyn [Tomlinson?] for her magazine, both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:26

    1893 January 22 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to General Louis Palma di Cesnola (1832-1904), director of the Metropolitan Museum, card of introduction for Miss Mary E. Bart, Vice-Chairman of the Archaeological Committee of the World's Fair Auxiliary, both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:27

    1890 June 28 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Dr. Thomas Dunn English (1819-1902), informs him that he is represented in the Library of American Literature with his poem, "Ballad of the Colors" (Mistress Ellen M. Hutchinson's choice), and agrees with him about the contents of their volumes but "we are not representing American literature as it


    be, but as it



    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:28

    1891 January 6 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Harrison Grey Fiske (1861-1942), thanks him for the cards, both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:29

    1881 April 24 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Mrs. [Mary Middleton Michel] Hayne, thanks her for the copy of her husband's book [ The Poems of Frank O. Ticknor ] on the life and work of Ticknor, who Stedman likens to the Hartford poet, [Henry Howard? ] Brownell. 4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:30

    1875 November 14 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886), has not forgotten his kind and cheering words about his successive essays [in Scribner's Monthly ] and plans to mail a copy of the resultant work, [ Victorian Poets ] to him if he promises to feel no obligation to review it for the newspapers. He is also pleased at the response to Hayne's latest work. 3 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:31

    1878 October 2 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886), regrets that Dudley Buck has returned Hayne's poem "Lyrical Idyll" refusing to write an air for it. Buck also offers the excuse of his efforts on a new work "Scenes from the Golden Legend of Longfellow" for solos, chorus, and orchestra, at least until May.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:32

    1873 December 23 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to [James R.] Osgood and Company, discusses his difficulties in getting the correct number of copies of his books, Cameos Selected from the Works of Walter Savage Landor by E.C. Stedman and T.B. Aldrich; with an introduction and The Poetical Works of Edmund Clarence Stedman,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:33

    1879 April 13 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Karl Knortz (1841-1918), writes "we really have a dearth of young poets - except such as you will find in the


    ed. Of Griswold's "Poets of America" & Female Poets of America" - brought down by Stoddard to a recent date - and such as you will learn of through their contributions to the

    leading magazines

    ." Both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:34

    1894 January 18 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Mrs. Putnam, declines her invitation, as he is avoiding going out due to his health, both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:35

    1888 December 5 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to [William Henry] Rideing (1853-1919), promises to send him an impression of the engraving Harpers published in Lathrop's article on New York literary life and "


    one if far handsomer than any Stedman ever was - romantically flattering, & calculated to make Mrs. Rideing pronounce me a humbug if I ever have the luck to call upon you." Both sides of a note card (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:35

    1895 October 20 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to [William Henry] Rideing (1853-1919), apologizes for his delay in responding to his card, having only last night completed his labors on two works over a period of two years.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:35

    n.d. Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to [William Henry] Rideing (1853-1919), writes that the exhibition of Brown's paintings has officially closed but after telephoning the Century Club, the steward says he will let Rideing see the paintings if he arrives early on Monday morning,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:36

    187[8] March 13 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Charles Warren Stoddard (1843-1909), helps arrange a meeting between Stoddard and Messers. Smith and Holland for work on four or five South Sea sketches in his best manner as good as The Prodigal in Tahiti of not less than six pages each, and tells him to "please offer H. his choice of subjects, western or European,

    try to please him in your interview,

    2 pages on a memorandum form. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:37

    1897 December 10 Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908) to Mr. Tapley, declines his invitation due to his health which allows him to attend only day affairs,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:38

    1780 November 11 Archibald Steel Receipt from John Gibson, [merchant?] at Fort Pitt, 15,000 pounds Pennsylvania currency in Congress money for one pre-emption right for 1,000 acres of land, lying in the county of Youghiogheny, Pennsylvania, 1 page (6435-n)

  • Box-folder 11:39

    1873 February 22 Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812-1883) to Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886), wishes he had seen him on his recent visit to Augusta as he had many matters to talk over with him, 4 pages on 1 l., with handwritten transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:39

    1881 October 22 Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812-1883) to Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886), thinks his poem to President Arthur excellent in tone and language; does not give much attention to spiritualism or animal magnetism, since he cannot understand it; plans to asks the editor of The Democrat to republish his poem on Garfield; and reports favorably on his recent health. 3 pages on 1 l., perhaps in a different hand than previous letter (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:40

    1912 May 8 Henry L. Stimson (1867-1950) to the Reverend Paul R. Hickok, Washington, D.C., thanks him for his kind words about the memorial exercises for Major Butt, 1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:41

    1885 December 17 Frank R. Stockton (1834-1902) to Mrs. Dodge, [secretary to Amelie (Rives) Troubetzkoy, (1863-1945)], sends by express samples of apples from the Piedmont region, including yellow "Albemarle Pippins," red "Winesaps," and "Lady Apples."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:42

    1844 June 22 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Robert B. Bagby, recommends that he settle his claim on John W. Brockenbrough (who denies responsibility entirely) through arbitration, suggests some names for the arbitrator and offers his services for either arbitration or a lawsuit,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:43

    1852 January 29 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Lewis Jacob Cist (1818-1885), agrees to comply with his unnamed request, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:44

    1868 August 12 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Henry R. Howland, confirms the dates of his own political service, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:45

    1873 September 3 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to John Neafie, furnishes the dates of his political service, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:46

    1869 May 20 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to M.D. Phillips, lists ex-Governors of Virginia still living and their place of residence,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:47

    1852 February 19 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to John B. Pollock, agrees to comply with his request, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:48

    1886 November 25 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Charles E. Rice, has finally received his note and enclosures and hastens to comply with his request, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:49

    1886 March 13 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to the Reverend Dr. E.F. Strickland, lists many of the men that he knew from the political sphere of over fifty years ago and shares his memories of Thomas Jefferson staying with his father for a few days in 1818 and dining with his parents at Monticello in 1823,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:50

    1887 March 17 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Harry P. Waitnight, sends an envelope with the signature of President Millard Fillmore to satisfy his request for a letter of Fillmore, none of which seemed appropriate to give away, 1 page on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:51

    1853 October 22 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Messrs. William M. Morrison & Company, writes concerning a book order, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:51

    1854 August 17 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) to Messrs. William M. Morrison & Company, writes concerning a book order, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:52

    1852 April 28 Alexander H.H. Stuart (1807-1891) signature on a Department of the Interior form for an invalid pension for Joseph Clark, an ensign in Captain Schuyler's Company of the New York Militia, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:53

    1900 April 18 John Bannister Tabb (1845-1909) to John Lane (1854-1925), hopes Lane has something to publish for his friend Dr. Thomas R. Price, asks if there is a chance of him getting Tabb's Child Verse as well as the other books, as he may have something along the same line to offer him for


    if this war [Second Boer War?] ever ends, 2 pages on 1 l., with a news clipping concerning Tabb, August 27, 1946 (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:54

    1832 January 27 John Taliaferro (1768-1852) to T[ristam] Burges (1770-1853), member of Congress from Rhode Island, informs him in a very picturesque and fanciful manner that the weather has prevented him from coming to see him in person in Washington and asks him to explain the principles of the case of the claims commutation of Edmond Brooke to Chairman [Henry Augustus Philip?] Muhlenberg of the Committee in Congress, that reported on it unfavorably, and to Mr. Foote of the Senate,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:55

    1825 July 7 Littleton Waller Tazewell (1774-1860) to "Dear Sir," asks for the amount of the check prefixed to be credited to the account of John N. Tazewell, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:55

    1829 January 9 Littleton Waller Tazewell (1774-1860) to "Dear Sir," apologizes for his delay in response to his request but promises to provide him with autographs as soon as he returns home from Congress, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:56

    1862 February 1 Dr. James H. Thompson, Steamship Constitution, Surgeon 12th Regiment, Maine Volunteers, to Dr. Gilman Kimball, General Hospital Surgeon, "Camp Chase," Lowell, Massachusetts, reports on measles and pneumonia cases and medicinal needs,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:57

    1870 March 22 John Reuben Thompson (1823-1873), The Evening Post, to "My dear Johnson" [Benjamin Johnson Barbour (1821-1894)], asks if he has received any of the materials listed that he has sent him, mentions "a row in the office of The Evening Post and Gaudette and [Augustus] Maverick (1830-?) have resigned. Gaudette goes to Philadelphia in April. This breaks up the establishment at 250 State Street." He also notes that Maverick plans to sail for Europe in May, perhaps visiting him at Barboursville, Virginia beforehand.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-r)

  • Box-folder 11:58

    1860 December 15 John Reuben Thompson (1823-1873) to Charles Edward Bennett, sends his autograph, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:59

    1850 August 11 John Reuben Thompson (1823-1873) to Miss Anna C. Lynch [Botta] (1815-1891), sends her a package of the numbers of The Southern Literary Messenger for 1850 and welcomes any contribution that she could make to the magazine; page two contains a "Sonnet to Miss Anna C. Lynch" by Thompson,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:60

    1855 December 5 John Reuben Thompson (1823-1873) to Joseph Ripley Chandler (1792-1880), asks if Chandler can lecture on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the 18th and 20th, or even on the 13th, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:61

    1945 April 6-7 Randall Thompson (1899-1984) to Boaz Pillar, sends his autograph and a quote from Thomas Jefferson, 1 page, electrostatic copy of original in Vault-Autograph File (6435-w)

  • Box-folder 11:62

    1858 September 2 George Ticknor (1791-1871) to "Mrs. Rogers" [Emma Savage Rogers], inquires about the health of her father, James Savage (1784-1873) of Boston, and offers assistance if there is anything they can do for her,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:63

    1920 May 5 George Macaulay Trevelyan (1876-1962) to "Dear Sir," asks him to describe his proposal and if he thinks he can do it, he will arrange a meeting, 1 page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:64

    1874 June 12 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), English historian and politician, to James Beal, writes "I am glad to hear that the Electoral Reform Association is moving in favor of a more just and effective representation of the country" and that he will be too busy for public engagements during the recess.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:65

    1880 November 13 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear Brassey," asks if the family of a certain young man at the Royal Naval Barracks is able to buy his discharge from service,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:66

    1893 January 7 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear Mrs. Stewart Brown," regrets that he is unable to leave London and attend the meeting of the Women's Liberal Federation before Parliament meets,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:67

    1881 February 24 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to Mr. Heath, writes that according to Lord Northbrook's chief secretary, the nominations have been made before he received Heath's first letter,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:68

    1895 February 13 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to Cyril N. Ir[?], considers his desire to join the Royal Irish Constabulary,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:69

    1889 February 20 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear [Leveson?-] Gower, expresses great pleasure at meeting him for breakfast on [March] 2nd,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:70

    1910 June 22 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to R [?] Lucas, answers questions about the Owl [Club?] dinners and members, and says he has a volume of the Owls since the beginning of 1866, when he joined them.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:71

    1892 January 16 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear Mrs. Macgregor," writes that the press of work prevents him from accepting her invitation,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:72

    1890 November 8 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear Reid," is pleased to take the chair on December 2nd for every reason, includes a note on the back in another hand,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:73

    1891 February 10 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to W[illiam] H[enry] Rideing (1853-1919), appreciates his offer of sending copies of The North American Review,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:74

    1908 February 26 Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928) to "Dear [Scott?], writes that he is glad what he wrote met the requirements and discusses several points of Trevelyan genealogy,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:75

    1869 April 2 Nicholas Philip Trist (1800-1874) to Henry C. Carey (1793-1879), replies that he is unable to attend Vespers because of continuing illness,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-s)

  • Box-folder 11:76

    1832 November 13 Frances Trollope to Mary Russell Mitford, thanks her for both her book and her letter, and she has ordered the other four volumes of Our Village sketches about which she says, "The work is perfectly unique. I know nothing like it in any language, and it is among the few to which one can turn again and again and again with even new pleasure. The 'Farewell' is one of the sweetest bits of writing that I know." Mrs. Bentley reports that Covent Garden is beautiful and that the Kembles are doing wonders, with Charles being rich at last. Macready is out of fashion and should have played in her play "Rienzi." Trollope especially enjoyed the Bramshill scene, "I would give a joint of my little finger to visit Bramshill again."

    4 pages, on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:77

    [1893?] July 6 Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy (1864-1936) to Mr. Knowles, writes concerning the painting of [Prime Minister William] Gladstone's portrait,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:78

    1945 December 4 Lt. General L[ucian] K[ing] Truscott, Jr. (1895-1965) to Howes Norris, Jr., agrees to furnish an autograph for his collection, 1 typewritten page (6435-at)

  • Box-folder 11:79

    1871 February 24 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871), essayist and critic, to Anne Charlotte (Lynch) Botta (1815-1891), hopes this autograph (not present) of Mr. Kennedy just received from Baltimore will serve her purpose, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:79

    n.y. March 9 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Anne Charlotte (Lynch) Botta (1815-1891), sends her a volume delayed in printing since the first impression was exhausted, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:79

    n.y. May 3 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Anne Charlotte (Lynch) Botta (1815-1891), agrees to meet her early next week and to look over the sheets of her book concerning American literature, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:79

    n.y. November [23] Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Anne Charlotte (Lynch) Botta (1815-1891), promises to try to meet her for breakfast tomorrow, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:80

    1863 December 24 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to [Francis James?] Child (1825-1896), writes that his copy of the Gazette has arrived, does not think he has anything that would answer for the L.G., unless any of his addenda to his books, literary & reviews, would answer, and is not impressed with the first number of the "Round Table."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:81

    1860 November 24 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to James Thomas Fields (1817-1881), asks if it would be agreeable and convenient to publish a volume in the spring, "this quite in your line & consists of papers which have proved successful in periodicals & were originally written with a view to collection." 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:81

    1861 October 29 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to James Thomas Fields (1817-1881), sends a poem for The Atlantic and asks for a proof, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:82

    1860 August 24 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Josiah L. Hale, asks his help in locating information about his grandfather's French claims or any agent employed by the Washington Insurance Company, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:83

    1864 April 22 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Josiah Gilbert Holland (1819-1881), complies with his request, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:84

    n.y. October 9 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Oscar T. Keeler, regrets he has no autographs of [Lentze?], 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:85

    1839 February 27 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Messrs. Lea & Blanchard, asks them to answer by return mail the earliest day they will be able to put his book to press, 1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:86

    1859 March 1 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Benson John Lossing (1813-1891), asks questions concerning the Peale portrait of Washington at Arlington House and would appreciate any corrections to his article "Original Portraits of Washington." Putnam's Monthly 6 (October 1855): 345-347.

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:86

    1859 September 21 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Benson John Lossing (1813-1891), asks him to direct Joseph Harper to send the autograph copy of the Field Book to the Studio Building, expresses his surprise and deep disappointment at Mr. Putnam's decision not to publish his little books on Washington's character and portraits, and asks Lossing to encourage Putnam to reconsider,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:86

    n.d. Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Benson John Lossing (1813-1891), informs him that [Lentze?] has agreed to meet with him at Lossing's house and asks him to have any of his sketches on the Battle of Monmouth or the Boston Tea Party on hand,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:87

    1870 April 6 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to George E. Patten, lists his most popular poem descriptions of the seasons and where they were published including A Sheaf of Verse Bound for the Fair and Indian Summer,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:88

    1851 December 9 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Anna Cora (Ogden) Mowatt Ritchie (1819-1870), suspects Virginia Governor [John Buchanan Floyd's?] ignorance of art based on his speech on the inauguration of Houdon's statue, and his plan to have Randolph Rogers complete the statues of Marshall, Nelson, Lewis and the allegorical figures, on the equestrian statue of George Washington and Monument, Capitol Grounds, begun by Thomas Crawford, designer of the complex and sculptor of the figures of Washington, Jefferson, Henry and Mason,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:89

    n.y. March 30 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908), expresses his pleasure that he enjoyed his review of his Stedman's book about Kinney,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:90

    n.y. December 24 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to S. Stevens, regrets that he was out when he called but will make a list of the right people to apply to,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:91

    1866 August 21 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886), asks if he knows how a lecturer proceeds to find engagements, so he can assist a friend,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:92

    1853 May 2 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867), asks him to reconsider his policy change about not having literature notices in the Home Journal except for editorial ones,

    4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:93

    1842 November 2 Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to "My dear Sir," asks for a contribution to the Boston Miscellany,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:93

    n.d. Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) to "My dear Sir," illegible draft,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:94

    n.d. Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) Poem "A Reminiscence" (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:95

    1859, n.d. Henry Theodore Tuckerman (1813-1871) Untitled Poems

  • Box-folder 11:96

    1865 February 24 Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889) to Mr. Bennock, agrees to come and dine with the feasting Judges and Sheriffs, calls himself a temperance man in all things, and promises to send some reprints of colonial editors,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:97

    1856 November 11 Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889) to Henry Cole, declines to join the Association and to accept the office of Treasurer,

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:98

    n.y. April 23 Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889) to Miss Mayne, thanks her for her note and specimen paper, "the name whereof and general appearance are all that can be wished for." Tupper also warns her against disseminating infidel and immoral periodicals in order to refute them, "when The Reasoner has a circulation of only 160 - you advertize him well, I fear, & why reveal to more men the sneering Gibbonism of The Lancashire Beacon ?"

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 11:99

    1892 March 27 Lyon G. Tyler (1853-1935) to Charles Elmer Rice, writes that he would be happy to receive information about Nathaniel Tyler, a Lt. Colonel, in the Revolution,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 11:100

    1964 November 14 Margaret Hench Underwood (1929-?) to her parents, Atcheson and Virginia Hench, describes the Profiles in Courage television program about Oscar Wilder Underwood, 1 typewritten page, with news clipping about the show (6435-ap)

  • Box-folder 11:101

    1921 January 20 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Emil P. Albrecht, writes that he does not favor the proposed daylight savings bill,

    1 typewritten page (6435-n)

  • Box-folder 11:102

    1920 January 12 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Frederick L. Allen, although originally standing for unconditional ratification of the treaty of peace, he now believes "we should make a compromise and join in the peace of the world at an early date,"

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:103

    1910 February 14 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Court of Customs Appeals, Washington, D.C., recommends Thomas H. Clark of Alabama for Clerk of their court,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:104

    1911 October 29 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Charles A. Edwards, informs him that he does not intend on presenting himself as a Presidential candidate for next year,

    1 typewritten page (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 11:104

    1911 November 10 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Charles A. Edwards, says that an effort to organize a publicity bureau on his behalf in Washington would be an embarrassment,

    1 typewritten page (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 11:104

    1911 December 18 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Charles A. Edwards, agrees to assist him in finding employment,

    1 typewritten page (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 11:105

    1909 February 9 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Jules Guthridge, sends his autograph,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:106

    1925 November 27 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to S. Hollister Jackson, American Granite Association, regrets he cannot accept his kind invitation,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:107

    1910 March 8 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to E.D. Lee, promises to support the bill to allow the telepost company to erect its plant in the District of Columbia,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:108

    1921 October 21 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Waldo C. Moore, The Peoples Banking Company, Lewisburg, Ohio, reluctantly complies with his request for a check for one cent to be used as an exhibit at the convention of the Ohio Bankers Association,

    1 typewritten page (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 11:109

    1923 December 15 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to H.C. Newcomb, thanks him for sending the news article from The New York Times concerning the two-thirds rule in the national Democratic conventions,

    1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 11:110

    1921 November 26 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Richard V. Oulahan, thanks him for the kindly words written about himself in Oulahan's article in Current History,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:111

    1914 April 13 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Miss Elizabeth Patten, thanks her for her letter of congratulations upon his victory in the senatorial primary election in Alabama,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:112

    1922 June 17 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to C.M. Sheridan, declines to send him his favorite cooking recipe as he has none,

    1 typewritten page (6435-l)

  • Box-folder 11:113

    1925 June 3 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to "Dear Claude" [Swanson?], agrees to vote for Ed Halsey to succeed Mr. Keller,

    1 typewritten page (6435-ak)

  • Box-folder 11:114

    1922 June 20 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) to Everett P. Wheeler (1840-1925), believes the Republican Party is mistaken in attempting to pass the highest tariff bill they have ever proposed,

    1 typewritten page (6435-t)

  • Box-folder 11:115

    1922 Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) Correspondence with Warren G. Harding concerning a proposed Supreme Court appointment for Underwood,

    2 copies (6435-bg)

  • Box-folder 12:1

    n.d. Dr. James Van Allen (1914-?) Autograph on a cartoon about the Van Allen Belts (6435-be)

  • Box-folder 12:2

    1861 May 29 Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company Receipt (6435-bg)

  • Box-folder 12:3

    1903 July 30 Cosima Wagner (1837-1930), daughter of Franz Liszt, second wife of the German composer, Richard Wagner, and director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1883-1906, to [Dear Esteemed Sir?], thanks her unknown gentleman correspondent for being of assistance to her son, Siegfried, who regards him with the highest honor and respect,

    3 pages on 1 l., in German (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 12:4

    1886 August 10 James A. Walker (1832-1901), Wytheville, Virginia lawyer and former member of the "Stonewall Brigade" during the Civil War, to W.P. Hopkins, sends his photograph and furnishes some biographical information, particularly about his Civil War service,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:5

    1797 July 6 Elizabeth (Foote) Washington (d. 1812), wife of Lund Washington (d. 1796), giving power of attorney to her nephew, William Hayward Foote, witnessed by James A. Sutton & Cleon Moore,

    1 page (6435-w)

  • Box-folder 12:6

    [1890 December] George Washington Estate - two form letters on the stationery of Mitchell's Rare and Standard Books, Broadway, New York, documenting the authenticity of two items (not present) purchased by Mitchell's from a sale of relics formerly belonging to the estate of George Washington and currently from the estate of Mrs. Lorenzo Lewis and signed by the administrator of her estate, H.L. D. Lewis. The sale was held at Messrs. Birch's of Philadelphia in December 1890. These sale items include a release in the handwriting of General Washington and a lease between Charles West and General Washington, in his handwriting. 2 items, signed by H.L.D. Lewis (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:7

    1872 March 11 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) to [Paul Hamilton] Hayne (1830-1886), writes that he is very happy that Hayne will receive a highly complimentary notice in the April number of The Atlantic for his latest volume of poems,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:8

    1880 March 28 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) to "Dear Moore," discusses Sir William Jones (1746-1794) and the concept of "Sovereign Law" as dominant over thrones and kings, if used with discretion, mentions several political examples, including the administration of Chatham [William Pitt] dispensing with the revenue laws in opening the ports during a scarcity of corn production as an example in Great Britain; the current disagreement between William Evert Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli over getting England into complications with foreign states; and the danger of using the concept to put down insurrections anywhere in Europe following the defeat of Napoleon,

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:9

    1846 July 16 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) to Jeremiah [Verne?], furnishes the titles of his lectures, "Wit and Humor" and "Authors in their Relations to Life"

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:10

    1853 June 8 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) to "Dear Sir" believes he is to lecture in his city during the next season at the Lyceum and is willing to talk to his association if there is no rivalry between the two groups,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:11

    1859 November 8 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) to "Dear Sir" sends his travel plans,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:12

    1868 November 18 Edwin Percy Whipple (1819-1886) signature endorsing a check drawn on the National Bank of Boston from his publisher, Fields, Osgood & Co., endorsed check (6435-az)

  • Box-folder 12:13

    1840 July 6 Thomas Willis White (1788-1843), owner and publisher of the Southern Literary Messenger to Lewis Jacob Cist (1818-1885), writes that he likes his writing very much and that he has included lighter material in his magazine as he has "empty heads as well as wise ones to deal with"

    1 page (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 12:14

    [1878] September 11 George John Whyte-Melville to "My dear Chapman, [Frederic?] Chapman, of Chapman and Hall publishers, discusses the terms for publication of Roy's Wife a novel published in two volumes in 1878,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 12:15

    1817 July 9 William Wilkins (1779-1865), Bank of Pittsburgh, Secretary of War under Tyler, to G.A. Werth, informs him that his wife and children are well, will purchase a flat boat and will leave on Monday next, and asks him to collect the enclosed bills for him,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:16

    [post 1846] Cornelia Grinnell Willis, second wife of Nathaniel Parker Willis, to "General Morris" [George Pope Morris?], sends a few bits for the Home Journal as promised, and asks him to forward mail to Willis in Toronto,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:17

    n.y. October 10 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Carey & Hart, Publishers, has sent them the autograph to copy as requested,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:18

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to [M.J. Cohen?], regrets that he is unable to dine with him due to a prior commitment,

    2 pages on 1 l. with typed transcript copy (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:19

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Miss Derby, sends her a memento, a "thin octavo" to read, of time spent pleasurably in her company,

    2 pages of penciled [draft] on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:20

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "Dear Mr. Harold," offers one of his brochures about the men, improvements, etc. of Trenton, New Jersey,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:21

    1847 December 1 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to A. Hart, sends his correspondence with Lindsay & Blakiston who have refused to settle with him, forcing him to turn it over to lawyers in Philadelphia to settle the matter,

    2 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:22

    1863 October 8 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Ira F. Hart, declines his invitation to lecture due the long journey involved, explaining his willingness to lecture at Albany and Troy as due to the high price offered for each lecture ($75.00) and both involving just a single trip,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:23

    1851 January 17 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Mr. Hirst, apologizes for the delay in his response, and writes concerning the work of Mrs. Hirst, "I think Mrs. Hirst a most remarkable inventor of plot, & with a kind of talent that would do wonders in


    . Her language is still too youthfully over-colored for the present taste of plain narrative. The stories I send back to you are full of talent & promise & would


    anywhere, but


    if trimmed & simplified in the language only." He also explains the Home Journal rule of publishing "no original matter which should put us under any obligation ever of courtesy."

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:24

    1857 March 17 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Mrs. Holland, promises to make mention of her excellent plan in The Home Journal,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:25

    1861 November 19 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "My dear Ida," expresses his thankfulness that her father's health is improving, sends copy for the "Prospectus for 1862" for her to read to her father for his approval, and mentions that Nellie and Imogen are currently in New York,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:26

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "Dear Morris" [George Pope Morris?], writes that he has signed the paper and asks, "What does the "Gentlemen" mean, put at the beginning of a letter from a friend, & "not intended for publication?" presumably from one of their authors,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:27

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Mr. Sprague, regrets that due to pressing business, he feels unable to breakfast with him tomorrow,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:28

    n.y. September 19 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "My dear Stoddard," promises to do what he wishes although his hand is still so swollen "from my horse throwing" that he is writing with a crippled fist, 1 page formerly pasted on the flyleaf (now detached) of The Poems, Sacred, Passionate, and Humorous of Nathaniel Parker Willis (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:29

    [1828?] February Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867), Boston, to Colonel John B. Van Schaick, Albany, writes that he would have come to visit him in Albany, except that the immediate publication of The Legendary prevented him. The Legendary was an early attempt to promote American authors, edited by N.P. Willis and published by Samuel Goodrich, only for one year.

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:29

    [1828?] April 13 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867), Boston, to Colonel John B. Van Schaick, Albany, refers to Samuel Goodrich, discusses their romantic interests and his own awkward correspondence with "Gulnare." He also mentions an article that he expects from Van Schaick and a "Tale" from Mr. Bloodgood, presumably for The Legendary,

    4 pages on 1 l., with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:29

    1829 June 16 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867), Boston, to Colonel John B. Van Schaick, Albany, plans to go to Nahant with Miss Shaw, the Booths, Coolidges, etc. this afternoon, writes again about his problem with "Gulnare" who complained that his letters were "saucy" and disrespectful, and warns about associating with [Fred] Cobb,

    3 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:30

    [1847?] February 3 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to Daniel Webster (1782-1852), invites him to participate in writing for the political department of his new magazine beginning publication in March, and has also invited Judge Story and Mr. Everett, saying "We do not wish to bend ourselves positively to any party, but the New England interest in politics is the one nearest our hearts, and we should be pleased if our magazine could be made an instrument to advocate & sustain it."

    2 pages on 1. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:31

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "Dear Madam," verifies a story that she had heard about a fifty-five year old woman living in England who was convinced that Willis was the reincarnation of her betrothed killed in battle in the Peninsula,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:32

    1855 January 25 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "My dear Sir," replies that he has not seen the poem that he refers to in his letter, which possibly was opened and the poem rejected by the town office,

    1 page, with typed transcript (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:32

    1856 June 3 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "My old friend," thanks him for his praise and the item sent to him for the magazine,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:32

    1865 April 3 Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "Sir," writes during a period of extreme illness to assure him of his admiration for "The Lady Edith" which he sent immediately to the printer for "copy"

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:32

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) to "Dear Sir," expresses his nervousness at sending him his verses, as they were written while he was in college and he has lately been working on his essays,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:33

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) engravings and calling card (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:34

    n.d. Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806-1867) autograph on a form letter from the Home Journal office, addressed to Edward Welles (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:35

    1941 August 18 Wendell L. Willkie (1892-1944) to Charles A. Plumley (1875-1964), praises his speech,

    1 typewritten page (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 12:36

    1815 February 1 William Wirt (1772-1834) to Robert Taylor (1763-1845), congratulates him on his success in the appeal against Cole, with the court reversing the decree of the chancellor,

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:37

    1814 September 16 William Wirt (1772-1834), Camp Warrenigh Church, on the York River, to [Colonel Commanding?], requests permission to move their encampment from its present unhealthy position "to the field fronting above Tyrees, lately occupied by the cavalry, we shall avoid the damp & sickly ground on which our tents are now pitched, gain a firm & dry hill side, enjoy better water & equal contiguity to our training field." He also asks that their prolonges (a rope having a hook at one end and a toggle at the other, used to draw a gun carriage), be brought down from Richmond,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:38

    n.d. William Wirt Notes said to be in his hand,

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-av)

  • Box-folder 12:39

    1815 August 7 William Woods, of Albemarle County, Virginia, Autograph on Memorandum concerning pay due to several companies of Virginia Militia composing a part of General Robert Porterfield's Brigade stationed at Camp Holly near Richmond, Virginia, which is four months in arrears; mentions a letter from the district paymaster, Major Samuel Turner of Petersburg, dated in April saying that he did not have sufficient funds to pay the men.

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:40

    1815 September 15 Noah Worcester (1758-1837) "Brighton's Apostle of Peace," one of the founders of American pacifism, to Thomas Arnold, promises to direct the publishers, Cummings and Hilliard, to forward 300 copies of the second number of the pacifist journal The Friend of Peace and encloses a copy of The Signal .

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:41

    1860 May 15 Thomas C. Wright, to "My dear Kingsley," reports on the results of his inquiry about histories concerning Trinity House, an association of English mariners, discovering only one history, Memoir of the Original and Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford (1818) by Cotton, and a copy of the "Charter of Incorporation given by James II" (1685) owned currently by Russell Smith. Joseph Cotton was appointed Deputy Master of Trinity House in 1803.

    1 page (6435)

  • Box-folder 12:42

    1860 September 18 Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901) to "Gentlemen," sends the corrected proofs of "The Mice at Play" describing her ideas of the illustrations but recommends that the designer consult either Knights Old England or The Pictorial History of England for the costumes. 2 ¼ pages on 1 l., with an undated clipping about Yonge (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 12:43

    n.y. January 5 Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901) to "Madam," writes on Monthly Packet stationery, "Your magician is very amusing, and shall be inserted when there is room - which is I fear the scarcest commodity in the Monthly Packet - it is a capital story and I am only puzzled by the names not being given to the police and so explaining things."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 12:44

    n.y. October [24?] Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901) to her cousin, "My dear Fanny" [F.W.W.], writes for more sources of information about the prophecies of Mother Shipton, [Ursula Southeil (c.1488-1561)], besides Chamber's Book of Days, plans to dine at Bishopstroke, Hampshire, to meet Sir Richard on Monday, with her cousins suggestion to ask Uncle Roland about Mother Shipton on the back of her letter.

    4 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Box-folder 12:45

    1829 October 23 Charles Mayne Young (1777-1856), for a time England's leading tragedian, to Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), who had written an original part for him in her play Rienzi, urges her to send him her manuscript [of a new play?] quickly, as "the knowledge which I have more intimate possession of than any other person, is the time requisite for me, in a new and important character, and the apprehension that it may be as the last extended time was a very long one."

    2 pages on 1 l. (6435-a)

  • Atcheson L. Hench Autograph Collection (2024)


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    Name: Aron Pacocha

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